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Verse and Dimensions: Stories

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Quickly, he came to the conclusion that somehow he was resurrected into Imaginatim and now he was, in a sense, bound to her. He didn’t know how this could have happened—had Imaginatim found and tampered with his devices after Realitus had sent her away? If so, what in Beyond did Imaginatim actually do to his devices in order for Unthil to have been revived into her? Unthil wondered if he now had access to Imaginatim’s memories from within but quickly shot down any of his ideas of checking her memories since Imaginatim was bound to have either forgotten what happened or severely changed her own memories to the point that it would be practically impossible to figure out what was the original event from any given memory. Unthil now wondered how he could possibly explain what happened to him to his brothers. As he did, Unthil suddenly received a vision of the possessed Conceptilum destroying many of Beyond’s monocosms. Realitus was present too and he seemed to be arranging his sister’s creations in a way that allowed for the false leader to destroy them. Brilliant. Kotoblade is already starting to destroy monocosms in their home bubble, Realitus was not only still being profoundly self-centred but apparently was so dumb that he could not recognize that his father was possessed, and there was nothing he or Conceptilum could do to ensure Beyond’s stability. It sure was great that his first act as the new acting leader of the SuperGods was to die immediately after he became leader and then get trapped in the mind of the most confusing SuperGod in existence. Beyond’s stability surely won’t last now. Unthil figured it was probably hopeless to attempt to communicate with his brothers and began to explore Imaginatim’s mind-realm. Of course, nothing in it made sense at all to him and it was essentially entering a wholly different plane of existence from his familiar Beyond bubble. The place was filled to the brim with “pets” and “imaginary friends”—few of which even vaguely resembled any god, mortal, or even the few surviving creatures of the Transcendent ecosystem. One odd thing Unthil noticed was the persistent presence of what seemed to be Elder’s fire wherever he traveled. On further inspection, the fire seemed fully unable to hurt Unthil much unlike the fires that could, in reality, completely assimilate SuperGods and destroy small Beyond bubbles. Unthil tried his best to investigate the fires but he soon sensed the nearby presence of Realitus. Considering that the younger SuperGod was presumably very distant from the whereabouts of Imaginatim and her brothers, Realitus’ presence was quite odd. Sure enough, the younger SuperGod did show up to greet Unthil. However, unlike the Realitus Unthil knew all too well, the younger SuperGod was very polite to Unthil and very courteously asked if the SuperGod was lost and in need of assistance. Unthil, realizing that this was just Imaginatim’s perception of her brother and was clearly very curious as to how Imaginatim perceived the rest of the Council, did not respond as he was too mystified to communicate. Realitus jovially offered to guide Unthil back to his home—“Beyond” and then noted that Imaginatim would love to have a new pet. Unthil, still profoundly confused about what was even going on, took imaginary Realitus’s offer to guide him to “Beyond” and followed him so he could meet Imaginatim, curious as to what would even happen. It would probably be great to know how the imaginary Council ran things here.

      Chapter One (B)

      After the pair travelled to a nearby object Unthil assumed was supposed to be a monocosm, imaginary Realitus proceeded to spontaneously shed off a smaller clone of himself. The clone gave its salutations to the larger version of itself, then to Unthil, and then proceeded to launch itself far away from the pair and explode into a hundred million and five tiny Realiti which dispersed into the surroundings. Imaginary Realitus told Unthil not to worry about the “godsmoke signal”, it was just standard process to call “new best friends” that way. Unthil wasn’t particularly amused that the imaginary Realitus had not given so much as a warning before having done that. Unthil watched as a living lodeverse composed entirely out of eyeballs from all the species throughout Beyond that had any, a sentient tachyonic hyperboloid that really enjoyed making counterclockwise quarter-turns, and a rather large but otherwise completely ordinary pigeon were alerted to the godsmoke signal and made their way over to the SuperGods. Unthil thought those three entities honestly seemed much tamer than what he'd normally expect by ridiculous Imaginatim imaginary friend standards. Now that Imaginary Realitus had caught the creatures’ attention and assured to Unthil that they were completely benign—that’s why they were the perfect pets and best friends, he announced to “Seesee”, “Iiye-all”, and “Really Big Dinosaur (no relation)” that a new friend will be joining them on their journey to Imaginatim's House. Unthil noticed Realitus trying to give a cue that he assumed was supposed to prompt him to introduce himself. Imaginary Realitus and his band of wacky new pets for Imaginatim gave “Uhhh… i-I” a big welcome ceremony complete with cheesecake and confetti—none of which Uhhh… i-I definitely felt like using to double check if that presence of Elder’s fire everywhere was indeed completely unable to destroy materials. After the celebration was over, Realitus politely requested for his fellow beings to follow him. Uhhh… i-I gave up on even trying to bother but at least following this imaginary Realitus on a journey that was presumably going to get rather irritating and tedious very quickly seemed significantly more preferable an existence than having to deal with the real deal Realitus.

      The journey to Beyond was exactly as tedious and irritating as Unthil had imagined to be, riddled with having to put up with Realitus constantly babbling on about all the omniverses he had created to try and help make the trek feel shorter as well as Really Big Dinosaur (still no relation) repeatedly mistaking Unthil for “strawberry-flavoured birdseed” and attempting to eat him several times. Realitus had profusely apologized for those incidents and asked if Unthil would appreciate it if he was allowed any chances for him to fail attempting to eat “rotisserie pigeon” just to even the conflict out. Unthil, wondering why that would even be an idea that could cross anyone’s mind, feigned appreciating any offers as he declined every single one of them until the group finally arrived at Imaginary Beyond. Unthil tried his best to hide his amazement at this Realitus’ attitude and briefly wondered if the other Council members were as improved as this Realitus. Unthil noticed an imaginary version of Conceptilum. Imaginary Conceptilum hobbled over to Realitus and talked complete unintelligible nonsense. Imaginary Realitus, acting as if he understood all that, responded that verse creation is indeed going by quite smoothly before proceeding to create a very strange looking and intricately designed omniverse on the spot. This impressed the Council leader so much that he did a “Happy Dance” and rocketed away from Realitus and Unthil with joy. Unthil figured that he got all the answers he would ever need. Realitus stated that Conceptilum has allowed for everyone to get a free “Official Council Rrecess” where everyone can feel free to run around doing whatever they wanted until it was feeding time for all pets. Unthil figured that it was probably best to just take advantage of the “Official Council Rrecess”, not only have literally any kind of break from all that stupid nonsense he had just been put through but to seize any appropriate window of opportunity where he could be able to investigate his surroundings while in this Elder-forsaken position.

      Unthil, still with imaginary Conceptilum burned into his omniscient^3 mind, left Realitus and the dispersing group of Imaginatim’s newest pets and tried his best to rest at the nearest monocosm within this Beyond that looked even the slightest bit comfortable to be nearby. It had way too many ants being continuously produced and burned by the giant magnifying glass for his liking but imaginary Realitus had explicitly told Unthil that a certain rather large avian was allergic to eating magnifying glasses so this monocosm seemed better than nothing at preventing him from being annoyingly pecked every now and then. Unfortunately, Unthil was quick to become rather annoyed anyway when he noticed another SuperGod approach him, get very angry, throw a chicken at him, and then proceed to call him a “poopooface that smells like bumbum and likes smelling the bumbums for the bumbum smell”. Unthil, really not in the mood to entertain the very idea that this absolute idiot’s pet aynysys witlessly spewing out complete wastes of hatchling insults unprovoked was honestly supposed to be a version of him, was quick to speak up and sharply tell his lookalike to go run away to some other Beyond bubble to bother literally anyone else and while he was at that, figure how to insult them better. Honestly, Unthil got that giving others emotions that aren't strictly positive should be part of that whole process of speaking one's mind but for SuperGod’s sake, he can assure that more clever and more creative ways of accomplishing that do, believe it or not, exist and would lead to anything other than instilling the worst second-hand embarrassment