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vb to disendow

      dadwaddoliad nm disendowment

      dadwneuthur, dad-wneud vb to undo, to unmake

      dadwrdd nm noise, uproar, hubbub

      dadymchwel, dadymchwelyd vb to overturn, to overthrow

      daear (-oedd) nf earth, ground, soil

      daeardy (-dai) nm dungeon

      daeareg nf geology

      daearegol adj geological

      daearegwr (-wyr), daearegydd (-ion) nm geologist

      daearen nf the earth; land, country

      daearfochyn (-foch) nm badger

      daeargell (-oedd) nf dungeon, vault

      daeargi (-gwn) nm terrier

      daeargryd (-iau) nm earth tremor

      daeargryn (-fâu) nmf earthquake

      daearol adj terrestrial, earthly, earthy

      daearu vb to earth; to inter

      daearyddiaeth nf geography

      daearyddol adj geographical

      daearyddwr (-wyr) nm geographer

      dafad (defaid) nf sheep; wart

      dafaden (-ennau) nf wart

      dafn (-au) nm drop

      dafnu vb to trickle

      dagr (-au) nm dagger, bayonet, dirk

      dagrau npl (nm deigryn) tears

      dagreuol adj tearful, sad

      dail npl (nf dalen, nf deilen) leaves

      daioni nm goodness, good

      daionus adj good; beneficial; beneficent

      dal, dala vb to hold; to catch; to arrest; to last; dal ati! carry on!, don’t give up!

      dalen (-nau, dail) nf leaf

      dalfa (-feydd) nf hold; arrest, custody; prison

      dalgylch (-oedd) nm catchment area

      daliad (-au) nm holding; tenet; spell

      daliwr (-wyr) nm jig, catcher

      dall (deillion) adj blind

      dallbleidiaeth nf bigotry

      dallbleidiol adj bigoted

      dallbleidiwr (-wyr) nm bigot

      dallineb nm blindness

      dallu vb to blind; to dazzle

      damcaniaeth (-au) nf theory

      damcaniaethol adj theoretical

      damcaniaethwr (-wyr) nm theorist

      damcanu vb to theorize, to speculate

      dameg (-hegion) nf parable

      damhegol adj parabolic(al), allegorical

      damhegwr (-wyr) nm allegorist

      damnedig adj damned, damnable

      damnedigaeth nf damnation, condemnation

      damnio vb to damn

      damniol adj damning, damnatory

      damsang vb to tread, to trample

      damwain (-weiniau) nf accident, chance, fate

      damweinio vb to befall, to happen

      damweiniol adj accidental, casual

      dan see tan

      danadl npl (nf danhadlen) nettles

      danas coll n deer; bwch danas buck

      danfon vb to send, to convey; to escort

      dangos vb to show

      dangoseg (-ion) nf index; indication

      dangosol adj indicative, demonstrative

      danheddog adj jagged, serrated, toothed

      dannod vb to reproach, to upbraid, to taunt, to twit

      dannoedd nf toothache

      dansoddol adj abstract

      dant (dannedd) nm tooth

      danteithfwyd (-teithion) nm dainty

      danteithiol adj dainty, delicious

      danteithion npl delicacies

      darbodaeth nf thrift

      darbodus adj provident, thrifty

      darbwyllo vb to persuade, to convince

      darfod vb to finish, to end; to perish; to happen

      darfodadwy adj transitory, perishable

      darfodedig adj perishable, transient

      darfodedigaeth nm consumption

      darfudiad (-au) nm convection

      darfudol adj convectional

      darganfod vb to discover, to find out

      darganfyddiad (-au) nm discovery

      darganfyddwr (-wyr) nm discoverer

      dargludedd nm conductivity

      dargludo vb to conduct

      dargludydd (-ion) nm conductor

      dargyfeiredd nm divergence

      dargyfeirio vb to diverge, to divert
