Klaus Peter Wagner

Broken Stone Circle

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       these have a built-in defense mechanism, they self-purify.

      Beyond that there is no point in defending somebody

       who often cannot even assume responsibility for their own actions.

      Man forges his own destiny

       and is responsible for his own karma.

       It is therefore impossible to defend someone, given that life is much more complex.

      PS: Defense often comes with finger-pointing … and covers don’t just make chairs look good …

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      09 | The sidecars …

      There are people who have little self confidence

       and like to relinquish control -

       because sidecars don’t have a driver

       and they feel comfortable in that spot.

      They feel comfortable because they appear to be part of the vehicle

       without actually contributing.

      These are the relaxed free riders

       who do not even have to stand in the process,

       but can sit instead.

      The rider himself does not seem to be overly self-confident either,

       otherwise he would not need a passenger.

      The riders are often too weak to go solo.

       It is the nature of sidecars

       that they can stand upright jointly but without support;

       then again, they do not stand on their own,

       but can only do so together.

      Sidecars are also funny

       in that they tend to represent the opinion of the main rider,

       which is probably the price the passenger has to pay for the ride.

      Whether two half persons make a full one is up for discussion,

       but it is certainly a way

       of strengthening one’s lack in self-confidence.

      PS: The tedious bit is that neither the rider nor the passenger can take qualified decisions on their own.

       Instead we often hear “Hang on, I have to make a phone call …”

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      10 | Fear is brutal

      Fear is brutal, because fear hides itself.

      We hide our fear ourselves in a fortress we have built within us,

       with battlements and machicolations.

      We do the same to ourselves

       as has been and is still happening around the globe:


      We arm ourselves to be able to go through life in the first place,

       in order to be able to adequately defend ourselves

       on day X,

       when we are attacked again.

      In us, the same is happening as has been noticeably happening around us -

       more and more theaters of war worldwide -

       no abatement.

      The fear felt by man leads him to take up arms,

       to wear armor in the fortress of his own self.

      The fear and the learned mechanisms to act

       make the world appear in the light that it is steeped in now.

      The light of mistrust, jealousy, envy, hatred and terror.

      The lack of confidence in life and the dispute over material things,

       the dispute over our planet,

       the dispute over our livelihood,

       the dispute leading us to not be ONE

       and the separation created by these disputes have facilitated the existence

       of the monetary world, the existence of a world with a divided consciousness.

      It is brutal -

       the suggested segregation of mankind

       has sparked the biggest construction boom ever,

       the boom of fortresses constructed within us.

      Mankind will gradually realize this,

       will gradually desert the fortresses within us,

       will gradually tear down the fortresses.

      It is brutal -

       locking masses of people into fear through constant segregation,

       having them stay in their fortresses

       and thus, clearly making it harder for them to access their talents.

      It is brutal -

       to intentionally keep mankind from participating in its heritage.

      It is brutal -

       not to let mankind live happily.

      Fear is brutal …

      PS: Remember: in order to operate the machicolations of the fortress, the fortress has to hold a supply of misfortune.

       Misfortune is testament to fear and the visible sign that love is stronger.

       Tough luck in the fortress - someone swapped their bad luck for good fortune -

       the visible sign of love … Child of good fortune vs. unlucky fellow …

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      11 | The political disavowers …

      Envy is a treacherous thing.

       He who envies is on the search - addicted to the search - unsatisfied with himself.

      Not satisfied with himself and thinking, I also want what someone else has.

       What is that?

       That’s EVERYTHING, of course.

      A pack of hangers-on decides

       on an act of perfidy against someone, in line with their cognitive level.

       Believing (believing, mind you, not knowing)

       that, when they step on somebody,

       they elevate themselves.

      Unfortunately, due to the pattern they begin,

       they are sure to be joined by a few more rotten defeatists.

      Hey - really cool.

       A wrong decision in line with an IQ of 100.

      Listen up, friends:

       1. Everything you fight, grows …

       2. You can’t take something away from someone if it is a part of him …

       3. Free riders stand on the outside, that’s what free riding is all about …

       4. The universe doesn’t