Ian Smith

Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics

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is shown in Fig. 2.15c. It is seen that the water pressure gradually increases with loss of elevation to a value of 0 at the base of the column.

      An expression for the height hc can be obtained by substituting u = − γwhc in the above expression to yield:


      From the two expressions, we see that the magnitudes of both −u and hc increase as r decreases.

      A further interesting point is that, if we assume that the weight of the capillary tube is negligible, then the only vertical forces acting are the downward weight of the water column supported by the surface tension at the top and the reaction at the base support of the tube. The tube must therefore be in compression. The compressive force acting on the walls of the tube will be constant along the length of the water column and of magnitude 2πT cos α (or πr2hcγw).

      It may be noted that for pure water in contact with clean glass which it wets, the value of angle α is zero. In this case, the radius of the meniscus is equal to the radius of the tube and the derived formulae can be simplified by removing the term cos α.

      With the use of the expression for hc we can obtain an estimate of the theoretical capillary rise that will occur in a clay deposit. The average void size in a clay is about 3 μm and, taking α = 0, the formula gives hc = 5.0 m. This possibly explains why the voids exposed when a sample of a clay deposit is split apart are often moist. However, capillary rises of this magnitude seldom occur in practice as the upward velocity of the water flow through a clay in the capillary fringe is extremely small and is often further restricted by adsorbed water films, which considerably reduce the free diameter of the voids.

      2.13.2 Capillary effects in soil

      The region within which water is drawn above the water table by capillarity is known as the capillary fringe. A soil mass, of course, is not a capillary tube system, but a study of theoretical capillarity enables the determination of a qualitative view of the behaviour of water in the capillary fringe of a soil deposit. Water in this fringe can be regarded as being in a state of negative pressure, i.e. at pressure values below atmospheric. A diagram of a capillary fringe is shown in Fig. 2.15d.

      The minimum height of the fringe, hc,min, is governed by the maximum size of the voids within the soil. Up to this height above the water table the soil will be sufficiently close to full saturation to be considered as such.

      The maximum height of the fringe hc,max, is governed by the minimum size of the voids. Within the range hc,min to hc,max, the soil can be only partially saturated.

      We saw in Section 2.1.2 that Terzaghi and Peck (1948) give an approximate relationship between hc,max and grain size for a granular soil:


      2.13.3 Soil suction

      The capacity of a soil above the groundwater table to retain water within its structure is related to the prevailing suction and to the soil properties within the whole matrix of the soil, e.g. void and soil particle sizes, amount of held water, etc. For this reason, it is often referred to as matrix or matric suction.

      It is generally accepted that the amount of matric suction, s, present in an unsaturated soil is the difference between the values of the air pressure, ua, and the water pressure, uw.


      If ua is constant, then the variation in the suction value of an unsaturated soil depends upon the value of the pore water pressure within it. This value is itself related to the degree of saturation of the soil.

      2.13.4 The water retention curve

Schematic illustration of example wetting and drying water retention curves.

      2.13.5 Measurement of soil suction

      From a geotechnical point of view, there are two components of soil suction as follows:

      1 matric suction: that part of the water retention energy created by the soil matrix;

      2 osmotic suction: that part of the water retention energy created by the presence of dissolved salts in the soil water.

      It should be noted that these two forms of soil suction are completely independent and have no effect on each other.

      The total suction exhibited by a soil is obviously the summation of the matric and the osmotic suctions.

      If a soil is granular and free of salt, there is no osmotic suction and the matric and total suctions are equal. However, clays contain salts and these salts cause a reduction in the vapour pressure. This results in an increase in the total suction, and this increase is the energy needed to transfer water into the vapour phase (i.e. the osmotic suction).

      There are several types of equipment available which can be used to measure soil suction values. Amongst them are psychrometers, porous blocks, filter papers, suction plates, pressure plates, and tensiometers, the last being the most popular for in situ measurements. A useful survey was prepared by Ridley (2015).

       The psychrometer method

      A psychrometer is used to measure humidity and is therefore suitable to measure total soil suction, i.e. the summation of the matric and the osmotic components. The equipment and its operation have been described by Fredlund et al. (2012).
