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      cansen (-ni) nf cane

      canser nm cancer

      canslo vb to cancel

      cant1 (-au) nm circle, ring, rim; tyre

      cant2 (cannoedd) nm hundred

      cantel (-au) nm rim, brim

      cantîn (cantinoedd) nf canteen

      cantor (-ion) nm singer

      cantores (-au) nf songstress, singer

      cantref (-i, -ydd) nm hundred

      cantwr (-orion) nm singer, songster

      cantwraig nf songstress, singer

      canu vb to sing, to chant; to play; to crow; to ring ▶ nm, canu gwlad country music

      canŵ (-od) nm canoe

      canŵa vb to canoe, to go canoeing ▶ nm canoeing

      canŵo vb to canoe

      canwr (-wyr) nm singer

      canwriad (-iaid) nm centurion

      canwyr (-au, -ion) nm plane (in carpentry)

      canys conj because, for

      cap (-iau) nm cap

      capan (-au) nm cap; lintel

      capel (-i, -ydd, -au) nm chapel

      capelwr (-wyr) nm chapel-goer

      caplan (-iaid) nm chaplain

      caplaniaeth (-au) nf chaplaincy

      capteiniaeth nf captaincy

      capten (-einiaid) nm captain

      car (ceir) nm car; car campau sports car; car cefn codi hatchback; car llog hire car

      câr (ceraint) nm friend; relation

      carafán (-nau) nf caravan

      carbohydrad (-au) nm carbohydrate

      carbon (-au) adj, nm carbon

      carbwl adj clumsy, awkward

      carco vb to take care

      carcus adj solicitous, anxious, careful

      carchar (-au) nm prison; restraint

      carchardy (-dai) nm prison-house

      carchariad nm imprisonment

      carcharor (-ion) nm prisoner

      carcharu vb to imprison

      carden (cardiau) nf card

      cardigan (-au) nf cardigan

      cardod (-au) nf charity, alms, dole

      cardota vb to beg

      cardotyn (-wyr) nm beggar

      cardydwyn, cardodwyn nm weakest of brood or litter

      caredig adj kind

      caredigrwydd nm kindness

      caregog adj stony

      caregu vb to stone; to petrify; to gather stones

      carennydd nm friendship; kinship

      caretsen (carets) nf carrot

      carfaglog adj clumsy

      carfan (-au) nf beam; swath; party, faction

      cariad1 (-au) nm love

      cariad2 (-au, -on) nm lover, sweetheart

      cariadfab nm lover, sweetheart

      cariadferch nf sweetheart, mistress

      cariadlawn adj full of love, loving

      cariadus adj loving, beloved, dear

      caridým (-s) nm ragamuffin

      cario vb to carry, to bear

      carismatig adj charismatic

      cariwr nm carrier; y Cariwr Dŵr Aquarius

      carlam (-au) nm prance, gallop

      carlamu vb to prance, to gallop

      carlwm (-lymod) nm ermine, stoat

      carn1 (-au) nm hoof; hilt, haft, handle

      carn2 (-au), carnedd (-au) nf cairn

      cárnifal nm carnival

      carniforus adj carnivorous

      carnog, carnol adj hoofed

      carol (-au) nmf carol

      carp (-iau) nm clout, rag

      carped (-au, -i) nm carpet

      carpiog adj ragged, tattered

      carrai (careiau) nf lace, thong

      carreg (cerrig) nf stone

      cart (ceirt) nmf cart

      cartaid, certaid (-eidiau) nm cartful

      cartilag (-au) nm cartilage

      cartref (-i, -ydd) nm home, abode ▶ adj home-made; cartref henoed old people’s home; cartref symudol mobile home

      cartrefle (-oedd) nm abode

      cartreflu nm militia

      cartrefol adj homely, domestic, home; civil
