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vb to grow fat or gross

      brasbwytho vb to baste, to tack

      brasgamu vb to stride

      Brasil nf Brazil

      braslun (-iau) nm sketch, outline

      braslun bywyd nm curriculum vitae

      braslunio vb to sketch, to outline

      brasnaddu vb to rough-hew

      braster nm fat

      brasterog adj fat, greasy

      brat (-iau) nm rag, clout; pinafore

      bratiaith nf debased language

      bratiog adj ragged, tattered

      brath (-au) nm stab, wound; sting; bite

      brathog adj that bites; biting

      brathu vb to stab, to wound; to sting; to bite

      brau adj brittle, frail, fragile; kindly; prompt

      braw (-iau) nm terror, dread, fright

      brawd1 (brodyr) nm brother; friar; brawd yng nghyfraith brother-in-law

      brawd2 (brodiau) nf judgment

      brawdgarwch nm brotherly love

      brawdmaeth nm foster-brother

      brawdol adj brotherly, fraternal

      brawdoliaeth (-au) nf brotherhood, fraternity

      brawddeg (-au) nf sentence

      brawddegu vb to construct sentences

      brawl nm boast, brag; gabble, tattle

      brawychu vb to frighten, to terrify

      brawychus adj frightful, terrible

      brawychwr nm terrorist

      bre (-on, -oedd) nf hill, highland

      brebwl (-yliaid) nm blockhead; prattler

      brêc nm brake

      breci nm wort; spree

      brecio vb to brake

      brecwast (-au) nmf breakfast

      brecwasta vb to breakfast

      brech1 nf eruption, pox; brech yr ieir chickenpox

      brech2 adj f of brych

      brechdan (-au) nf slice of bread and butter

      brechiad (-au) nm inoculation, vaccination

      brechu vb to vaccinate, to inoculate

      bredych (-au, -ion) nm betrayal; fear; rascal

      bref (-iadau) nf lowing; bleat; bray

      breferad (-au) nm bellowing

      brefiad (-au) nm lowing; bleating

      brefu vb to low; to bleat; to bray

      breg nm guile, blemish, breach ▶ adj fragile, faulty

      bregliach vb to jabber

      bregus adj frail, brittle, rickety

      breichled (-au) nf bracelet

      breichrwy, breichrwyf (-au) nmf bracelet

      breindal nm royalty

      breinio vb to privilege, to enfranchise

      breiniol adj privileged, free

      breinlen (-ni) nf charter

      breintal nm bonus; royalty

      breintiedig adj patented, patent

      breintio vb to privilege, to favour

      brenhinaidd adj kingly, regal

      brenhindod nm royalty

      brenhindref (-i) nf royal city

      brenhindy (-dai) nm royal palace

      brenhines (breninesau) nf queen

      brenhinfainc nf throne

      brenhiniaeth (breniniaethau) nf kingdom

      brenhinllys nm basil

      brenhinol adj royal, regal

      brenin (-hinoedd) nm king

      brest (-iau) nf breast, chest

      bresych npl (nf -en) cabbages

      brethyn (-nau) nm cloth

      brethynnwr (-ynwyr) nm clothier; cloth-worker

      breuan (-au) nf quern; print of butter

      breuder nm brittleness, frailty

      breuddwyd (-ion) nmf dream; breuddwyd gwrach wishful thinking

      breuddwydio vb to dream

      breuddwydiol adj dreaming, dreamy

      breuddwydiwr (-wyr) nm dreamer

      brëyr, brehyr (brehyrion, -iaid) nm nobleman, chief, baron

      bri nm honour, renown, distinction

      briallu npl (nf briallen) primroses

      bribys npl fragments, scraps

      bricsen nf brick

      bricyllen nf apricot

      brid nm breed

      bridio vb to breed

      brifo vb to hurt

      brig (-au) nm top; (pl) twigs

      brigâd (-au) nf brigade; brigâd