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nm prepayment, deposit

      blaendarddu vb to sprout

      blaendir nm foreground

      blaenddalen (-nau) nf title page

      blaenddodi vb to prefix

      blaenddodiad (-iaid) nm prefix

      blaenffrwyth nm first-fruits

      blaengar adj prominent, progressive

      blaengroen (-grwyn) nm foreskin

      blaenllaw adj forward, prominent

      blaenllym adj sharp, keen

      blaenllymu adj sharpen, whet

      blaenor (-iaid) nm leader; elder

      blaenori vb to lead, to precede

      blaenoriaeth nf preference; precedence

      blaenorol adj previous, antecedent

      blaenu vb to point; to outrun; to precede

      blaenwr (-wyr) nm leader; forward

      blagur coll n sprouts, buds, shoots

      blaguro vb to sprout, to bud; to flourish

      blaguryn nm sprout, bud, shoot

      blaidd (bleiddiaid, bleiddiau) nm wolf

      blas nm taste, savour, relish

      blasio, blasu vb to taste

      blasus adj tasty, savoury, delicious

      blawd (blodion, -iau) nm flour, meal

      blêr adj untidy, slovenly

      blerwm nm blabberer

      blew npl (nm -yn) hairs; hair; fur

      blewog adj hairy, shaggy

      blewyn nm straw

      bliant nm lawn, fine linen

      blif (-iau) nm catapult

      blingo vb to skin, to flay

      blin adj tired, weary; peevish, irritable

      blinder (-au) nm weariness; trouble

      blinderog, blinderus adj wearisome

      blinfyd nm tribulation

      blino vb to tire, to weary; to trouble, to vex

      blith (-ion) nm milk ▶ adj milch

      blith draphlith adv helter-skelter

      bloc (-iau) nm: bloc swyddfeydd office block

      blodeugerdd (-i) nf anthology

      blodeuglwm nm bunch, nosegay

      blodeuo vb to flower, to bloom, to flourish

      blodeuog adj flowery; flourishing

      blodeuyn, blodyn (blodau) nm flower

      blodfresychen nf cauliflower

      blodiog adj floury, mealy

      bloddest nf rejoicing, acclamation

      bloedd (-iau, -iadau) nf shout

      bloeddio, bloeddian vb to shout, to cry

      bloeddiwr (-wyr) nm shouter

      bloesg adj lisping, faltering, indistinct

      bloesgi vb to lisp, to falter, to speak indistinctly

      blog (-iau) nm blog

      blogio vb to blog

      blogiwr (-wyr) nm blogger

      blwch (blychau) nm box; blwch postio mailbox

      blwng adj angry, sullen, cheerless ▶ nm anger

      blwydd (-au, -i) nf, adj year of age; year-old

      blwydd-dal nm annuity, pension

      blwyddiad (-iaid) nm yearling, annual

      blwyddiadur (-on) nm yearbook, annual

      blwyddyn (blynyddoedd) nf year; blwyddyn bwlch gap year

      blychaid (-eidiau) nm boxful

      blynedd npl years (after numerals)

      blynyddol adj annual, yearly

      blys (-iau) nm craving, lust

      blysig adj greedy, lustful

      blysigrwydd nm greediness

      blysio vb to crave, to lust

      bocs (-ys) nm box

      bocsach nm vaunt, boast, brag

      bocsio vb to box

      bocsiwr (-wyr) nm boxer

      boch (-au) nf cheek

      bochdew nf hamster

      bochgoch adj rosy-cheeked

      bod vb to be, to exist ▶ nm (-au) being, existence; Y Bod Mawr God

      bod(olaeth) nm(f) existence

      boda nmf buzzard

      bodio vb to thumb, to finger

      bodlon adj content, willing

      bodloni vb to satisfy, to content; to be content

      bodlonrwydd nm contentment

      bodoli vb to exist

      bodd nm pleasure, will, consent

      boddfa nf flood, drenching

      boddhad nm pleasure, satisfaction

      boddhaol adj pleasing, satisfactory
