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to prefix; to impose

      arddodiad (-iaid) nm preposition

      arddu vb to plough

      arddull (-iau) nf style

      arddulleg nf stylistics

      ardduniant nm sublimity

      arddunol adj sublime

      arddwr (-wyr) nm ploughman

      arddwrn (-ddyrnau) nm wrist

      arddywediad (-au) nm dictation

      aredig vb to plough

      areitheg nf rhetoric

      areithio vb to speak, to make a speech

      areithiwr (-wyr) nm speaker, orator

      areithyddiaeth nf oratory; elocution

      arel nm laurel

      aren (-nau) nf kidney; (pl) reins

      arestio vb to arrest

      arf (-au) nmf weapon; (pl) arms; tool

      arfaeth (-au) nf purpose; decree

      arfaethu vb to purpose, to intend

      arfbais (-beisiau) nf coat of arms

      arfdy (-dai) nm armoury

      arfer vb to use, to accustom ▶ nfm (-ion) use, custom, habit

      arferiad nmf use, custom, habit

      arferol adj usual, customary

      arfod nf stroke of a weapon, fight; armour; opportunity

      arfog adj armed

      arfogaeth nf armour

      arfogi vb to arm

      arfoll (-au) nm pledge, oath

      arfordir (-oedd) nm coast

      arforol adj maritime

      arffed (-au) nf lap

      argae (-au) nm dam, embankment; enclosed place

      argeisio vb to seek

      argel nmf concealment, refuge ▶ adj hidden, occult

      arglwydd (-i) nm lord

      arglwyddaidd adj lordly

      arglwyddes (-au) nf lady

      arglwyddiaeth (-au) nf lordship, dominion

      argoed (-ydd) nm enclosure of trees

      argoel (-ion) nf sign, token, omen

      argoeli vb to betoken, to portend, to augur

      argoelus adj ominous

      argraff (-ion, -au) nf print, impression

      argraffdy (-dai) nm printer’s, printing-house

      argraffiad (-au) nm impression; edition

      argraffu vb to print, to impress

      argraffwaith nm print, typography

      argraffwasg nf printing-press

      argraffwr (-wyr), argraffydd (-ion) nm printer

      argrwm, argrwn adj convex

      argyfwng (-yngau, -yngoedd) nm crisis

      argyhoeddi vb to reprove; to convince, to convict

      argyhoeddiad (-au) nm conviction

      argyhoeddiadol adj convincing

      argymell vb to urge, to recommend

      argymhelliad nm recommendation

      arholi vb to examine

      arholiad (-au) nm examination; arholiad mynediad entrance examination

      arholwr (-wyr) nm examiner

      arhosfa nf stop; arhosfa bws, arhosfa bysiau bus stop

      arhosfan (-nau) nm = arhosfa

      arhosiad nm staying, stay

      arhosol adj abiding, permanent

      arial nm vigour, mettle

      arian nm silver ▶ coll n money, cash; arian breiniol currency; arian byw mercury; arian gleision silver; arian parod cash; arian pen exact money; arian treigl current money

      ariandy (-dai) nm bank

      ariangar adj fond of money, avaricious

      ariangarwch nm love of money, avarice

      ariannaid adj silver, silvern

      ariannaidd adj silvery

      arianneg nmf finance

      Ariannin nf Argentina

      ariannog adj moneyed, wealthy, rich

      ariannol adj financial, monetary

      ariannu vb to silver; to finance/fund

      ariannydd (arianyddion) nm banker, investor, financier

      arlais (-leisiau) nf temple

      arlein, ar-lein adj, adv online

      arloesi vb to clear, to prepare the way, to pioneer

      arloesydd (-wyr) nm pioneer

      arluniaeth nf portraiture, painting

      arlunio vb to draw, to paint, to portray

      arlunydd (-wyr) nm artist

      arlwy (-au, -on) nmf provision, feast, menu

      arlwyaeth (-au)