5Table 5.1 Photocharacteristics of four diatom species (ND: Not Determined).
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Varied definitions of ecosystem function.Table 6.2 The role of epipelic diatoms in ecosystem functions, ecosystem engineering effects and the ecosystem services that these contribute towards.
5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Summary of movement types observed in various Eunotia taxa.
6 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Different values for the acoustic speed cG,L in air and water at different temperatures [11.7].Table 11.2 Model parameter values with definition and sources as used for the mathematical model.
7 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Composition and category of material corresponding to Raman spectrum band.Table 13.2 Related properties of amino acids in diatom EPS.Table 13.3 VMR values (±standard errors) under different perception parameters.
8 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Some speed comparisons of motor molecules, cytoplasmic streaming with diatom motility. The discrepancy between the in vitro speed of Chara myosin XI and the in vivo speed of Chara cytoplasmic streaming [14.355] has not yet been resolved (Sugie Higashi-Fujime, personal communication, 2020), though it is being addressed, for example, by switching from animal to plant actins [14.311].Table 14.2 Raphe fibril diameters.
1 Cover
5 Dedication to Jeremy D. Pickett-Heaps In Memoriam 1940–2021
6 Preface
8 Index
1 xix
2 ii
3 iii
4 iv
5 v
6 vi
7 vii
8 viii
9 ix
10 x
11 xi
12 xii
13 xiii
14 xiv
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16 xvi
17 xvii
18 xviii
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21 xxix
22 xxx
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