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      bwydwr (-wyr) nm feeder

      bwygilydd adv (from one) to the other

      bwylltid (-au) nm swivel

      bwyllwr, bwyllwrw (-yriau) nm provisions for journey

      bwysel (-au, -i) nm bushel

      bwystfil (-od) nm (wild) beast

      bwystfilaidd adj brutal

      bwystfiles (-au) nf beast

      bwyta vb to eat; to corrode

      bwytadwy adj eatable, edible

      bwytäwr (-wyr) nm eater

      bwyteig adj greedy, voracious

      bwyty (-tai, -tyau) nm restaurant

      bychan (f bechan) adj little, small

      bychander, bychandra nm littleness, smallness

      bychanu vb to belittle, to minimize

      bychanus adj derogatory

      byd (-oedd) nm world; state; life

      bydaf (-au) nmf beehive

      byd-eang adj worldwide

      bydio vb to live, to fare

      bydol adj worldly, secular

      bydolddyn (-ion) nm worldling

      bydolrwydd nm worldliness

      bydwraig (-wragedd) nf midwife

      bydwreigiaeth nf midwifery

      bydysawd nm universe

      byddag (-au) nf running knot, noose

      byddar adj deaf ▶ nm (-iaid, byddair) deaf person

      byddardod nm deafness

      byddarol adj deafening

      byddaru vb to deafen, to stun

      byddin (-oedd) nf army, host

      byddino vb to set army in array, to embattle

      byddinog adj with armies

      bygwth vb to threaten, to menace ▶ nm (-ythion, -ythiau) threat, menace

      bygythiad (-au) nm threat; bygythiad bom bomb scare

      bygythio vb to threaten, to menace

      bygythiol adj threatening, menacing

      byl (-au) nfm edge, brim (of vessel); hyd y fyl to the brim

      bylb (-au) nm bulb

      bylchog adj gapped, gappy; notched

      bylchu vb to make a gap, to breach; to notch

      byngalo (-s, -au) nm bungalow

      bynnag pron -ever, -soever

      bynsen nf bun

      byr (f ber) adj short, brief

      byrbryd (-iau) nm luncheon, snack

      byrbwyll adj impulsive, rash

      byrbwylltra nm impulsiveness

      byrder, byrdra nm shortness, brevity

      byrdwn nm burden, refrain, chorus

      byrddaid (-eidiau) nm tableful

      byrddio vb to board

      byrddiwr (-wyr) nm boarder

      byrfodd nm abbreviation

      byrfyfyr adj impromptu

      byrgorn adj shorthorn

      byrgyr nm burger

      byrhau vb to shorten, to abridge

      byrhoedlog adj short-lived

      byrlymu vb to bubble, to gurgle

      byrllysg (-au) nmf mace

      byrnio (-u) vb to bale, to bundle

      byrnwr (-wyr) nm baler

      byrstio vb to burst

      bys (-edd) nm finger; toe; hand of dial, latch

      bysaid (-eidiau) nm pinch

      byseddu vb to finger

      bysled, bysledr (-au) nm finger-stall

      byth adv ever, for ever ▶ nm eternity

      bytheiad (-aid) nm hound

      bytheirio vb to belch, to threaten

      bythgofiadwy adj memorable

      bythol adj everlasting, eternal, perpetual

      bytholi vb to perpetuate

      bytholwyrdd (-ion) adj, nm evergreen

      bythynnwr (-ynwyr) nm cottager

      byw vb to live ▶ adj alive, living, quick ▶ nm life

      bywgraffiad (-au) nm biography

      bywgraffiadol adj biographical

      bywgraffiadur (-on) nm biographical dictionary

      bywgraffydd (-ion) nm biographer

      bywgraffyddol adj biographical

      bywhau, bywiocáu vb to animate, to vivify, to quicken

      bywiad nm see bywad

      bywiog adj lively, animated, vivacious

      bywiogi vb to enliven, to animate

      bywiol adj living, animate

      bywoliaeth (-oliaethau)