
Английский разговорный шутя. 100 анекдотов на все случаи жизни

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предложениях Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known… Aging samples are unable to conduct electricity… используется причастие I (причастие настоящего времени, так называемая ing-овая форма глагола).

      Проверьте, насколько хорошо вы владеете этими формами причастия. При необходимости справляйтесь в разделе 22 грамматического комментария.

      6. Fill in the blanks with either Participle I or Participle II:

      1. Womanium is (to boil) _______ at room temperature.

      2. It melts if (to treat) _______ properly.

      3. Be careful while (to use) _______ Womanium.

      4. (To absorb) _______ great amounts of food, Womanium tends to put on much weight.

      5. The element (to turn) _______ slightly green, is Womanium.

      6. Wonanium has (to disperse) _______ much of my wealth.

      7. Probably it's the most powerful income (to reduce) _______ agent known.

      8. Manium gets (to bend) _______ out of shape easily.

      9. Manium (to form) _______ strong bonds with Womanium, never decomposes too soon.

      7. Render the joke.

      Section 20

      Unselfish generosity

      A woman was chatting with her next-door neighbor. «I feel really good today. I started out this morning with an act of unselfish generosity. I gave a five dollar bill to a bum.»

      «You gave a bum five whole dollars? That's a lot of money to just give away. What did your husband say about it?»

      "Oh, he thought it was the proper thing to do. He said, 'Thanks.' "

      Study the words and expressions given below:

      to chat болтать

      act акт; поступок

      unselfish бескорыстный, неэгоистичный

      generosity щедрость

      bill банкнот

      bum бродяга

      next-door живущий по соседству

      to start out начинать

      five whole dollars разг. целых пять долларов

Exercises to the text

      1. Answer the questions to the text:

      1. Who was the woman chatting with?

      2. Why did she feel so good that day?

      3. What sort of act did she commit?

      4. How much did she give to a bum?

      5. What did the neighbor think about this act of generosity?

      2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

      1. A woman was chatting with her _______ neighbor.

      2. I started _______ this morning with an act of generosity.

      3. I gave a bum five _______ dollars.

      4. That's _______ of money to give away.

      5. He thought it was the _______ thing to do.

      3. Say if the statement is true or false:

      1. A woman was chatting with her husband.

      2. I started out this morning with an act of murder.

      3. That's a lot of money to just give away.

      4. What did your neighbor say about it?

      5. Oh, he thought it was the proper thing to do.

      4. Match the words and expressions in the left column to those in the right one:

      5. Translate from Russian into English:

      1. Я сегодня чувствую себя действительно хорошо.

      2. Я дала пятидолларовый банкнот бродяге.

      3. Это много денег, чтобы вот так просто отдать.

      4. Он думал, что это правильный поступок.

      5. Он сказал: «Спасибо».

Revise English Grammar

      В слове unselfish использована одна из наиболее распространенных в английском языке моделей словообразования – с помощью отрицательного префикса. Таких префиксов существует несколько: de-, dis-, im-, in-, un-.

      6. Проверьте свои навыки словообразования на основе данной модели. Образуйте слова с противоположным значением, используя отрицательные префиксы:

      Исходная форма






































      7. Render