Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2020

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we see another of the wonderful contradictions in a Horoscope. On the one hand, your 4th house of home and family is basically empty. Only short-term planets will move through there in the year ahead. This tends to the status quo and, taken by itself, it shows a contentment with things as they are. But – and this is a big ‘but’ – we will have, as we have mentioned, four lunar eclipses this year, twice as many as usual. Since the Moon is your family planet this indicates that there will be many changes, upheavals and crises in the family and perhaps the home. The status quo will be shaken up. Also keep in mind that two of the six eclipses this year (two solar and four lunar) will actually occur in your 4th house – the lunar eclipse of January 10 and the solar eclipse of June 21. So there is a lot of cosmic action going on.

      As is the way with these things, in contrast your 10th house of career is chock-full of planets – overwhelmingly stronger than your 4th house. And this can be part of the problem. You are so focused on your career and outer objectives that you might be ignoring things at home. The eclipses will remind you – in ways you can’t avoid – to give more attention to the family.

      So there will be dramas – often life-changing – in the lives of family members and parents or parent figures. Moves could happen – probably not comfortable. Repairs could be needed in the home as well.

      A parent or parent figure will be redefining him or herself multiple times. His or her self-concept, the way he or she thinks of him or her self, will change, and this will lead to changes in their ‘presentation’ to the public. This will go on all year. The marriage of parents or parent figures has been severely tested over the past two years, but things should improve this year. We will discuss this further in the monthly reports.

      Siblings and sibling figures are having a quiet year. They seem satisfied with where they are and have no need to move. However, they will be making many major financial changes this year.

      Parents or parent figures are experiencing dramas in their lives, as we mentioned, but they are not likely to move. However, children or children figures in your life are likely to move. Their current relationships will get tested. They have many job opportunities. Those of child-bearing age seem more fertile than usual. Grandchildren (if you have them) are having a status quo family year.

      If you’re planning renovations to the home, June 21 to July 22 would be a good time. If you want to improve the home in a cosmetic kind of way – or if you’re buying objects of beauty for the home – August 7 to September 6 is a good time. Your aesthetic sense will be sharper and your choices will be better.

      Finance and Career

      Ever since Uranus entered your money house for the long term (in March 2019) this area has become a focal point in your life. It is also a very exciting and interesting area of life. Anything can happen at any time. Money, and financial opportunity, can come suddenly and out of the blue. Earnings can go sky high – beyond your imagination – but they can also dip very low. This is what makes things so interesting and exciting. Finances are a roller coaster these days.

      Every person is a law unto him or herself. Every person is unique. What works for one doesn’t work for another. Even the conventional wisdom – some of which is quite good – is not applicable to all people. You are not a statistic but an individual wired up in a unique way. So your job now is to learn what works for you. Forget conventional wisdom; you are learning your personal financial law. Thus you are in a period of financial experimentation. Some experiments work, some don’t. But it is through experimentation that we obtain new knowledge.

      Uranus is the planet of science and technology, the planet of new inventions and innovations. So all these areas are interesting on the financial level. Computers, smart phones, online activities, programming are all interesting as investments, businesses and jobs. With Uranus in your money house for years to come, you could be earning from technologies not yet invented. Uranus rules astrology too, so the insights of astrology will be important in your financial life. Astrologers have important financial information for you, and if you face some decision it is wise to consult with one.

      With Uranus in your money house earnings will tend to be erratic. The highs will be ultra-high but the lows will also be ultra-low. It would be a good idea to set aside money from the good times to cover the bad times.

      Uranus rules friends and friendships. This indicates that your friends, your social connections, are important in finances. They seem very helpful in this area. It would be a good idea to get more involved with groups and professional or trade organizations. This will help the bottom line too.

      Fast-moving Venus is your financial planet. Thus there are many short-term trends in finance that depend on where Venus is and the aspects she receives. These are best covered in the monthly reports.

      She will make one of her rare retrogrades this year – from May 13 to June 25. This only happens once every two years. So this will be a period for financial review; not a good time for making expensive purchases or important financial decisions.

      Venus will spend approximately four months in the sign of Gemini – four times the length of her usual transit. This indicates earnings from sales, marketing, PR, advertising, teaching, writing and trading.

      Career is really the main headline for the year, Aries. Career has been challenging over the past two years and you’ve had to work hard. You didn’t catch the lucky breaks and you have had to earn everything through sheer merit. Many of you were dealing with demanding bosses and perhaps unreasonable customers. More was expected of you. But now, with Jupiter in your 10th career house almost all year you will see the payoff. You will start to catch the lucky breaks. Promotions come your way. Your public and professional status is elevated. If you own a business, the status of the business is elevated. But it’s your hard work that is bringing the good luck. There is much career-related travel in the year ahead too.

      Love and Social Life

      As we mentioned earlier, the year ahead is not an especially romantic kind of year. Some years are like that. Career is much more important than the social life. Your social life will improve at the end of the year, when Jupiter moves into your 11th house of friends, but this is more about friendships and being involved with friends and groups rather than romance.

      Your 7th house of love is empty this year. Only short-term planets will move through there, bringing temporary effects. More important is the fact that all the long-term planets are in the East this year. Your Western social sector will never be dominant. Relationships seem less important than usual. It’s all about independence and creating your own conditions for happiness. The tendency for relationships will be to the status quo. Singles will tend to remain single. Those who are married will tend to stay married.

      Venus is not only your financial planet but your love planet as well. This shows that for you, Aries, love and money go together. When love is going well finances are going well, and when finances are going well the love life goes well. Problems in one area impact the other too.

      Venus is a fast-moving planet and usually she will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope in a given year. This year, because she goes retrograde, she will only move through 11 signs and houses. This is still a lot of movement, and thus there are many short-term trends in love that depend on where Venus is and the aspects she receives. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      As we have mentioned, Venus will spend four months in the sign of Gemini, your 3rd house, which will be significant for singles. There will be social and romantic opportunities to be found in your neighbourhood and perhaps with neighbours. The expression ‘smart is the new sexy’ certainly resonates with you this year. You gravitate to intellectuals; to people with the gift of the gab; to people who are easy to talk to. Talking, good communication, is a form of foreplay. Sexual magnetism is always important in a relationship, but you need more than that – you need mental compatibility. There will be romantic opportunities at school, educational functions, seminars, lectures, literary events, even at bookshops or the library. Pursue your intellectual interests and love