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Verse and Dimensions: Stories

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of the Calamity. All currently surviving Broken Supergods (except Monopolum) have vague memories of what he was like, how he acted and how he treated them, but nothing concrete about the events of his life or his death.

      Whatever Barelitil's death involved, it must have been exceedingly violent as small pieces of Barelitil's constituent -verses can still be found across the Beyond Bubble. Under normal conditions, the constituent -verses of deceased Supergods would take the form of useless decaying Archverses. However, for unknown reasons the Barelitil fragments are able to retain perfect structural integrity.

      In fact, the pieces seem to hold some small fragments of Barelitil's mind and personality, which can still speak to and hold conversations with the other Supergods. It was initially hoped that Schematus would be able to reassemble and resurrect Barelitil, however it turns out these pieces only held mere echoes of Barelitil's mind, and the original seems to be permanently lost. It also doesn't help that they still haven't found a large chunk of Barelitil's head.

      Schematus has confiscated most of the Barelitil fragments for his experiments, mostly involving performing ludicrous tests on the Godsmoke and mental echoes within, along with questioning the echoes for information about the calamity. (To which the answer is always "I don't know" because they don't have memories.) Abnull has begun hiding the ones she finds so that she, Binauris and Peralitus are free to use them when they wish, although Peralitus is just as bad about hoarding them as Schematus is so Abnull has stopped offering them to him.

      The Barelitil echoes only hold the appearance of consciousness and sentience without actually being a real mind; talking to them could be compared in human terms to talking to a learning A.I. with Barelitil's personality traits. Nevertheless, the Broken Supergods consider it a valuable way to 'keep him close by', even though Abnull and Negatil both agree Peralitus takes it way too far. Positev doesn't really see the problem.

      Barelitil was classed as Omnipotent^3 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Judging from the surviving Supergods' memories combined with conversations with the fragments, it can be gathered that Barelitil had great respect for the Supergods and acted as somewhat of a mentor and father figure to them.

      Barelitil was apparently a great leader and legendary adventurer who Abnull, Binauris and Peralitus had seemingly once served under. He is remembered for his extreme pride in himself and his 'group' along with his utter devotion to ensuring their success. The Barelitil fragments often mention such a group and while they are unable to elaborate due to their lack of memories, they seem to refer to the Broken Supergods and the 'group' as different things. Strangely, none of the Broken Supergods have any memories of Barelitil ever mentioning this 'group'. References to it come exclusively from the Barelitil fragments.

      Abnull can't help but feel encouraged whenever she listens to the Barelitil fragments and can quickly understand why he is remembered as a great leader. Negatil is annoyed at his constant obsession with himself and his 'group', an obsession she believes to be completely delusional, but nevertheless admits he has redeeming qualities. Positev likes Barelitil's charisma and leadership skills but does not find him as captivating as the others do. (Still, he is quick to defend him from Negatil's complaints.)

      Schematus has an uneasy relationship with Barelitil. He fully understands why the others like him, but seems to get an instinctive negative reaction whenever he thinks about him. Schematus believes this is closely linked to the events of the Calamity and investigates it thoroughly.

      Barelitil's most interesting relationship is with Peralitus. Peralitus believes that he is Barelitil's biological son and that he was chosen by Barelitil as the most competent to lead the 'group' once he died, placing him in a position of authority over the Broken Supergods. To everyone's surprise (and Abnull's disgust), conversations with the Barelitil fragments support this idea.


      Peralitus is a young and ambitious yet selfish, inexperienced and authority-obsessed Supergod who considers himself the ruler of his Beyond Bubble. Peralitus is a firm believer in rigid hierarchies and the unquestionable authority of those at the top of said hierarchies. Conveniently, Peralitus sees himself at the top of the hierarchy within his Beyond Bubble.

      Peralitus believes that he is the biological son of the deceased Supergod Barelitil, and that Barelitil had trusted him above all others, thus placing him in charge after Barelitil's death. Most Broken Supergods were quick to dismiss Peralitus's outlandish claims, especially Abnull and Negatil, however multiple repeated experiments conducted by Schematus seemed to suggest that Barelitil and Peralitus were in fact related. (Though he lacked sufficient evidence to come to a definite conclusion.)

      Peralitus takes great pride in his perceived heritage and highly values Barelitil and his practices, despite having no concrete memories of him whatsoever. Peralitus seeks to continue Barelitil's legacy and "make him proud". Abnull thinks that if Barelitil were around to see what his maybe son had become, 'proud' wouldn't exactly be his first thought.

      Peralitus is classed as Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy and he is the only Supergod in his Beyond Bubble in full health. Despite this, he never actually uses his physical abilities, leaving the horribly deformed and physically impaired Abnull to do everything. One can only wonder why she doesn't like him.

      Despite claiming to be the ruler, Peralitus does very little ruling whatsoever. All the important tasks such as stabilizing the Beyond Bubble, caring for Monopolum and Binauris, defending the group from Transcendent Ecosystem creatures and gathering energy are performed by Abnull.

      Peralitus instead spends most of his time dreaming of what great achievements he could obtain once he becomes strong enough to exit the Logical Desert and enter the local Cohort. He imagines himself becoming a revered hero and leader of hundreds of Supergods, just as he presumed Barelitil to be. Peralitus seems to hold absolutely no regard for the Supergods he lives with and has implied he would abandon them in a heartbeat to benefit himself.

      Outside of dreaming up wild fantasies, Peralitus also spends a considerable amount of time talking to a Barelitil fragment he found inside one of the Beyond Bubble's only Monocosms. This Barelitil fragment speaks very highly of Peralitus and it was its words that first suggested Peralitus may be Barelitil's son. Whenever Peralitus tells this fragment about his incredible 'achievements', it responds by telling Peralitus how proud he is, how competent he has become and what a 'perfect fit' he will be. It was this language that convinced Peralitus that Barelitil intended to appoint him as leader.

      Abnull finds the amount of time he spends talking to this Barelitil fragment utterly absurd. In fact, she finds everything about how Peralitus acts utterly absurd. From his pitiful idea that he is somehow the 'leader' to his strange obsession with a heritage he doesn't even know exists to his ludicrous ideas about authority. Peralitus, in return, thinks very lowly of Abnull and is astonished and angered at how much the other Broken Supergods seem to respect her and treat her as the leader. Peralitus would gladly exile her if he actually had the means to, though both Peralitus and Abnull know that Abnull would prevail in a physical fight between the two.

      Peralitus is also annoyed by Negatil's constant criticism of him and her more general complaints about 'unjust hierarchies', a concept that is completely alien to Peralitus. Surely, it is the strength of the hierarchy and the being at the top that provides its justice? Peralitus holds less resentment for Negatil than Abnull however, as Negatil's anger is not targeted specifically at Peralitus and most of the other Broken Supergods can also agree that Negatil is obnoxious.

      Peralitus appreciates Positev's helpful and encouraging praise of his endeavors and pride in his heritage, and considers Positev to be is "second in command". (A role Positev completely ignores.) However, Peralitus is nonetheless annoyed that Positev seemingly also considers Abnull the leader for all practical purposes.

      Peralitus also appreciates Schematus's attempts to decipher the Broken Supergods' past, however like Abnull is annoyed at how he wastes his incredible potential. Although it's likely that Abnull and Peralitus have very different ideas of what Schematus putting his skills to good use looks like. While Abnull