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Verse and Dimensions: Stories

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the events of the Collapse, it was agreed that Hellensoerensen should be used as infrequently as possible to avoid damage to Beyond. No situations presented enough of a danger for the Council to agree on activating the automaton until one particularly dire situation caused by a powerful consciousness known as Venrensorys.

      Venrensorys was a mixture of a Stage I Seed from the External Hazard and the broken mind of an alternate Hyperman from a different Monocosm whom the Supergod Council had previously thought to be dead. All that was left of Hyperman's mind when he merged with the Stage I Seed was his hatred of the Supergod Council and as such, Venrensorys embodied everything the Supergod Council stood against.

      When Venrensorys gained physical form, the Supergod Council were forced to merge into Hellensoerensen to fight him, as separated they stood no chance. However, the sheer instability caused merely by Hellensoerensen's activation was so powerful it allowed Venrensorys's physical form to grow exponentially size and power, making Venrensorys even stronger than Hellensoerensen. Initially it seemed as if the Supergods were fighting a losing battle, but the Council members were able to use the fact that Venrensorys stood against the concepts of unity and concern for long-term consequences (as they were concepts the Supergods supposedly valued) against it to gain an advantage.

      After a significant struggle, the Supergod Council were able to trick Venrensorys into throwing itself out of Beyond and into Transcendentem, which had been corrupted by the Collapse to such an extent that it was dangerous to even exist within it. As a result, the unstable physical form of Venrensorys began to rapidly decay and, in human terms, disintegrate. Venrensorys was defeated for now, although his consciousness still remained within Beyond.

      The battle greatly damaged Hellensoerensen to such an extent that the Supergod Council initially deemed the automaton to be irreparable, however after some experimentation, they were able to get the machine working again. Very slowly but somewhat surely, the Supergods began fixing Hellensoerensen in the hopes of one day restoring it to full functionality.

      Later Uses

      During the battle with Venrensorys it became very clear that Hellensoerensen's instability presented serious issues and some members of the Supergod Council believed the automaton was more of a hindrance during the battle than anything else. As a result, later uses of Hellensoerensen were used for tiny instants of metatime and at an extremely low level of power; so much so that on some occasions only five pilots were necessary. Usually, these were for minor tasks that required power the individual Supergods did not hold separately.

      The majority of later uses of Hellensoerensen were used to gain access to the Kalyubi Dimension, a strange Monocosm Conceptilum discovered that had the remarkable property to shield itself against Omniscience^3. Even Unthil, who possessed far greater swathes of information than the other Council members, was unable to observe any of the Monocosm's contents, or even confirm that it definitely was a Monocosm. The Kalyubi Dimension could only be accessed with the use of Omnipotence^4, which no one Supergod possessed, and thus activation of Hellensoerensen was required.

      The Kalyubi Dimension was not accessed frequently, as many Supergod were wary of it due to its unknown contents, but sometimes it was seen as a useful place to send mortals which the Council could not agree should be erased or left to their own devices. One such mortal banished to the Kalyubi Dimension after such a disagreement was Satoru, who originated from The Barrel. Most Supergods have long since forgotten about Satoru (save for one), but it can only be hoped their life inside the Kalyubi Dimension has been peaceful. Of course, given that access to information about its contents is impossible, nobody can know for certain.

      The Broken Supergods

      The Broken SuperGods are a group of damaged and abnormal Supergods struggling to survive in a small Beyond Bubble located in a Logical Desert near the local Beyond Bubble Cohort. The five (debatably six) currently surviving Broken Supergods are known as Schematus, Abnull, Monopolum (technically a Pygmy Supergod), Binauris and Peralitus, along with a now deceased Supergod known as Barelitil.

      When they were discovered, the Broken Supergods' Beyond Bubble was completely drained of energy, which it could not reacquire due to its location in a Logical Desert. It contained a minuscule number of Monocosms and very little life of any kind. The horribly malformed Broken Supergods survive by collecting small amounts of energy from any Transcendent Ecosystem creatures they could find, along with what little Alom was present in the few Monocosms. Monopolum and Binauris are in such a degraded state that they are unable to fend for themselves and must be cared for by Abnull.

      However, this was not always the case. All Broken Supergods besides Monopolum have hazy memories of a time (for lack of a better term) in which their lives were much more comparable to the lives of an average group of Supergods in full health. This is until an unknown event which the Broken Supergods call "The Calamity" in which their Beyond Bubble was heavily damaged, a Supergod known as Barelitil was killed and all other Supergods besides Peralitus were greatly altered in mostly negative ways. Strangely, the Broken Supergods have no episodic memories (memories of concrete events or actions) from their life before the Calamity, nor any memories of the events of the Calamity. Their only recollection of life before the event is through semantic memories. (Facts about life and their place in it, along with their relationships with each-other and Barelitil.)

      Schematus is obsessed with regaining his lost memories and figuring out what occurred during the Calamity, conducting an absurd number of experiments and investigations, effectively dedicating his life to researching it. Abnull, meanwhile, considers this to be a waste of metatime. She believes the past is irrelevant now and believes what's more important is to survive. Abnull dedicates much of her life to gathering energy for the Broken Supergods and their Beyond Bubble, along with protecting Monopolum and Binauris, who are in constant need of help and care.

      Monopolum has a horrible mental condition known as 'Omniscience^0' which makes it completely impossible for Monopolum to comprehend anything besides his own existence. Binauris, meanwhile, is a combination of two Supergods who have had their Godsmoke spliced together into one being. The two Supergods, named Positev and Negatil, are constantly on the verge of collapsing their shared body, which would result in the violent death of both beings.

      Peralitus is the only Broken Supergod who was unharmed by the Calamity, however uses none of his energy to help the other Broken Supergods. Peralitus believes the late Barelitil intended him to become a great leader in his name and dedicates most of his life to fantasizing about the incredible feats he will accomplish once he escapes the Logical Desert and reaches the local Cohort.


      Logical Deserts are inherently inhospitable places, as they are devoid of many valuable logical liquids which are necessary for life to progress beyond simple mortal forms. As such, few would willingly choose to enter one or search for life within. Because of this, the Broken Supergods remained almost completely isolated from all outside Omniscient^2 life prior to the arrival of a Fourth Wall named [O].

      [O] was a Fourth Wall living in a Fourth House near the local Cohort and adjacent Logical Desert. Along with two other Fourth Walls known as [R] and [H], [O] created a device known as a Beyond Scanner, the purpose of which was to collect information about the interior of Beyond Bubbles, areas usually inaccessible to Fourth Walls. The first few Beyond Scanners were incredible poorly optimized however, and could only scan exceedingly unstable Beyond Bubbles. One such Beyond Bubble was isolated in the middle of the Logical Desert.

      The strange results from the Beyond Scanner, showing the horribly malformed Supergods clinging to life, shocked [O]. Immediately, he directed many more Beyond Scanners at this Bubble to examine it more thoroughly and see if there was some way he could reach out to these Supergods. [R] had absolutely no interest in the Beyond Bubble whatsoever and considered [O]'s sympathy for these backwards creatures ridiculous, however [H] was curious about them and aided [O] in creating an Elastic-based device that allowed him to transmit messages into the Beyond Bubble.

      By transmitting instructions on basic Elastic manipulation, [O] was able to speak to a Supergod named Abnull. Abnull appeared to be the