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nm wilderness

      anian (-au) nf nature, instinct, genius

      anianawd nm temperament, disposition

      anianol adj natural

      anianyddol adj physical

      anifail (-feiliaid) nm animal, beast

      anifeilaidd adj beastly, brutish

      anifeileiddio vb to animalize, to brutalize

      anlwc nf bad luck, misfortune

      anlwcus adj unlucky

      anllad adj wanton, lascivious, lewd

      anlladrwydd nm wantonness, lewdness

      anllygredig adj incorrupt, incorruptible

      anllygredigaeth nf incorruption

      anllythrennog adj illiterate

      anllywodraeth nf misrule, anarchy

      annaearol adj unearthly, weird

      annatodol adj indissoluble, that cannot be undone

      annaturiol adj unnatural

      annealladwy adj unintelligible

      anneallus adj unintelligent

      annedwydd adj unhappy, miserable

      annedwyddwch nm unhappiness

      annedd (anheddau) nf dwelling

      anneddfol adj lawless

      annefnyddiol adj useless; immaterial

      annel (anelau) nfm trap; purpose, aim

      annelwig adj shapeless, unformed; vague

      anner (aneirod, -i, -au) nf heifer

      annerbyniol adj unacceptable

      annerch vb to salute, to greet, to address ▶ nm (anerchion) salutation, greeting

      annewisol adj ineligible, undesirable, unwelcome

      annhebyg adj unlike, dissimilar

      annhebygol adj unlikely, improbable

      annhebygolrwydd nm improbability

      annhebygrwydd nm unlikeness, unlikelihood

      annheg adj unfair

      annhegwch nm unfairness

      annheilwng adj unworthy

      annheilyngdod nm unworthiness

      annherfynol adj endless; infinitive, infinite

      annhirion adj cruel

      annhosturiol adj pitiless, ruthless

      annhuedd nf disinclination

      annhueddol adj disinclined, indisposed

      anniben adj untidy, slovenly

      annibendod nm untidiness

      annibyniaeth nf independence

      annibynnol adj independent

      Annibynnwr (-wyr) nm Independent

      annichellgar adj guileless, simple

      annichon, annichonadwy adj impossible

      anniddan adj comfortless, miserable

      anniddig adj peevish, irritable, fretful

      anniddigrwydd nm peevishness

      anniddos adj leaky, comfortless

      annifeiriol adj innumerable, countless

      anniflanedig adj unfading, imperishable

      annifyr adj miserable, wretched

      annifyrrwch nm misery

      anniffoddadwy adj unquenchable

      annigonedd nm insufficiency

      annigonol adj insufficient, inadequate

      annigonolrwydd nm inadequacy

      annileadwy adj indelible, ineffaceable

      annilys adj unauthentic, spurious, insincere

      annillyn adj inelegant, clumsy

      annioddefol adj unbearable, intolerable

      anniogel adj unsafe, insecure

      anniolchgar adj unthankful, ungrateful

      anniolchgarwch nm ingratitude

      annirnadwy adj incomprehensible

      annisgrifiadwy adj indescribable

      annisgwyliadwy adj unexpected

      anniwair adj unchaste, incontinent, lewd

      anniwall adj insatiable

      anniweirdeb nm unchastity, incontinence

      anniwylliedig adj uncultured

      annoeth adj unwise, imprudent

      annoethineb nm unwisdom, folly

      annog vb to incite, to urge; to exhort

      annormal adj abnormal

      annos vb to incite, to set (a dog) on

      annosbarthus adj unruly, disorderly

      annuw, annuwiad (annuwiaid) nm atheist

      annuwiaeth nf atheism

      annuwiol adj ungodly, godless

      annuwioldeb nm ungodliness

      annwn, annwfn nm the underworld; hell

      annwyd (anwydau, -on) nm cold

      annwyl adj dear, beloved

      annyledus adj undue, wrongful

      annymunol adj unpleasant, disagreeable

      annynol adj inhuman, cruel

      annysgedig adj