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Verse and Dimensions: Stories

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to activate Project Hellensoerensen, a large Omnipotent^4 automaton piloted by all 6 members of the Supergod Council. This was a mistake, as it allowed all other extensions of Venrensorys to locate the original Monocosm by using Hellensoerensen's immense power as a beacon and using the instability caused by their existence to escape their Monocosms. All extensions of Venrensorys from all across Beyond rushed to merge with the living Monocosm and before the Supergods could do anything to stop it, before them was a single entity embodying every extension of Venrensorys, with even more power than Hellensoerensen. It had gained a complete physical form, and it now decided it was finally time to erase the Supergod Council.

      Physical Form

      When Venrensorys first took its complete physical form, all beings in all Monocosms within the Beyond Bubble witnessed it. But not all of these entities could comprehend the same amount of information as others, and so each entity perceived Venrensorys differently depending on how they perceive reality. The only appearance of his that we can truly comment on is how humans, and other humanoids who view the world through 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension, perceived it. An approximation of how humanity saw it is shown in the image at the top of the page. The being in focus is likely Venrensorys itself while the pyramid behind it is likely a representation of his consciousness embedded within the Stage I Seed.

      Conceptual Form

      The appearance of the consciousness of Venrensorys, stored within the Stage I Seed that infiltrated our Beyond Bubble, cannot truly be described for it is simply a concept and not a physical thing. However, we know that from a human perspective it is represented as a purple pyramid, and it is known that ordinary Stage I Seed bears the appearance of a pulsating egg-shaped mix of biological and technological matter, so Venrensorys's conceptual form likely appears as a combination of the two. Perhaps a pulsating purple pyramid-shaped mix of biological and technological matter.

      Extensions of Venrensorys

      Extensions of Venrensorys will take forms of all kinds, and many are far beyond human comprehension, as they exist at all levels of reality up to God Larvae who exist within high level Archverses.

      Powers and Abilities

      Physical Form

      Venrensorys, in its complete form, has Omnipotence^4 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Due to the fact that the extensions which combined to make this form originated from every Monocosm, it has collected from them knowledge of all known abilities from all known Omniverses and Godverses, including perfect intellect. This means it can perfectly match Hellensoerensen in terms of abilities. Furthermore, its sheer strength is actually beyond that of Hellensoerensen's by a moderately wide margin, making him the strongest creature in the entire Beyond Bubble.

      Conceptual Form

      Venrensorys's conceptual form obviously does not physically exist, so it is not capable of performing any physical techniques. It is capable however, of creating Stage II Seeds which can adapt to any Omniverse they are placed into, and the Stage I Seed can do this without the Supergods knowing. Stage I Seeds are also often known to retain many Stage II Seeds and Primary Minds in the conceptual plane to serve as defenses against invaders of both physical and conceptual nature. Given the size and spread of Venrensorys, it can only be assumed that this defensive array is comparable to Omnipotence^4 in the physical realm.

      Extensions of Venrensorys

      All extensions of Venrensorys have the same powers and abilities as those spawned from other Stage I Seeds. The nature, powers and abilities of these extensions can be found in the External Hazard article.

      Venrensorys's Fate

      Physical Form

      After Venrensorys formed, its first immediate action was to eradicate the Supergod Council. Currently, all members of the Supergod Council were inside of and controlling the large automaton known as 'Hellensoerensen', so Venrensorys immediately attempted to destroy Hellensoerensen. Overall, Venrensorys was more powerful than Hellensoerensen and so as the battle raged on Venrensorys began to win. And it is possible it would have been able to eradicate the Supergod Council, except at its core Venrensorys is the personification of everything the Supergod Council isn't. This includes, most importantly, a need for agreement and unity. The Supergods were to only activate into Hellensoerensen if they were in agreement as to what needed to be done. Venrensorys, meanwhile, embodies freedom, selfish action, individualism, disagreement and separation. This gave it a clear disadvantage when fighting as one single entity as the parts that made up Venrensorys could not agree to work together in unity. The Supergod Council would hopefully be able to use this to their advantage to tip the scales in their favor. All they needed to do was work together.

      Unfortunately, many members of the Supergod Council were very young and inexperienced during the fight, and struggled immensely to act in unity as a single entity. Their constant arguments and petty rivalries consistently got in the way of piloting Hellensoerensen, much to the dismay of the Council's leader Conceptilum, who desperately tried in vain to unify Hellensoerensen to target Venrensorys. As the battle raged on, Venrensorys began to gain a significant advantage over Hellensoerensen. As the situation became more and more dire, Conceptilum began to take more and more control over Hellensoerensen, a machine absolutely not safe to be controlled by one entity. After the near death of one of the Council members, the others were somewhat able to put their differences aside and develop a plan to defeat Venrensorys.

      Eventually, Hellensoerensen was able to trap Venrensorys in a seemingly inescapable prison created from its own power. Venrensorys refused to be contained, however, and began to build up enough power to destroy the prison. This succeeded, however it alongside the greater battle had damaged the fabric of the Beyond Bubble to such an extent that the two entities began to fall out of Beyond itself. Now that the Supergod Council had been distracted, Venrensorys took this advantage to trap Hellensoerensen in the same form of prison, created from Hellensoerensen's power. The Supergod Council could have done something to prevent this, but chose not to. Venrensorys, with its lack of care for consequences, had sealed its own doom. Now that The Supergods were trapped, they could no longer fall out of Beyond, while Venrensorys could.

      Venrensorys found itself in a strange realm, surrounded by an infinite number of Beyond Bubbles just like what it perceived to be all of existence. This realm was so far beyond the comprehension of Venrensorys that it couldn't even discern where it was in this realm at any one time, like a human thrown into a dimensionless void. The very fabric of existence which it had lived its entire life and lack of life within was no longer present. Mere existence around Venrensorys began to violently tear it apart and, in human terms, it began to disintegrate. With Venrensorys gone, the prison it created disappeared as well, freeing the Supergod Council.

      Conceptual Form

      While Venrensorys's physical form was gone, its consciousness still existed. It likely could have continued infecting Omniverses with Stage II Seeds as normal, however this experience had permanently altered Venrensorys. Venrensorys was simply a concept, merely the idea of opposition to The Supergod Council and its principles. But this concept had never actually come into contact with the Council before. Hyperman had, but his memories were primitive simplifications of the Supergods as he could never truly comprehend their full selves. But now that Venrensorys had directly interacted and battled with them, it became clear that the Supergods were not just some vague idea of authority, but a group of distinct entities. And Venrensorys would not just stand in opposition to their ideals, but also to their beings.

      Suddenly, Venrensorys began to change. All of its extensions within Beyond began to quickly erase their physical forms and returned to the conceptual plane. It was as if Venrensorys had suddenly gained some sense of identity and sentience. It could think, and it could plan…

      Extensions of Venrensorys

      All previously existing extensions of Venrensorys were destroyed when its physical form was destroyed. While new ones were created at first, it was not long before mysteriously and inexplicably, they all vanished from across Beyond. Some Supergods such as Paradoxus and Realitus were relieved at this turn of events, believing that by destroying Venrensorys's physical form, they had also destroyed