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as broad as

      cyflegr (-au) nm gun, cannon, battery

      cyflegru vb to bombard

      cyflenwad (-au) nm supply

      cyflenwi vb to supply

      cyfleu vb to place, to set; to convey

      cyfleus adj convenient

      cyfleustra (-terau) nm opportunity, convenience

      cyflin adj parallel

      cyfliw adj of the same colour

      cyflo adj in calf

      cyflog (-au) nmf hire, wage, wages

      cyflogaeth nf employment

      cyflogedig (-ion) nm employee

      cyflogi vb to hire; to engage in service

      cyflogwr (-wyr) nm hirer, employer

      cyflwr (-lyrau) nm condition; case

      cyflwyniad nm presentation; dedication

      cyflwyno vb to present; to dedicate

      cyflwynydd (-ion) nm compère, presenter

      cyflychwr, cyflychwyr nm evening twilight, dusk

      cyflym adj quick, fast, swift

      cyflymder, cyflymdra nm swiftness, speed

      cyflymu vb to speed, to accelerate

      cyflynu vb to stick together

      cyflyru vb to condition

      cyflythreniad (-au) nm alliteration

      cyfnerthu vb to confirm; to aid, to help

      cyfnerthydd (-ion, -wyr) nm strengthener, booster

      cyfnesaf (-iaid, -eifiaid) nmf next of kin, kinsman ▶ adj next, nearest

      cyfnewid vb to change, to exchange

      cyfnewidfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf exchange

      cyfnewidiad (-au) nm change, alteration

      cyfnewidiol adj changeable

      cyfnewidiwr (-wyr) nm changer, trader

      cyfnither (-oedd) nf female cousin

      cyfnod (-au) nm period; cyfnod prawf trial period

      cyfnodol adj periodic(al)

      cyfnodolyn (-ion) nm periodical publication

      cyfnos nm evening twilight, dusk

      cyfochredd nm parallelism

      cyfochrog adj parallel

      cyfodi vb to rise, to arise; to raise

      cyfodiad nm rise, rising

      cyfoed adj contemporary, of the same age ▶ nm (-ion) contemporary

      cyfoes adj contemporary, up-to-date

      cyfoesi vb to be contemporary

      cyfoeswr (-wyr) nm contemporary

      cyfoeth nm power; riches, wealth

      cyfoethog adj powerful; rich, wealthy

      cyfoethogi vb to make or grow rich

      cyfog nm sickness

      cyfogi vb to vomit

      cyfor nm flood, abundance; rim, brim, edge ▶ adj entire, brim-full

      cyforiog adj brim-full, overflowing

      cyfosodiad nm apposition

      cyfradd (-au) nf rate ▶ adj of equal rank; cyfradd llog rate of interest

      cyfraid (-reidiau) nm necessity

      cyfraith (-reithiau) nf law

      cyfran (-nau) nf part, portion, share

      cyfranc (-rangau) nfm meeting; combat; incident; story, tale

      cyfranddaliad (-au) nm share

      cyfranddaliwr (-wyr) nm shareholder

      cyfraniad (-au) nm contribution

      cyfrannedd nm proportion

      cyfrannog adj participating, partaking

      cyfrannol adj contributing

      cyfrannu vb to contribute; to impart

      cyfrannwr (-anwyr) nm contributor

      cyfranogi vb to participate, to partake

      cyfranogwr (-wyr) nm partaker

      cyfredol adj current, concurrent

      cyfreithio vb to go to law, to litigate

      cyfreithiol adj legal

      cyfreithiwr (-wyr) nm lawyer

      cyfreithlon adj lawful, legitimate

      cyfreithlondeb nm lawfulness

      cyfreithloni vb to legalize; to justify

      cyfreithus adj legitimate

      cyfres (-i) nf series

      cyfresol adj serial

      cyfresu vb to serialise

      cyfresymiad (-au) nm syllogism

      cyfresymu vb to syllogise

      cyfrgolli vb to lose utterly; to damn

      cyfrif vb to count, to reckon; to account; to impute ▶ nm (-on) account, reckoning; cyfrif banc bank account

      cyfrifeg nfm accountancy

      cyfrifiad (-au) nm counting; census
