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      achlesu vb to succour, to cherish

      achlod nm shame, disgrace

      achlust nm rumour

      achlysur (-on) nm occasion

      achlysurol adj occasional

      achos1 (-ion) nm cause, case

      achos2 conj because, for

      achosi vb to cause

      achres (-i, -au) nf genealogical table

      achub vb to seize, to snatch; to save, to rescue; achub y blaen to forestall; achub y cyfle to seize the opportunity

      achubiaeth nf salvation

      achubol adj saving

      achubwr (-wyr), achubydd (-ion) nm saviour, rescuer

      achul adj thin, emaciated

      achwre, achfre nmf under-thatch, protection; covering, garment

      achwyn vb to complain ▶ nm (-ion) complaint, plaint

      achwyniad (-au) nm complaint, accusation

      achwynwr (-wyr) nm complainer; complainant, plaintiff

      achwynyddes (-au) nf complainant

      achydd (-ion) nm genealogist

      achyddiaeth nf genealogy

      achyddol adj genealogical

      achwyngar adj querulous

      ad- prefix very; second; bad, re-

      adail nf building, edifice, structure

      adain, aden (adenydd) nf wing; fin; spoke

      adamant nm adamant, diamond

      adamantaidd adj adamantine

      adar npl (nm aderyn) birds, fowls; adar drudwy, adar yr eira starlings; adar y to sparrows

      adara vb to catch birds, to fowl

      adardy (-dai) nm aviary

      adareg nf ornithology

      adargi (-gwn) nm retriever, setter, spaniel

      adargraffiad (-au) nm reprint

      adarwr (-wyr) nm fowler

      adarwriaeth nf fowling

      adarydd (-ion) nm ornithologist

      adarydda n birdwatching ▶ vb to go birdwatching

      adaryddiaeth nf ornithology

      ad-dalu vb to repay, to requite

      ad-drefnu vb to rearrange

      adeg (-au) nf time, occasion, opportunity

      adeilad (-au) nmf building, edifice

      adeiladaeth nf building; edification, construction

      adeiladol adj edifying, constructive

      adeiladu vb to build, to edify

      adeiladwaith nm construction

      adeiladwr (-wyr), adeiladydd (-ion) nm builder

      adeiledd nm structure

      adeiniog adj winged

      aden (-ydd, edyn) nf wing; see also adain

      adenedigaeth nf regeneration

      adeni vb to regenerate

      adennill vb to regain, to recover

      aderyn (adar) nm bird

      adfach (-au) nm barb; liver-fluke

      adfail (-feilion) nm ruin

      adfeddiannu vb to repossess

      adfeiliad nm decay, ruin

      adfeiliedig adj decayed, in ruins

      adfeilio vb to decay, to moulder

      Adfent nm Advent

      adfer, adferu, adferyd vb to restore

      adferf (-au) nf adverb

      adferfol adj adverbial

      adferiad nm restoration

      adferol adj restorative; remedial

      adferwr (-wyr) nm restorer

      adflas nm after-taste, bad taste

      adfyd nm adversity

      adfydus adj adverse, miserable

      adfynach nm renegade monk

      adfyw adj half alive, half dead

      adfywhau vb to revive, to reanimate

      adfywiad (-au) nm revival

      adfywio vb to revive, to resuscitate

      adfywiol adj refreshing

      adiad nm drake

      adio nm addition ▶ vb to add

      adiolyn (adiolion) nm additive

      adladd, adlodd nm aftermath

      adlais (-leisiau) nm echo

      adlam (-au) nm home; rebound; cic adlam drop-kick

      adlamu vb to rebound

      adleisio vb to resound

      adlewyrch, adlewyrchiad (adlewyrchiadau) nm reflection

      adlewyrchu vb to reflect

      adlewyrchydd (-ion) nm reflector

      adlog (-au) nm compound interest