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nf college, academy, institute

      athrofaol adj academic

      athroniaeth nf philosophy

      athronydd (-ion, -wyr) nm philosopher

      athronyddol adj philosophical

      athronyddu vb to philosophize

      athrylith (-oedd) nf genius

      athrylithgar adj of genius, talented

      athrywyn nm mediation, intervention ▶ vb to mediate, to arbitrate

      aur nm gold

      awch nm edge; ardour, zest; relish, appetite

      awchlym adj sharp, keen, acute

      awchlymu vb to sharpen, to whet

      awchus adj sharp, keen; eager; greedy

      awdl (-au, odlau) nf ode

      awdur (-on, -iaid) nm author

      awdurdod (-au) nmf authority

      awdurdodedig adj authorised

      awdurdodi vb to authorize

      awdurdodol adj authoritative

      awdures (-au) nf authoress

      awduriaeth nf authorship

      awel (-on) nf breeze, wind

      awelog adj breezy, windy

      awen1 (-au) nf muse

      awen2 (-au) nf rein

      awenydd (-ion) nm poet

      awenyddiaeth nf poetry, poesy

      awenyddol adj poetical

      awenyddu vb to poetize

      awgrym (-au, -iadau) nm hint, suggestion

      awgrymiadol adj suggestive

      awgrymog adj suggestive

      awgrymu vb to hint, to suggest

      awr (oriau) nf hour; oriau hamdden spare time, leisure; oriau hyblyg flexitime; oriau ychwanegol overtime

      Awst nm August

      Awstralia nf Australia

      Awstria nf Austria

      awtistig adj autistic

      awydd (-au) nm desire, eagerness

      awyddfryd nm vehement desire, zeal

      awyddu vb to desire

      awyddus adj desirous, eager, zealous

      awyr nf air, sky

      awyrdrom (-au) nf aerodrome

      awyren (-nau, -ni) nf balloon, aeroplane

      awyrendy (-dai) nm hangar

      awyrgylch (-au, -oedd) nmf atmosphere

      awyriad nm ventilation

      awyrlong (-au) nf airship

      awyru vb to air, to ventilate

      baban (-od) adj baby

      babanaidd adj babyish

      babandod nm babyhood, infancy

      babi nm baby

      bacas (bacs(i)au) nf footless stocking; hair on horse’s fetlocks

      baco nm tobacco

      bacwn nm bacon

      bach1 (-au) nm hook; bachau petryal square brackets

      bach2 adj little, small

      bachell (-au, -ion) nf nook, corner; snare

      bachgen (bechgyn) nm boy

      bachgendod nm boyhood

      bachgennaidd adj boyish

      bachgennyn (bechgynnos) nm little boy

      bachigyn (bachigion) nm little bit, diminutive

      bachog adj hooked

      bachu vb to hook, to grapple

      bachwr (-wyr) nm hooker (in rugby)

      bad (-au) nm boat; bad achub lifeboat

      badwr (-wyr) nm boatman

      badd (-au), baddon (-au) nm bath

      bae (-au) nm bay

      baedd (-od) nm boar

      baeddu vb to beat, to buffet; to soil

      baetio vb to bait, to maltreat

      bag (-iau) nm bag; bag aer, bag awyr airbag

      bagad (-au) nm cluster; troop, multitude

      bagl (-aul) nf crook; crutch; leg

      baglor (-ion) nf bachelor

      bagloriaeth nf bachelorship

      baglu vb to entangle, to ensnare, to trip

      bai (beiau) nm fault, vice; defect; blame

      baich (beichiau) nm burden, load

      bais nm bottom, ford; walking

      bala nm efflux of river from lake

      balch adj proud; glad; delighted

      balchder nm pride

      balchdra nm joy, gladness
