Victoria Holt

Spiritual Facelift

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chakra system is made up of seven subtle energy points and distribution centers that draw in divine life-force energy from the universe and distribute this vital energy to the physical glands and organs in the body through both the bloodstream and nervous system for optimum health and well-being. A chakra is a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life-force energy. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, so chakras are sometimes referred to as “wheels of light.” These “wheels” spin at a particular rate, frequency, and vibration. The seven chakra points are where the energy meridians intersect in our body.

      As energy is distributed through your body via the chakra system, it cycles energy from the soul to the spirit body and eventually into the physical body. When your energy body is functioning properly and your chakra points are balanced, open, and spinning at a similar rate to each other, your energy flows smoothly, and your physical body is healthy. Unfortunately, most people have some chakras which are overactive and others that are shut down or underactive, so the energy cannot flow equally to all parts of the body. This causes blockages and imbalances. As we saw earlier in this chapter, these blockages and imbalances are caused by negative emotions which, in turn, cause your body’s vibrational frequency to slow down, so your energy becomes heavier. As your frequency lowers, toxins accumulate and your cells start to become dense, diseased, and old.

      The seven major chakras are located along the spinal column— starting at your perineum (the region of the body below the pelvic diaphragm and between the legs) and going up to the top of your head at your crown. There are more chakra points in the spirit body above and beyond your head and your body. There are chakras behind each of your joints, in your palms, hands, and soles of your feet. As you progress spiritually, you become more aware that you have many more chakras with different functions, but for now we are going to focus on the seven well-known chakra points nearest to your body. These affect you most directly. This is why we often hear the number seven mentioned in many spiritual texts.

      Each of the seven chakra points have a different function, vibrational frequency, musical note, and color that corresponds and is connected to specific physical tissues, organs, muscles, and areas of the nervous system through different meridians. Color is a living energy. It is a property of light. Light is an electromagnetic energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths. The electromagnetic nature of color cooperates with the energetic structures of a human body, strengthening or suppressing their vibrations. Different colors give off distinctive wavelength frequencies, and these frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions. We all emit color, have our own unique energy system, and have organs that have different vibrational patterns.

      As you have already read, sound is vibration. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency, from the lowest/deepest/slowest frequency at the root to the highest/fastest at the crown—with each chakra having its own sound, just as it has its own color. The musical notes of the chakras start at middle C at the root and get higher as you move further up the body. The entire chakra system creates an octave. Music and sound, good or bad, influence us and impact our energy systems because we adjust our energy to match that of the music. Each song or musical note we listen to has its own particular frequency.

      Below are the seven different chakra points on our body with their corresponding functions, locations, vibrational notes, and colors. Each of the seven musical notes and seven colors corresponding to the chakras has emotional and physical issues attached to it. Each of the seven chakras represents a definite set of desires that correspond to a particular element; therefore, understanding the seven chakras offers a way to balance desires and lead to a happier life while fulfilling personal destiny. When you have gained the necessary information and the healing tools to keep the chakras balanced and healthy, then you can allow the song of your soul to be heard.

      The first chakra—the root chakra—is represented by the color red and the musical note middle C. It is located at the base of the spine. It forms your foundation, connects you to the physical earth, and provides you with your feelings of security and survival. It is the basis for human existence in the physical world. It roots the subtle divine consciousness in the material life. Emotionally, this is the chakra where we connect with the family in which we were raised. It reflects a person’s connection with his or her mother and with Mother Earth. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.

      The second chakra—the feeling center—is located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs and has an orange hue. Its musical note is D. This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex. It connects you to your emotions and your sexuality. Ideally this chakra brings us depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.

      The third chakra—the power chakra—is located in your solar plexus and is represented by the color yellow and the musical note E. It rules your personal power as well as your metabolism and digestion. It is the emotional power center where you take control and authority of yourself. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, and nondominating power.

      The fourth chakra—the heart chakra—has green as its color and its musical note is F. It is located at the center of the chest. This chakra is associated with the heart and the blood circulatory system as well as the lungs, the thymus gland, and the entire chest area. It is associated with love, relationships, compassion, and healing. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, and experience a deep sense of peace and centeredness.

      The fifth chakra—the throat chakra—is your communication center. Its color is blue, and its musical note is G. It connects you with the right to speak and the power of truth through the spoken word. The throat chakra helps a person express truth fearlessly. When this chakra is clear and open, it allows us to be powerful communicators in the world.

      The sixth chakra—the third eye—is located at the forehead between the eyes and is represented by the color indigo and the musical note A. It is associated with developing your intuition, selfrealization, and a balanced state of mind. It helps to focus the mind. When healthy, the third eye allows us to “see” clearly with our innate psychic powers.

      Finally the seventh chakra—the crown chakra—is located at the top of the head and is represented by the color violet and the musical note B. It connects you to God’s consciousness, to learning about your spirituality, and to the spiritual realms. It is associated in the body with the pineal gland and the cerebral cortex as well as with consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.

      The Chakra System

      Your spirit body also has an etheric mind that communicates with your brain. This part, known as the subconscious mind, is associated with your mental and rational world. It is filled not only with different thought patterns and belief systems but also religious and social attitudes that have been programmed into you since childhood. It can easily become contaminated with negative forms of thought that often appear logical to the thinker. These thought forms are directly affected by the emotions in your soul which, in turn, affect the physical body. A healthy mind is interested in learning and serves you well, but if your emotions are negative and you have a lot of emotional injuries, you will feel pain and have negative thoughts. When your emotions are healthy, then your mind is healthy and thinks in a positive way, keeping your body in a healthy state. The mind of the spirit body continues to function after death, communicating telepathically with other spirits and with humans on earth.

      The physical body, also known as the material human body, is denser than the etheric body because