K. A. Bareki

Sex & Intimacy 101

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unforgiving but simply has a bigger memory. So, sex will be sex but to her how you go about the whole thing will matter. It will matter as to whether your armpits smell or you got cologne on. It will also matter as to whether you kiss passionately or just to get it over with. She will be watching, feeling and sensing every detail of your actions. You are under very immense scrutiny. As you pull your trouser down, don’t think her sleepy eyes are not seeing you. Women’s love for detail simply implies that sexing one must be a careful well-anticipated move, romantic, flooded with a detailed display of affection and passion. Every part of the process must be observed. No short cuts and rushing to do ‘‘jiggy jiggy.’’ God made women the way they are deliberately. It’s high time you made love to your spouse, consciously planning every last bit of your action, being natural yet romantic. Remember she has a bigger memory than you, and if you are boring, she will remember it long enough after you have forgotten.

      Do you know how your woman will know when you are cheating?: —Detail. Men overlook details but the devil is in the details. Your lady will know through the very small things you overlook that you have been cheating. The smile, attention, fragrance, receipts,screaming a girl’s name in dream, call habits and small comments and likes on social media. That’s why it’s better not to cheat and think you will get away with it. How does a woman still remember that you promised to take her out to that burger and chicken restaurant when you have long forgotten?:—memory. Women are power tanks coz they have 11% more neurons than men. ‘‘Ladies, science has proven what you’ve been saying all along: your man’s memory is worse than yours. Not only that, but their brains are smaller, at least the part that controls memories. “That’s right, that’s what the data says,” said Dr. Clifford Jack of the Mayo Clinic. “We see worse memory and worse brain volumes in men than women from [age] 40s onward.” (CNN). Over the weekend as I thought about this, I felt inferior because according to the mirror, ‘‘In a report for a psychology journal, Glasgow University researchers found that although both sexes struggled to juggle priorities, men suffered more on average and were slower than women.’’

       (2) Task

      Women can iron, cook and baby-sit at the same time. It’s called ‘‘multi- tasking.’’ Women’s brains afford them the ability to execute tasks that need to be repeated over and over and to also do tasks that are different in nature at the same time. You should by now be able to remember how female bank tellers have been good at helping you the last time you went to the bank.

      So if you are a guy, don’t be shocked to think that while you stop at everything to talk to your lady, she might be on the phone emotionally communicating with you while at the same time doing everything else. Multitasking is powerful right? But not when it comes to sex. According Petra Zebroff, Ph.D, ‘‘Sex pleasure requires undivided attention to work properly. When attention moves off the erotic, sexual problems can arise’’ the sage doctor goes on to explain that ‘‘women, with their multi-tasking brains, are the most guilty of not giving sexual pleasure the undivided attention it needs. But it affects women differently. Women are twice more likely to encounter slow arousal and delayed or absent orgasm than men are.’’

      The homework for women, whose multitasking brilliance has become a curse, is to focus more on sexual pleasure by guiding their wild minds into the activity at stake. Men have to worry less about a multitasking brain because that’s not their nature. But financial stress, loss or grief of any sort has the propensity to make men unable to concentrate during sex. Lack of control over one’s mind can result in delayed or premature orgasm.

      Sex researcher, Dekker, is said by Petra to have ‘‘found when a woman turns her attention to how she feels during a sexual act — including lubrication or increased blood flow (feeling of fullness in the genitals) — she will feel more turned on’’. I think a man who is good at his game has to assume the duty of stimulating concentration in his lady and that will even take touching and speaking his erotic language to her, to take her mind out of her chores and the things that constantly disturb her. For the first time in her multi-tasking brain’s life, she will not be thinking about the fact that she forgot baby bob’s clothes on the washing line.

      Men are great at manipulating objects to achieve certain movements, the same way Michael Schumacher was good at being the speed ‘‘demon’’ in his racing car, while David Bekham is known for his brilliant way of scoring balls that have a stunning curve movement. So the reason women’s football matches are not preferable to men’s famous world cup matches lies a whole lot more on natural brilliance. Men are generally better at technical things like mechanics, engineering and stuff. And I am not saying women can’t do any of those things, most of the time, men are better... Women on the other hand are better at noticing if anything is misplaced. Candy is well able to notice that a plate is missing in the kitchen compared to her husband. Women demonstrate a better recall of details than men. A study has observed that women do better at manual tasks that require precision like cooking, plaiting and putting pegs on the washing line. Women, it is observed, do better than men in mathematical calculations. Men on the other hand, do better than women on tests that require mathematical reasoning. According to sex differences in the Brain, by Doreen Kimura ‘‘ women perform better than men in both verbal memory (recalling words from lists or paragraphs) and verbal fluency (finding words that begin with a specific letter), there was a large difference in memory ability but men tend to perform better than women on certain spatial tasks. They do well on tests that involve mentally rotating an object or manipulating it in some fashion, such as imagining turning this three-dimensional object. Women tend to perform better than men on tests of perceptual speed in which subjects must rapidly identify matching items for example, pairing the house on the far left with its twin’’

      Why am I telling you this?:— Because you need to know your man or woman well to give them a good screw. You need to know the person’s natural ability and their shortcomings. Apart from that, you cannot have great sex any longer that you can drive a merc without knowing its technical specifications and operations. Male brains have 8% more grey matter, while women’s brains have 12% more white matter. This means that men are (generally) better at linear progression of thoughts while women are better at gathering disparate areas of information to make decisions, a non-linear function (Paraphrase). I think God deliberately made men and women the way they are not to compete but to complement each other. Whenever we complain about the way women or men are, we are simply suggesting that we could have done a greater job at creating humans. Women are into details but men look at the bigger picture. We need both detail and the bigger picture. Women are relaters and men are visionaries, goal and achievement driven. Relationship and vision are important. Look at any woman, observe her keenly and you will realize that her weaknesses are man’s strength and her strengths are man’s weaknesses. That’s why evolution doesn’t make sense to me. If you are to look at a penis or vagina, can you honestly tell me that you would still be confident enough to believe in evolution? Charles Darwin must have been crazy...The vagina and the penis don’t seem to represent any coincidence. It looks to me like a maker deliberately designed these things. It’s a perfect fit, if not a perfect match!


      Do I need to tell an observant man that women tend to be spontaneous decision makers who are not stable? Even if a woman is fast at deciding, she can soon change her decision—just after making it. Women are gifted in exhausting the patience of men especially when shopping. Women can tryout 10 jeans, only to buy one. A man almost instantly decides to buy a pair of shoes, hardly 3 minutes later, he is at the counter. If you want to see the real difference between a man and a woman just take them to Wal-Mart and see how each behave. My wife used to annoy the hell out of me until I realized she is like that by design.‘‘He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind’’,(Genesis 5:2). Is your lady supposing that it is reasonable to go around the shops comparing lettuce prices? Yes, its good to buy observing prices and making good decisions inspired by trivial differences but in addition to that, we have to