Victoria Holt

Spiritual Facelift

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relationship? If you want to clear your face, you are going to have to look deep inside of your soul and get to the root of your emotional conflict. Each wrinkle guides you to confront deeper emotional injuries from childhood that are the causes of your turmoil. These injuries created every single line on your face.

      Many New Age and Eastern spiritual teachers mistakenly try to teach their followers to stay mentally peaceful by deliberately changing their thinking. But changing your negative thoughts will be only a temporary fix; they will keep returning if you do not permanently clear the emotional reasons that created the thoughts and your stressful reactions in the first place.

      In Chapter 3, Energetic Liposuction, you will learn powerful techniques to help you access and release childhood emotional injuries so you can lose weight and clear all your negative emotions from your soul. As you clear emotions, your body will get lighter and your thoughts will change from negative to positive. Your mind will no longer lead and dominate. As your soul clears and expands in its ability to love, your soul intelligence will likewise grow. As you have read, your memories and intelligence are in the soul. You will receive vast packets of information and begin to communicate directly from your soul to another soul rather than through your mind and material brain. All soul communication is based on feeling. This is the only true form of communication. It occurs when you are at-one with God. Soul-to-soul communication will cause you to shift your focus from your head to your heart, which will reduce the energy build up in your temples and thereby reduce your wrinkles.

      For the rest of Chapter 2, you will gather more vital information to erase your facial wrinkles and ease your stressed-out mind. At the end of this chapter, you will also learn practical exercises and an array of natural remedies to keep your mind healthy and to clear the wrinkles that you have already accumulated. But how do you ensure that they do not return? Even if you change your negative thoughts and emotions, you will most likely be able to only momentarily reduce your stressful reactions because the belief systems conditioned and programmed in your mind will still be the same. That is why erasing your wrinkles can only be permanent if you fully clear your mind of all disharmonious societal, family, and religious beliefs.

      No matter our current beliefs about God or religion, we all need a guiding light, a goal, or a target—something more perfected than we are to lead us down the correct path to happiness. God created a myriad of laws to help educate your soul and bring you back into a state of peace and harmony. These universal laws help to remove conflict inside of you and lead you to a place of perfected love. They guide you back to mental and emotional balance and show you how to live a life free from stress and suffering.

      Your mind is associated with your mental and rational world. It is filled with different thought patterns and beliefs as well as religious and social attitudes that have been programmed into you since childhood. If these belief systems are in harmony with God’s universal laws, your soul condition will be healthy; your thoughts will be pure; you will be nonreactive, and your life will be peaceful and free of pain. But if your belief systems are error based and disharmonious, then your thoughts and feelings will cause stress, and you will continue to pull tense, angstridden facial expressions.

      If you can reprogram your mind so that your belief systems stop creating destructive, unloving thoughts and feelings towards you and other people, then much of your conflict will end. For example, many women use Botox or synthetic fillers to smooth out the deep, vertical dividing line between their eyebrows. What they do not know is that this vertical crease can be erased naturally because it is not caused by old age but by a belief system that separates them from others and creates divisions in the mind.

      Your forehead crease, the dividing line on your face, is a reflection of the divisions inside you. The reason the heavy line is becoming more and more prominent every year is because you are conflicted. You always knit your brows together, thinking about dilemmas you are having with a particular person or situation. You battle to make a decision. You are torn in two because of your disharmonious belief systems.

      Destructive belief systems were ingrained in you from a young age when you were first told that the world is divided into dualisms such as boys and girls, rich and poor, good and bad people. These dualistic belief systems began separating you from other people. They also made you hide the darker side of you—those negative emotions filling your soul such as hate, fear, shame, jealousy, or anger. You feared you would be judged and that you would not be loved if you revealed the truth about how you were really feeling so you began to hide parts of yourself.

      It can be hard to face the divided parts of yourself and heal your divisions with other people. People tend to defend themselves, blame others, and try to hide their dark side because they feel guilty or ashamed—they suffer from feelings of unworthiness and self-hate. They have not been taught that God loves them unconditionally, and because their parents have not loved them unconditionally, they judge and punish themselves harshly. They then judge and punish others harshly, too. Their shadow selves stay hidden for most of their lives. But if you resist looking at your dark side and your negative emotions, your secret feelings become even more extreme and create an even greater divided self. Not only does that prolong the pain and conflict in your life, but it also builds up a vertical crease on your face.

      This crease grows deeper because of the conflict between your intellect and your emotions. This conflict can become so extreme that it causes a war inside you—a battle between the mind and soul. It can lead to the violent mood swings seen in people with bipolar disorder. The intellectual mind tries to suppress the true emotion underneath, but before long the emotion comes surging to the surface in displays of not only extreme highs and lows but also erratic behavior.

      If you can learn to embrace your shadow self and the divisions inside of you caused by your childhood emotional injuries and understand that both your good and bad sides as well as your negative and positive emotions are the whole of your being, you can then start to transform your soul. This transformation will also help you clear your conflicted mind.

      As you learn to love and embrace all parts of your being unconditionally and to bring “light” to your “darker” side by purging your negative thoughts and emotional injuries, your wounds will start to heal and you will become a whole person. Your darkness will no longer be locked away in a secret compartment. When you shine light on a shadow, it disappears. The more you bring light and expose the disharmonious dark feelings buried deep inside of you, the more your negative emotions and thoughts will disappear and so will that vertical crease dividing your face. Ironically, you will stay mentally healthy and ensure that you never have a spell in a mental hospital if you lose your suppressive, controlling, and dominating mind and reconnect to your true emotions instead. As you connect to and follow the logic of the emotions in your soul, then your mind will rebalance and get quieter.

      God wants to free us all from mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical suffering; therefore, God designed a series of universal laws as a feedback system to help guide us. This divine system is not meant to punish us but rather to bring us back to a state of harmony and perfected love. But many people find they do not want to live by someone else’s laws. They do not want to give up their personal truth. They do not understand that the real meaning of personal truth is actually what God sees as the truth about you. Divine Truth is what God sees as the ultimate truth of the universe. Divine Truth will never accommodate itself to the beliefs of men. Men have to accommodate their beliefs to Divine Truth.

      Deprogramming your set of belief systems may be difficult at first, especially if you have followed a very specific religious or spiritual practice or do not believe that God exists at all or have unresolved childhood issues around authority. You may dig in and say, “My beliefs are my beliefs, and there is no changing them.” Your parents may have been very stern or you went to a school that had strict rules so you may say, “No one is going to tell me what to do.” If you could only remember that sometimes laws, especially God’s divine laws, have been created to benefit and protect you rather than restrict, punish, or repress