rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_cc61038b-9ce7-5cd8-b0e7-914fa2f8abd6">Figure 2.9 Time‐resolved PL spectra of surface‐NBOHC (
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Panel (a): Simulation of a gaussian pulse centered at 550 nm with...Figure 3.2 Top: (a) Wavevectors of pump (
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Light emitted by a point source is imaged as a diffraction patter...Figure 4.2 PSF as a function of the numerical aperture (NA). Top: intensity ...Figure 4.3 Optical sectioning of 3D sample. 3D measurements are reconstructe...Figure 4.4 Schematic of a laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscope.Figure 4.5 Jablonski diagram. Single (blue, left), two‐photon (red, center),...Figure 4.6 A schematic representation of the localization of one‐photon and ...Figure 4.7 A schematic of typical components in a two‐photon scanning micros...Figure 4.8 Fluorescence emission of a molecule: (a) emission depends on the ...Figure 4.9 Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Fluorescence s...Figure 4.10 Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). (a) Fluorescence ar...Figure 4.11 (a) Crystal plane consisting of PMMA particles with different ch...Figure 4.12 (a) Confocal image of a model BHJ made of APFO3/PCBM; yellow (wh...Figure 4.13 Microplastics detection and identification using fluorescent Nil...Figure 4.14 RICS analysis. (a) Raster scanning imaging. (b) Spatiotemporal c...Figure 4.15 Examples of EGFP diffusion in different environments. (a) Intens...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Schematic representation of vibrational energy levels for fundame...Figure 5.2 Schematic representation of six vibrational modes of an AX2 group...Figure 5.3 (a) Dipole moment of carbon dioxide molecule, and schematic repre...Figure 5.4 (a) Dipole moment of water molecule, and schematic representation...Figure 5.5 Infrared spectrum of butyric acid.Figure 5.6 Schematic representation of a Michelson interferometer.Figure 5.7 Wave interaction: interference.Figure 5.8 Interferogram obtained for polychromatic radiation.Figure 5.9 Radiant energy received by a surface per unit area (radiant expos...Figure 5.10 Infrared spectrum of Nujol® (a) and hexachlorobutadiene (b) on C...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Energy levels of a diatomic molecule. Pure electronic and vibrati...Figure 6.2 Energy levels scheme showing the basic transitions involved in no...Figure 6.3 Scheme of energy levels for resonance Raman and fluorescence.Figure 6.4 Raman spectrum of cysteine obtained by using the spectrometer Lab...Figure 6.5 Selection rules for IR and Raman activity of (a) symmetric, (b) a...Figure 6.6 Diatomic chain with masses M 1 and M 2 connected by springs of fo...Figure 6.7 Dispersion relation for a diatomic linear chain. The lower branch...Figure 6.8 (a) Schematics of the inelastic scattering of light from a crysta...Figure 6.9 On the left: Schematic diagram of the main parts of a Raman spect...Figure 6.10 Schematic of a Czerny–Turner monochromator. The divergent light ...Figure 6.11 On the left: Principle of confocality. Suppression of radiation ...Figure 6.12 (a) Comparison between the Raman spectra of crystalline silicon ...Figure 6.13 (a) Raman spectra of single crystal diamond and polycrystalline ...Figure 6.14 (a) Raman spectra of graphite and mechanically exfoliated graphe...Figure 6.15 Raman spectra of (a) p‐doped and (b) n‐doped 4H‐SiC samples, bot...Figure 6.16 On the left: Comparison between the Raman spectra obtained from ...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Typical electronic transitions in semiconductors and insulators: ...Figure 7.2 Simple two‐level model for thermally stimulated luminescence. The...Figure 7.3 Calculated glow curves for first‐order Randall and Wilkins recomb...Figure 7.4 (a) Evolution of a calculated second‐order Garlick and Gibson glo...Figure 7.5 Glow curve obtained after irradiation with X‐rays at 85 K of a LuFigure 7.6 Partial cleaning and initial rise techniques applied to glow curv...Figure 7.7 (a) Normalized isolated first‐order glow peak. The parameter used...Figure 7.8 Comparison between the prediction of the trap depth of the energy...Figure 7.9 Comparison between Density Functional Theory and TSL experimental...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Radiation‐induced attenuation (RIA) of the SMF28e+ from Corning u...Figure 8.2 Setup for in situ RIA measurements on bulk glasses.Figure 8.3 Setup for in situ RIA measurements on optical fibers: (a) double‐...Figure 8.4 In situ RIA spectral measurements at different TID levels from 50...Figure 8.5 Upper panel: experimental RIA measured at 50, 500, and 1000 Gy of...Figure 8.6 Growth kinetics of the defects in P‐doped fibers as extracted fro...Figure 8.7 (a) Bragg peak detected with a Markus chamber for a 74 MeV proton...Figure 8.8 (a) Transmission spectra recorded before irradiation (continuous ...Figure 8.9 (a) RIA of a P‐doped single‐mode fiber at 1550 nm as a function o...Figure 8.10 (a) PMT output as a function of time for different currents (the...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Splitting of the energy levels for a system with S = 1/2 in a ma...Figure 9.2 Absorption line of a free or isolated or not interacting unpaire...Figure 9.3 Absorption (top) and first derivative (bottom) EPR magnetic fiel...Figure 9.4 (a) Energy levels scheme for a system with S = I = 1/2, (b) EPR ...Figure 9.5 Energy levels scheme for a system with S = 1/2 and two equivalen...Figure 9.6 (a) EPR spectrum of a system with S = 1/2 and two (n = 2) equiva...Figure 9.7 (a) Energy levels scheme of two electrons having electron‐exchan...Figure 9.8 Simplified block scheme of a general EPR spectrometer.Figure 9.9 Saturation curve of Ge(1), Ge(2), and E′Ge defects in Ge‐doped s...Figure 9.10 (a) Structural model of the Eγ′Si, the gray sphere represe...Figure 9.11 Pulse shapes of the SH intensity, emitted by a dilute ruby samp...Figure 9.12 Experimental curves of the SH transient signal at the resonance...Figure 9.13 Experimental curves of the SH‐FID signal of E′‐Si centers in si...Figure 9.14 Echo signals of E′‐Si centers in silica observed for the sequen...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 (a) The spin magnetic moment. (b) A spin ensemble.Figure 10.2 Precession motion of a magnetic moment around the magnetic fiel...Figure 10.3 Fourier transform of a FID signal (time domain) to an NMR spect...Figure 10.4 (a) Internal section of an NMR superconducting magnet: