Dermot Meleady

John Redmond

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took public issue with Fr John Creagh, the Limerick Redemptorist priest whose sermons had sparked the initial assaults, whom he condemned for introducing a ‘spirit of barbarous malignity’ against Jews previously unknown in Ireland.147 Redmond offered a parliamentary nomination to Jacob Elyan, honorary secretary to the Dublin Jewish community. However, asked in 1907 by S. Spiro, president of the Cork Jewish community, to use his influence against the further publication of anti-Jewish articles in the Cork Trade and Labour Journal, he replied, though sympathetically, that he could not interfere.148 These were the years of the first publication of the notorious anti-Jewish forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a time when horrifying massacres of Jews occurred in the Russian empire. Redmond joined with British Jewish Liberals in 1906 in condemning the Russian pogroms.149 Davitt visited the site of and wrote a book on the 1903 massacre of Jews at Kishinev.150

      These smaller groups were a latent threat to the position of the Irish Party, but the Castle authorities were relaxed in their assessment. The RIC Inspector General told the Chief Secretary in March 1905:

      Notes and References