Victoria Holt

Spiritual Facelift

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across our foreheads, telling the tale of each difficult year of our lives.

      Facial wrinkles become more of a problem with every year that passes. The face is the most exposed area of the body—an open book for all to see, revealing hidden secrets and shedding light on a person’s real age. But seemingly, the days of worrying about wrinkles are finally over. The marketplace is full of products and procedures that all promote a smoother, ageless, and wrinkle-free face. Women are spending much of their time and money at dermatologists, willing to bear the discomfort of Botox needles and an extortionately high bill. As the old sayings go: “You have to suffer to look beautiful. What’s a little bit of poison, if it means my wrinkles are no longer visible? So what if I cannot fully animate my face anymore? It is actually a good thing I have no facial expressions, otherwise they will know that deep down inside I’m really depressed.”

      But what so many people do not realize is that the expensive potions and painful procedures they are paying for are only a short-term fix. These remedies are a cover-up and do not get to the root cause of why we get wrinkles in the first place. As soon as one wrinkle is erased, another appears, and the endless cycle of wrinkled skin continues. But what if I were to tell you that you could naturally erase your wrinkles without any expensive dermatological visits or spiders’ poisons paralyzing your face? What if your wrinkles could fade away, one by one, with following a safe, simple program that starts with one change inside of you?

      Often we hear people say “every line on my face tells a story.” This is true. Your life is mapped out on your face: the laughter, the struggles, the joy, and the pain. Your forehead is creased because it tells the world that your life story has been full of stress, conflict, and tension. Your face is a reflection of your inner dialogue. It shows all the angst taking place inside of your head. All the constant thoughts, discussions, and arguments that run twenty-four hours a day through your stressed-out mind are reflected by your worry lines as you try to figure out solutions that deal with daily conflicts and the aggravating people, who literally get in your face. This blocks the flow of energy around your face. The Chinese would say you have blocked Qi.

      Look closely in the mirror; each line on your face has been caused by a repetitive facial expression. As you repeatedly pull your face to express your tension, irritation, and stress, a deep energetic imprint is left in your facial tissue. Over time those repetitive motions leave a buildup of energetic imprints that generates wrinkles, deep crevices, and worry lines created by an internal reaction to an external person or event.

      How you feel on the inside influences the thoughts in your head and the lines on your forehead. If you have negative emotions inside of your soul, your thinking will be negative. You repeatedly display those negative thoughts and feelings. Then your eyebrows begin to knit together as you ponder how to resolve your latest conflict or dilemma, and the vertical crease between your eyebrows also gets deeper, more prominent, and harder to fix. Back to the dermatologist you trek every month to pack your lines with toxic fillers that eat away not only at your time and your money but also at the skin on your face.

      A forehead of wrinkles shows you have a troubled and cluttered mind; you are out of balance and using up too much mental energy. Intellectuals are especially prone to overthinking and facial lines. They are focused on the mind rather than their heart and soul because they are avoiding their emotions. People living in the mind praise logic, and they dismiss or minimize feelings. Conversely, people living in the soul understand that when they are connected to their true feelings, everything becomes completely logical and understandable. A person living in the mind separates feelings and emotions from thoughts and logic while someone living from his or her soul knows that honoring feelings and emotions is the best way for a person to remain in a state of harmony and clarity.

      Remember that the condition of your soul impacts the energy of your spirit body and your subconscious mind. This, in turn, impacts your physical body, your material brain, and your cells. Remember also that a feeling originates in your soul and creates a thought in the subconscious mind of your spirit body. This, in turn, communicates with the brain leading you to speak words through your mouth or communicate through actions. What you feel—you think about—you do and become. Your feelings and thoughts create your reality. If you have pain and suppressed negative emotions inside of your soul, then your thinking will also be negative and so will your actions and words.

      Each thought form and feeling will either add highly vibrating energy that will run smoothly through your chakra system and keep your cells light, vibrant, and alive, or will feed low, dense negative energy to your body that blocks your chakra points. The dense energy of your thoughts especially affects the sixth chakra, your third eye, which is situated on your forehead. When you live in the mind, your energy will stagnate, build up in your temples, and manifest as heavy lines or worse still, blockages of energy in the third eye can lead to tumors of the pituitary or the pineal glands. Excessive energy also builds up in the brain due to the modern-day overuse of cell phones. Cell phones are being linked to brain tumors due to too much heat, energy, and radiation which mutates brain cells. People who are constantly on the phone are trying to keep their minds busy to avoid their deeper emotions.

      Living a life from your mind rather than from your soul can cause all sorts of stress, health, and personal problems in your life because your egoic mind controls you. It lies and defends you at all costs. It lives in fear of being defeated and exposed. It is overly attached to the external and material world because it desires power and control. Then it tells you all sorts of negative stories about yourself and other people.

      At the physical level and at a lower soul condition the steps required to communicate are subject to many stages, and as a result, there is greater potential for many errors to occur. As you grow in love, you become less dependent on your intellect and develop your capacity to assimilate truth through your soul.

      “But how do I keep my mind quiet and stop negative thoughts from entering my head?” I hear you ask. “I’m not a spiritual leader; I don’t live in a monastery where life is peaceful. I have to deal with work, my partner, my mother-in-law, and my kids. It is going to be impossible for me to erase my wrinkles, especially when the world is in such a terrible state.”

      Albert Einstein once said, “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” Inner and outer peace can only be achieved by gaining knowledge. If you want to erase your wrinkles, smooth out your forehead, and learn to clear your mind so you can reduce stress and become more peaceful inside, then it is vital that you gain more knowledge about your mind, body, and soul.

      It is going to take courage and emotional honesty to clear the stagnant energy that has built up on your forehead. While you are applying your face cream, desperately trying to erase your wrinkles, you need to ask yourself these questions: “Who or what is getting in my face?” and “Why is this person or event staying on my face?” Once you have answers to these two important questions, you can start to release your wrinkles.

      Communication at the Physical Level

      Communication at the Soul Level

      A feeling originates in your soul and creates a thought in the subconscious mind of your spirit body. This, in turn, communicates with the brain leading you to speak words through your mouth or communicate through actions. Your feelings and thoughts fill your body with either light positive energy or negative dense energy. As you clear your soul and spiritually evolve, you will stop communicating through the mind and brain. You will develop soul-to-soul communication abilities. All soul communication is based on feeling.

      As you look at your face, you will know deep down what caused each one of your wrinkles. Was it your finances, your neighbors,