to be very careless and carefree when traversing Anarchaon, nearby Beyond bubbles, and tunnels. Her carelessness never seems to pay off, making her detested by many SuperGods—including Onu and Qorter. Qorter has often tried to assassinate Dei but she always catches on and avoids his traps. Dei thinks Qorter is just playing hard-to-get and flirts with him in return.
Dei is able to know Onu’s feelings. However, much like her brother, she does not sympathize with what motivates her twin. Dei is also aware of her brother’s health. Normally being aware of when a sibling was severely injured would be a cause for concern, but considering how much Onu puts himself back together after incidents, Dei remains unconcerned about Onu’s general health much to his disdain. Though Dei is generally much calmer and more collected than her more hotheaded brother who was prone to having breakdowns and outbursts, Dei can often get a bit too excited over her passions for her own good much to the annoyance of other SuperGods.
Dei is very kind towards Tris and Tris is kind to her in return. Whenever she gets the chance (often when the Library was closed for some unknown reason), Dei would ask Tris to tell her stories about the past and hopefully find missing pieces of the puzzle that was the origin of her powers. Usually Dei gets misled by nonexistent links and goes on wild arelari chases afterwards, much to the annoyance of Onu and Tris. Dei wonders about the many stories and secrets Tris harbours and wonders if he truly knows of any links to her powers. Onu thinks that Dei is being ridiculous with her theories and should focus more on surviving in her hostile surroundings.
The Elder
The Elder is a relatively well-known legendary figure among many Transcendent Ecosystem species such as SuperGods often credited for the creation of the Transcendentem Continuum or Transcendentem depending on the group that discusses him. He is often described as a very powerful Aspect Lord, though few cultures estimate that the Elder's power may have been actually closer to that of a Transcendental Guardian or Greater Guardian. The creation of the eponymous pseudolifeform "Elder's Fire" is also very often credited to the Elder, though it is not actually known if the Fire had Aspect Lord origins due to the lack of substantial, replicable evidence that suggested anything of the sort. The majority of stories about the Elder consistently agreed that he created a deity vaguely similar to those of Least, Lesser, Greater, and Transcendental Guardians creatively dubbed "the Higher Guardian". The story of the Elder and his child is one of the oldest known stories to SuperGods and it is not known when the first inscripverses that recorded the story were created.
The Elder is by far the most commonly interpreted as well-meaning but an impulsive, reckless, and somewhat negligent individual that very often acted before he thought. If the Elder were to realize a mistake he made, he would immediately try to solve it with the first solution in mind. This greatly contrasted with the Higher Guardian's more prudent and intensely protective nature and created conflict between the two. However, alternate and less mainstream interpretations see the Elder as divine, wise, and benevolent while the Higher Guardian was more malicious and her creation was the Elder's greatest mistake. Such beliefs are held by the somewhat maligned group of SuperGods known as the Clan of the Followers of Nali.
Possible creations
Many texts and inscripverses claimed that the Fires that can ravage the Ecosystem and allegedly burn through solid Transcendentem with ease was a creation of the Elder himself. As such, the Fires are very often called "Elder's Fire". Despite being named after the Elder, it is not actually known if the Elder's Fire can actually be attributed to an Aspect Lord from beyond the Transcendentem Continuum, not even by SuperGods that possessed omniscience^3. However, due to the lack of evidence that an Aspect Lord did not create Elder's Fire, it is also not actually known if the Fires did not have Aspect Lord-related origins.
It is debated whether or not the Elder actually directly created the Transcendentem Continuum (or Transcendentem). The oldest inscripverses that were held in Inscripverse archives owned by SuperGods such as Qorter and Abstractil do not make any mention or useful description of the structure that the Elder and Higher Guardian had dominion over. The most natural conclusion SuperGods came to was the Transcendentem, but due to the advent of a particularly vocal omniscient^3 entity that had a rudimentary understanding of post-beyond cosmology, many became more willing to accept that a large ω+4-verse imaginatively named the "Transcendentem Continuum" was a more likely candidate for the structure the Higher Guardian and Elder had power over.
Some SuperGods believed that rather arcane and rare recessive abilities that SuperGods were able to possess such as Mind Link and the ability dubbed omniscience^3 had origins related to the Elder. Some believed that SuperGods with such abilities were descendents of those that might have been granted the ability, while others believed that the SuperGods were direct descendents of the Elder himself. Others believed that the abilities had no close connection to any actual being that was the Elder whatsoever and were probably just the result of anomalous godsmoke.
The Tc-SuperGods
'The Tc-Supergods' is a term used to refer to a version of The Supergod Council existing in a parallel Transcendentem to ours within the Transcendentem Continuum. The Tc-Supergods are referred to as such as the Transcendentem they reside in is commonly known as "Transcendentem-Tc", as opposed to our own, referred to as "Transcendentem-Ta".
The group is mostly composed of the same members as our Supergod Council, and the events of its formation are largely the same. However, events begin to differentiate from those of the Council in our local Cohort when the Collapse began to take its effect, resulting in far fewer casualties among the Council however leaving those who survived in a more difficult position.
The majority of Tc-Supergods (specifically Paradoxus, Logixel, Conceptilum, Matharin, Empiroxus, Abstractil, Xenixel and Peralitus) are currently stranded in the middle of Transcendentem, struggling to survive by hiding inside their broken automaton Hellensoerensen and using it as a protective shell from the effects of the Collapse. Three others however (specifically Kalyutim, Omnarin and Tracidel) remain within the Council's Beyond Bubble, attempting to restore the Council's complex Tunnel system to locate and rescue the other Tc-Supergods.
Kalyutim has appointed himself leader of the 'Emergency Supergod Council' in the absence of Xenixel and is spearheading the effort to rescue the other Supergods. Omnarin is attempting to help Kalyutim in his efforts but often gets distracted very easily, much to the annoyance of Kalyutim. Tracidel has a deep hatred for the former members of the Supergod Council and doesn't consider rescuing them to be a priority at all, instead believing that Kalyutim and Omnarin (whom she idolizes) are the future of the Council.
Characters and Locations
The majority of Tc-Supergods share the same identities as those in our local Cohort. However, Conceptilum and Matharin's three youngest children (known in our Transcendentem as Unthil, Realitus and Imaginatim) were born and raised on their own without the influence of Conceptilum, Paradoxus or Logixel. As such, they developed entirely different personalities and identities. Along with this, the unique circumstances of the Collapse greatly altered the state and function of Tc-Hellensoerensen compared to Ta-Hellensoerensen.
Kalyutim is a dedicated and intelligent but overworked and highly irritable Supergod, currently leading an 'Emergency Supergod Council' within a parallel version of Beyond inside Transcendentem-Tc. Kalyutim is the third child of Conceptilum and Matharin and the only one to inherit Matharin's Omniscience^3, making him far more knowledgeable than his siblings very early on into his life.
Kalyutim was born into very unfortunate circumstances – hatching during the catastrophic Beyond Bubble Collapse that was threatening his Beyond Bubble and family, while everyone he knew was far away from Beyond. Kalyutim's Omniscience^3 immediately made him acutely aware that he was alone in the Bubble, which would be destroyed any metasecond now if he didn't take action. Thus, Kalyutim's life began with him desperately saving and repairing his Beyond Bubble, with only knowledge granted to him by his Omniscience^3. Since then, he has taken the role of leader of the Supergod Council in Xenixel's place and is attempting to rescue his family and the other Council members while maintaining the