Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2020

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even after the 12th there will still be half of the planets going backwards. The good news is that in the coming months retrograde activity will gradually decline. Things will start moving forward again, little by little.

      There are some good points to so much retrograde activity. It forces us to slow down and take stock in many areas of life. It’s not so much about ‘doing’ but about gaining clarity on things, and as clarity is gained, plans can be formulated for the future. When the planetary momentum shifts to forward motion, you will be in a good position to make progress.

      Your strong 6th house until the 22nd – showing a focus on health – will stand you in good stead for afterwards when health is less easy than usual. Until the 5th you can enhance the health through abdominal massage and diet. You also respond well to earth-based therapies (with the Grand Trine in Earth until the 22nd). So, mud packs applied to parts of the body that bother you, mud bathing or bathing in waters with high mineral content are all good. After the 5th give more attention to the kidneys and hips. Hip massage will be beneficial. Apply the methods mentioned in the yearly report. The most important thing is to maintain high energy levels. Never allow yourself to get overtired.

      The month ahead is a strong social month – this month and October are probably the socially strongest in your year. The Eastern sector of self is still stronger than the social West, but the West is more pronounced than usual. Everything is relative. On the 22nd you enter a yearly love and social peak. (You’ve had greater love and social peaks in your life, but this is relative to this year.) Singles are going to date more. All of you, single, married or in a relationship, will be going to more parties and gatherings.

      Love doesn’t seem that serious though. It’s all about fun and games – another form of entertainment. Venus, your love planet, will be in your 5th house of fun from the 6th onwards, while the Sun (your fun planet) will be in your 7th house of love from the 22nd. The two planets are in mutual reception, guests in each other’s sign and house, which is a positive aspect. The two planets are cooperating with each other.

      This is also good financially. It shows that you’re earning money in happy ways. You’re probably taking on more risk than usual (and that’s a lot), but you seem lucky in speculations. You’re spending on fun things too. The message of the Horoscope is enjoy your life, and love and finance will take care of themselves.


      Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 11, 12, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22

      Best Days for Love: 3, 15, 16, 21, 22

      Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31

      Best Days for Career: 5, 14, 21, 22

      Last month on the 22nd the planetary power shifted from the night side of your Horoscope to the day side, from the lower to the upper half. Home, family and emotional issues are becoming less important and the focus is more on the career. Your career planet, Saturn, started to move forward on September 29 so the timing is perfect. Things in the career are moving forward. You’re getting ready for a new career push.

      Health still needs your attention. This is one of your vulnerable months – especially until the 23rd. So, as always, rest and relax as much as possible. Do your best to maintain high energy levels. This is a month where you respond well to detox regimes. Perhaps surgery is recommended to you, but since your health planet Mercury will go into retrograde motion on the 14th, get a second opinion. Detox should also be explored. Safe sex and sexual moderation are important. A herbal colon cleanse might be a good idea.

      You’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak, which will go on until the 23rd. However, Venus will spend most of the month in Virgo – from the 2nd to the 28th – and she is not very comfortable in this sign. In astrological lingo, she is in her ‘fall’ – her weakest position. The urge to socialize is there, but the social magnetism is not up to its usual standards. The important thing is to avoid destructive criticism and perfectionism. This is not going to help love. If you can avoid these pitfalls, love should go well.

      Venus in Virgo is better for finance than for love. She is part of a Grand Trine in the Earth signs – a very fortunate aspect for wealth. The financial judgement will be sound. You will be a more careful shopper and get value for your money. You will tend to earn money the old-fashioned way, through work and productive service. Bosses, elders, parents and parent figures seem helpful financially.

      Venus has another one of her solstices from October 29 to November 2. She pauses in the heavens (in her latitude motion) and then changes direction. This will happen in love and finance too. It is a good pause. A pause that refreshes.

      On the 28th Venus enters Libra, her own sign and house. Here she is more powerful. Earning power will be stronger, although you’ll work harder for it. Your social magnetism will also be stronger – but do you have the interest?


      Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 16, 25, 26

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 12, 18, 19

      Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 12, 21, 22

      Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28

      Best Days for Career: 2, 11, 18, 19

      The planetary momentum is now forward: by the 29th 90 per cent of the planets will be in forward motion. So the pace of life is quickening, just as you like things. If you’ve used the retrograde periods properly, you’ll be in a good position to move forward.

      Mars’s retrograde will end on the 14th. This is an important development as Mars rules your Horoscope and he has been retrograde since September 9. You now have more confidence, more direction, more clarity about things.

      Venus is still in her solstice state until the 2nd, so don’t be alarmed at the natural pause in love and finance. It is a cosmic pause that will lead you in a new direction.

      We have another lunar eclipse at the end of the month – the fourth one this year. It happens, technically, on the 30th but you will feel its effects earlier. Sensitive people feel an eclipse as much as two weeks before it actually happens. The good news is that this eclipse affects you relatively mildly and it does not impact powerfully on other planets (only Neptune is sideswiped). The eclipse occurs in your 3rd house, and students below college level are affected. They can change schools and educational plans. There can be disruptions at school or shakeups in the management of the school.

      Siblings, sibling figures and neighbours are also affected. Siblings and sibling figures will need to redefine themselves for the next few months. This will change their mode of dress and the image they present to the world. Cars and communication equipment are likely to be temperamental – repairs or replacement might be necessary. It will be a good idea to drive more carefully over this period. Every lunar eclipse affects the home and family; this has been happening all year and this eclipse brings more of the same. There are dramas in the lives of family members, and especially of parents or parent figures. Family members are more temperamental too.

      Health is much improved over last month, and it will improve even further next month. In the meantime, enhance the health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Until the 11th do more hip massage; after the 11th you respond well to detox regimes. Safe sex and sexual moderation are also important after the 11th.

      Love seems delicate until the 21st. You and the beloved are seeing things in opposite ways and seem distant with each other. This doesn’t necessarily mean a break up: there is just a need to bridge differences. Love will improve after the 21st. It becomes more erotic. Sexual magnetism seems the most important factor for singles. Even for those in a relationship, good sex will cover many sins.


      Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 22, 23

      Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 16, 29, 30, 31
