
Road To Success

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immediately how things can arrange themselves. With a bunch of diagnostics on hand, names of the clinics, and honestly no appointment yet being done, I launched the journey with the vision to investigate everything on spot.

      In the plane, already boarding, I gave a short call to a doctor which contact had been occasionally provided to me in the office. Striking would be later to understand by whom and when it did happen. The person, I’ve been introduced just couple of days before the trip, made it by pure kindness in sympathy to the case. I said I am flying in the country and looking for opportunities which might be arranged, and he generously offered me a contact. At the airport time was just for a cold call, and the outcome was amazing. The doctor on the line treated very friendly and made an easy suggestion to send something for a quick look. Happily there were attachments in my box that had been earlier sent here and there, that gave me the grounds within the next 30 seconds to rush on their search and forward to the address just received on my mobile while the plane being towed to the runway. It happened even quicker than they finished instructions to fasten the belts and switch off electronic device, like this: the plane takes off just at the moment when the mail shows confirmation of being sent. I could hopefully breathe. By the moment I land in Berlin, the answer was already waiting: “Nice to meet you, Zhanna. Documents well received. I try to get a feedback for you soon”.

      It’s Deutschland.

      The following days I stayed in the capital: explored the city, found a nice restaurant for lunch in traditional German style and joined its live atmosphere where people were sitting at long tables in rows, chatting in between, with a glass of home brewed beer. Sometimes they looked even not knowing each other but enjoying the talk, very friendly and easy-going. Stäv Rheinland, the name of the place, turned out to be a famous branch loved by the locals. STÄNDIGE VERTRETUNG, a logo image of an owl welcomed guests through several cities of the country: Berlin Bremen Hannover Köln. I ordered a meal and looked around while I was waiting. The walls were full of old photographs reminding the story of the place and walking visitors through the journey of national history. Very soon I had my savoury meal arrived. Delicious and edged by salt, it longed for a glass of Goffel Kölsch. Even I was not a big bear-drinker, I ordered. Here mattered the taste of the country and I was enthusiastic to try.

      After lunch the plan was to call on Charité Hospital, location nearby from the hotel. I found it and met some students at the entrance. I understood that studies were taken at the same place where patients being treated: Distinctive feature of university clinics: science and practice walk close to each other. I learnt that international department was closed, and occasionally dropped in an office where a very pleasant woman offered directions how to reach ophthalmological centre. It was located in another campus of the city. Campus Virchow-Klinikum. Good discovery. It made my plan for the next morning journey. In the evening I communicated to a clinic in Duisburg and my spirit felt to be on a good track. I spent overnight in a single bedded room with half-horses sculptures placed on top part of the walls. Almost under the ceiling, painted red, it brightened the contrast of the blue walls to the yellow blankets on the bed. It was very distinctive: I was staying at the Art hotel. Feeling satisfied with the choice, I had a very good sleep that night.

      In the morning my space enlightened with a sunshine inviting to take couple of pictures right out of the window. The room was on the second floor viewing into the courtyard, a small and cozy corner with green ivy on the walls. It was embracing the old building along the inner sides knitting soft and vivid carpet. I walked down the stairs. Abscised leaves rustle underfoot. It was a lovely attire of a golden autumn. I deeply inhaled and walked out.

      The metro station was not far from the hotel and in half an hour I was already up to the second campus of Charite Hospital. It had a vast territory and a map at the entrance was a helpful advice how to get to the necessary building. I made a tour. Not many people going around, quite calm and medical atmosphere, some ambulances at the doors of the centers. I approached the right one and walked up the stairs. There now, it was much more busy. At the ground floor there was registration office for the patients, various cabinets and major part elder people getting the service upon social programs. My doctor’s office was on the upper floor. Few people in the reception. A plate on the door. The doctor was an eye-surgeon, I had introduction discussion with the secretary to whom I explained the case and the occasion I was with in Berlin. She took my documents and looked at the schedule of the doctor. There was not a slot for an appointment within the current week. The nearest option would be nearly in a month which would doubt I had to revisit this place once again. And I felt a relief. During the visit I honestly didn’t feel that my eye examination should be proceeded here. Just by intuition. You get this feeling only when you come at place. It was good, but not mine. A great value for decision making. The remainder of the day passed in sight-seeing of the city.

      Upon return to hotel, I checked my mails. Gladly was waiting a letter from the doctor I wrote before the flight. He came back with reply and suggested a date to come and see Professor of one university clinics he knew very well. He mentioned the web-site of the clinics, the doctor’s background and offered his personal assistance at the visit. It was great news and I was happy to confirm. They were located in Munich and I understood that my task for Berlin stay had completed its mission. Next hour I bought a ticket for train to Bavaria.

      I had still one day left, and it could be spent for leisure with a clear conscience. I took a sight-seeing tour to Potsdam. The weather was fantastic. I found an individual guide with whom we agreed to meet at the station and right from there my excursion started. We visited Cecilienhof, the venue of the famous Potsdam Conference, then the Bridge of Spies, the place of great history and meaning, and then the Sans Souci Palace, a bright example of treasures and heritage of the country. Enriched with history and culture, I returned home through an Italian restaurant. It will be remembered for amazing pasta which unexpectedly turned to be spicy and further rescued by a glass of milk through attentive care of personnel.

      The train to Munich took 6.11 hours.

      I shortly found the way to hotel and took some time to explore the area: a good Bavarian pub, some local shops for inhabitants, very few tourists and a picturesque park to jog in the morning. I planned to stay here for 1 night and for the next one to change closer to central station. My idea was to live in various parts of the city, and for the day of doctor appointment to be easy reachable for pick up. In the evening I admired the magnificent cathedral in the heart of the city and the next morning after jogging, packed up for further move.

      – How did you get in this location? – asked Michael when arrived to meet me at the hotel.

      – I was told there is a nice quarter near the train station of Munich, – was my shy reply.

      – Yeah. It is. But right opposite the other side, – he smiled at me while driving his brand-new Audi away from unintentional adventures.

      The place I stayed in for the second night turned out to be really a hot spot. The quarter concentrated all kind of cabarets, night clubs and entertainment. My hotel looked safe and gave me a cordial welcome. I was okay to stay there for diversity of experience. However the next day I moved to Nymphenburgh.

      Professor in medical science Peter Heidenkummer was the true Master of his Art. His clinics held impeccable reputation in ophthalmological surgery and I was grateful to the chance which brought me here. Michael introduced me to his wife, also a doctor and a very pleasant company. I was supported by her during the visit by spirit and in the language. We made few additional tests. The main data was introduced in the documents I had prepared for the trip. And they were of good value. It took Mr. Heidenkummer ten minutes to study my case and another two to measure what can be done or not. My sight was always a challenge for science and given it moves very fast ahead, I was wondering whether there might be new opportunities to do a change for the better. In response I received