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      adloniadol adj of or for entertainment

      adloniant nm recreation, entertainment

      adlonni vb to entertain, to refresh

      adlunio vb to remodel, to reconstruct

      adnabod vb to know, to recognize

      adnabyddiaeth nf knowledge, acquaintance

      adnabyddus adj known, familiar; well-known

      adnabyddwr nm knower

      adnau (adneuon) nm deposit, pledge; ar adnau on deposit

      adneuo vb to deposit

      adneuol adj depositing

      adneuwr (-wyr) nm depositor

      adnewyddadwy adj renewable

      adnewyddiad (-au) nm renewal, renovation

      adnewyddu vb to renew, to renovate

      adnewyddwr (-wyr) nm renewer, renovator

      adnod (-au) nf verse

      adnoddau npl resources

      adolygiad (-au) nm review

      adolygu vb to review

      adolygydd (-ion) nm reviewer

      adran (-nau) nf division, section, department

      adref adv homewards, home

      Adriatig nm: yr Adriatig the Adriatic (Sea)

      adrodd vb to relate, to recite

      adroddgan (-au) nf recitative

      adroddiad (-au) nm report; recitation

      adroddwr (-wyr) nm narrator, reciter

      aduniad nm reunion

      aduno vb to reunite

      adwaith (-weithiau) nm reaction

      adweithio vb to react

      adweithiol adj reactionary

      adweithydd (-ion) nm reactor

      adwerthu vb to retail

      adwr nm coward, churl

      adwy (-au, -on) nf gap, breach; pass

      adwyth (-au) nm evil, misfortune, illness

      adwythig adj cruel; evil, baneful; sore, sick; harmful

      adyn (-od) nm wretch

      adysgrif (-au) nf copy, transcript

      adysgrifio vb to copy, to transcribe

      addas adj suitable, proper

      addasiad (-au) nm adjustment, adaptation

      addasrwydd nm suitableness, fitness

      addasu vb to suit, to adapt, to fit

      addawol adj promising

      addef vb to acknowledge, to own, to admit

      addefiad nm admission, confession

      addewid (-ion) nf promise

      addfain adj slender, shapely

      addfed adj see aeddfed

      addfwyn adj gentle, meek, mild

      addfwynder nm gentleness, meekness

      addien adj fair, beautiful

      addo vb to promise

      addod nm: wy addod nest-egg

      addoed nm death, hurt

      addoedi vb to delay, to postpone

      addoediad nm prorogation

      addoer adj sad, cruel; chilling

      addoldy (-dai) nm place of worship

      addolgar adj devout, reverent

      addolgarwch nm devoutness, reverence

      addoli vb to worship, to adore

      addoliad nm worship

      addolwr (-wyr) nm worshipper

      adduned (-au) nf vow

      addunedu vb to vow

      addurn (-au, -iadau) nm ornament, adornment

      addurnedig adj decorated

      addurniad nm ornamentation

      addurno vb to decorate, to adorn, to ornament

      addurnol adj ornamental, decorative

      addurnwr (-wyr) nm decorator

      addysg nf education, instruction; addysg gorfforol PE; addysg uwch higher education

      addysgiadol adj instructive, educational

      addysgiaeth nf instruction, training

      addysgol adj educational

      addysgu vb to educate, to instruct

      addysgwr (-wyr), addysgydd (-ion) nm educator, instructor, tutor

      aeddfed adj ripe, mature

      aeddfedrwydd nm ripeness, maturity

      aeddfedu vb to ripen; to mature

      ael (-iau) nf brow

      aele adj sad, wretched

      aelod (-au) nm member, limb; Aelod Seneddol Member of Parliament

      aelodaeth nf membership

      aelodi vb to become a member; to enrol

      aelwyd (-ydd) nf hearth, fireside
