Victoria Holt

Spiritual Facelift

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of the human body is made of relatively fine, light energy; therefore, the body’s frequency vibrates relatively fast and is very sensitive to change. It is affected by anything in or around it, including others people’s energy, the external environment, natural elements, and the different substances that we ingest every day. Even our thoughts and emotions produce vibrations, which manifest as effects within our bodies and around us. The vibrations of our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions become embedded and carried in our DNA from generation to generation. When the flow of energy through the body is impeded by negatively charged emotions or destructive thought patterns, the cellular structure of our bodies becomes damaged. This results in disease and old age.

      Close your eyes and feel the state of your energy. Are you full of energy or do you feel depleted and tired? Is your energy peaceful or angry and aggressive? Feel how your energy changes throughout the day. Now turn your attention to other people; see if you can feel their energy, too. When you say that people have good or bad energy, you are actually feeling the frequency of their energy field and the type of emotions in their soul. You are detecting whether they have a fine, light positive-energy vibration or a dense dark-energy field with a lower negative vibration. The same happens when you walk into a room; rooms absorb people’s energy. You can feel if the energy is either positive and of a high vibration or dark and negative—a place you should run from.

      Energy can also travel through time and space. You can learn to send an energy wave to someone deliberately. You can think of a friend, and the energies of your thoughts and feelings will make their way to him or her. Energy follows thoughts and emotions although many thoughts and emotions may be inaudible to our ears. When you focus on your friend, he or she will most probably call you within the next day or two and say, “I was thinking of you.” Yes, of course that person was; you had sent out your energy. Energy can reach anyone, no matter how far away he or she lives.

      You can actually fine-tune yourself to send and receive energy to such an extent that you will begin to feel someone sending you energy as well. Sometimes this energy is positive and helpful, but other times you may feel bad energy as well as negative feelings being sent to you even if that unfriendly person is living as far away as Australia!

      When you learn to scan energy, there are no secrets; you will feel everything hidden underneath the surface. You will know if it is safe to have a person in your vicinity or whether or not you should stay away because his or her energy is dark and dangerous. The more you learn to read a person’s energy, the more you will be kept safe in life, far from negative encounters and disruptive behaviors. You will learn to say “Yes,” “No,” “Thank you,” “Hello,” and “Goodbye” very quickly! This will save you time, keep unnecessary dramas at bay, and reduce your stress level.

      In the modern-day world, the energy of our bodies is constantly under attack from pollutants, toxic food, and life-style changes because of the stress we accumulate in our everyday lives. We use up too much of our energy, burn up our bodies, and put out our light. Our thoughts have become negative, and we hold onto painful emotions such as anger, shame, and fear that vibrate at a lower frequency than the energy of love. As we start to vibrate at a lower, slower frequency, our natural energy becomes dense and sluggish, and our bodies start to change. Our body struggles to release toxins, and our energy field becomes clogged. This weakens the body and affects its ability to heal quickly.

      But our bodies are also being damaged not just by the junk food we eat or the negative emotions that contaminate our souls but because we have cut ourselves off from God’s Divine Love and the universal life force that is meant to flow smoothly through our body at all times. Without this flow of pure loving energy, we cannot rejuvenate and replenish our cells, and we become far from being at one with God, a state of perfected love. We disconnect from the eternal fountain of youth. Pure energy feeds and nourishes us, and without it, our body and our energy field cannot get enough light. Without our natural light source, our body becomes dense, dark, contaminated, and depleted. It starts to fill up with the wrong kind of energy. This is the root cause of aging and why our cells and body die.

      So how do you correct the damage that you have done to your body, reverse the aging process, and stay young, healthy, and vibrant without having to pay for plastic surgery and risk the permanent damage of an unnatural facelift, liposuction, or silicone implants? To start to self-heal and rejuvenate, you need to address the cause rather than treat the effect. Botox, facelifts, liposuction, or breast implants are short-term treatments for the effects. They do not address the cause of the long-term damage. If you can heal the cause, you can end your aging and body issue problems. But before you can start to do that, you first need to learn about the body’s main energy system because it is here where blockages and the first stages of damage and aging occur.

      Men and women spend much of their time focused on their physical body—grooming and pruning it, covering and adorning it. But if you want to stay truly young, healthy, and beautiful, you need to change your perception of your body further and understand that you do not have just one body, your physical body, to look after but you also have a soul and a spirit body (also known as the etheric body or aura) as well. It is your soul and your spirit body that determine the frequency of your energy and the state of your physical condition.

      Your soul is an entity, the real you—your individuality and real self. Your individual soul is a container that stores all of your passions, desires, emotions, aspirations, intentions, free will, memories, personality, instincts, and natural love. The spirit body—the etheric layer—is the state between energy and matter or the border between the physical body and the soul. The spirit body and physical body (also known as the material body) are mere appendages of the soul. They exist because a soul cannot experience life without a body (either spirit body or a physical body.)

      The seat of your soul—the foundation of the container—is your emotions; so much so that you can truthfully say that you are not only a soul but also an emotional being. Unfortunately, throughout history we have not been taught this. Mankind’s focus has been on revering and perfecting the physical body and the intellectual mind instead of processing emotions and healing the soul—the real self.

      The soul, the spirit body, and physical body are connected together by cords which allow energy and information to flow among the three parts. A gold cord connects the soul to the spirit body while a silver cord connects the spirit body to the physical body. The spirit body has a mind attached to it (the subconscious mind), and the physical body has a brain, which is the body’s computer. The mind of the spirit body communicates with the brain, which, in turn, sends messages to the different body parts. But all thoughts and feelings are generated from the soul.

      The condition of the soul is affected by truth or error—anything that enters and is retained by the soul that is harmonious with Divine Love is truthful or anything that enters and is retained by the soul that is disharmonious with Divine Love is an error. If your emotions and the contents of your soul are harmonious with love, then your energy stays pure and vibrates quickly which helps your body stay young. But unfortunately, more often than not, the contents of our souls are out of harmony with love and are thus negative and energetically dense. They cause us pain due to our error-based upbringing and societal belief systems. The soul expresses not only the happy but also the painful memories of childhood events which block the flow of energy and disrupt how the body functions. Damage starts to occur first in the soul, then in the spirit body, and finally in the physical body. The soul’s condition and contents impact and are reflected in the spirit body which, in turn, impact the physical body.

      When people “die,” all that occurs is that their “real self” separates from the physical body. It is the breaking of the silver cord from the physical body that results in its death. Once the silver cord has snapped, the soul and the spirit body are no longer directly materially connected to the physical body. The physical body “dies” and the brain dissolves because they no longer receive a stream of life-force energy and information from the soul and the spirit body. The soul and spirit body always remain connected; they are never separated, even after death. They are