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(-iau, -oedd) nf lecture

      darlithfa (-feydd) nf lecture room, lecture theatre

      darlithio vb to lecture

      darlithiwr (-wyr), darlithydd (-ion) nm lecturer

      darlun (-iau) nm picture

      darluniad (-au) nm portrayal, description

      darluniadol adj pictorial, illustrated

      darluniaeth nf imagery

      darlunio vb to portray, to depict, to describe

      darluniol adj pictorial

      darllediad (-au) nm broadcast

      darlledu vb to broadcast

      darlledwr (-wyr) nm broadcaster

      darllen vb to read

      darllenadwy adj readable, legible

      darllenfa (-feydd) nf reading room; reading-desk; lectern

      darllengar adj fond of reading, studious

      darlleniad (-au) nm reading

      darllenwr (-wyr), darllenydd (-ion) nm reader

      darn (-au) nm piece, fragment, part

      darnguddio vb to conceal or withhold a part

      darniad (-au) nm fragmentation

      darnio vb to cut up, to hack

      darn-ladd vb to beat mercilessly

      darogan vb to predict, to foretell, to forebode ▶ nf (-au) prediction, foreboding

      daroganu vb to predict, to foretell

      daroganwr (-wyr) nm predictor, prophet, soothsayer, forecaster

      darostwng vb to lower; to subdue; to subject, to humiliate

      darostyngiad nm humiliation; subjection

      darpar (-ion, -iadau) nm preparation, provision ▶ adj intended, elect

      darpariaeth (-au) nf preparation, provision

      darparu vb to prepare, to provide

      darparwr (-wyr) nm provider

      darwden nf ringworm

      das (-au, deisi) nf rick, stack

      dat- prefix see dad-

      data nm data

      datblygiad (-au) nm development, evolution

      datblygol adj nascent, developing

      datblygu vb to develop, to evolve

      datblygus adj developmental

      datblygydd (-ion) nm developer

      datchwyddiant nm deflation

      datgan vb to declare; to recount; to render

      datganiad (-au) nm declaration; rendering

      datganoli vb to devolve, to decentralize ▶ nm devolution

      datganoliad nm devolution

      datganu vb to declare; to sing, to render

      datgeliad (-au) nm detection; revelation

      datgelu vb to detect; to reveal

      datgloi vb to unlock

      datglymu vb to unhitch, to undo

      datgorffori vb to dissolve (parliament)

      datgorfforiad nm dissolution

      datguddiad (-au) nm revelation, disclosure

      datguddio vb to reveal, to disclose

      datgyffesiad nm recantation

      datgyffesu vb to recant

      datgymalu vb to dislocate, to dismember

      datgysylltiad nm disestablishment

      datgysylltu vb to disconnect; to disestablish

      datod vb to undo, to untie, to dissolve

      datrannu vb to dissect

      datro vb to change; to undo

      datrys vb to solve

      datrysiad (-au) nm solution, resolution

      datseinio vb to resound, to reverberate

      datsgwar (-au) nm square root

      datysen (datys) nf date

      dathliad (-au) nm celebration

      dathlu vb to celebrate

      dau (f dwy) adj, nm two

      dau-, deu- prefix two, bi-

      dauddyblyg adj twofold, double

      daufiniog adj double-edged

      dauwynebog adj two-faced

      dawn (doniau) nmf gift, talent

      dawns (-iau) nf dance

      dawnsio vb to dance

      dawnsiwr (-wyr) nm dancer

      dawnus adj gifted, talented

      de adj, nf right ▶ nm south

      De Affrica nf South Africa

      deall vb to understand ▶ nm understanding, intellect, intelligence

      dealladwy adj intelligible

      deallgar adj intelligent

      deallol adj intellectual

      dealltwriaeth (-au) nf understanding, intelligence
