Dave Ph.D. Slagle

Gallivanting on Guam

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Emiko seemed to be well informed about the island. She told me that Hoyden had worked with the Saru family and that they are ruthless landlords with lots of money and wavering morality. She said that the Saru family expects everyone to admire and respect them because they have money and that Mr. Saru is a close friend of the Governor. She said that working with the Saru family would only be a miserable experience. I remember that as I listened to her, I became angry and started to think that it was her way of discouraging me. She was just being selfish and not thinking of me. That was the first night since we had hooked up that Emiko left me by myself. I remember feeling lonely, alone as I sat out on the lanai and read over the contract, fantasizing about two weeks of vacation on Guam. When I woke up the next morning, Emiko was in the kitchen making coffee. She brought me a cup and we sat in bed, drinking coffee. She had even offered an apology. “I know you have been really stressed about everything and I really just want the best for you.” She said. “You should check out this offer from Mr. Saru, but remember, you already accepted the job with Star Markets.”

      “Yah, I was thinking that if I can ask Mr. Saru to let me bring you to Guam for the two weeks. We can check out the island, workout at the fitness centers and relax. It would be good for us” I said.

      “I can’t take time off from work. But you could go. Maybe you should go for a vacation and then come back here and start work” she said. I remember watching as Emiko took the empty coffee cups and walked back into the kitchen. She was wearing a short summer dress and it was lewdly bouncing with her every step. And I remember that when she walked back into the bedroom she was wearing nothing but a seductive smile. After that passionate romp, she left for work and I spent the morning alone, pondering my future. I pondered about a future with Emiko. I pondered about a future with Star Markets and I pondered in wonderment about this fantasy life of managing a gym on Guam. It was mid morning when I finally called Jay. He listened to me talk non-stop for about fifteen minutes before he interrupted.

      ‘So you’re actually considering the possibility of moving to Guam?” He asked.

      “I am.” I remember answering.

      “Well, the people at our Guam office say that the Saru family has money and political ties but not much else. Oh, and I hear that the gym is really nice. Maybe you should do some research. Find out what Guam is like. Maybe go to the library and look for materials on Guam.” He recommended the book, Destiny’s Landfall: A History of Guam by Robert F. Rogers. That afternoon I learned about the fascinating history and facts of Guam. The book begins with the discovery of Guam by the famed explorer Ferdinand Magellan, through World War II to 1990, the year the book was published. In between reading I imagined myself driving around Guam in a new Mercedes. I imagined standing on a lanai and enjoying the ocean view from my luxury apartment. I imagined my illustrious career as the general manager of the gym. I imagined enjoying the island lifestyle while pursuing my career goals. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to accept the job. At a quarter past two, as I was reading the last chapter of the book, Emiko came home and roused me with a tap on the shoulder and a shimmering Shiseido smile.

      The next afternoon I was sitting at one of the high top tables at Ryan’s Grill having lunch with Mr. Saru. My frontal lobes had been spinning like dice on a roulette wheel for twenty four hours while I was trying to decide where my future would take place. When the spinning finally stopped, my decision was Guam. Although I had not told anyone that I made any final decisions. Emiko still thought I should go on vacation and then return home and start working with Star Markets. She was also hinting that since her thirtieth birthday was just around the corner, it would be a good time to settle down for both of us. I could practically hear the tick tock of her internal clock when she told me that we really needed to think about our future together. Fernandez told me that since Mr. Saru was willing to provide everything that I requested, I would be a fool not to accept the job. Jay had a hard time with it but I knew I could count on him. When he finally gave he his opinion it was brief; “You’re a little shit, but you’re also the best little brother ever and I will love you no matter what you decide.” Even with everything on the table I still felt anxious. But sitting there, at Ryan’s Grill I realized that it was down to the moment. I was either going to accept my fate as a grocery manager or take a chance on Guam. My reverie was interrupted by Mr. Saru. He told me that he needed to know if I was seriously considering his offer or if he needed to find someone else. I remember that time seemed like it was moving fast, way too fast for me so I told him that I had been weighing out all of my options and he gave me a wry smile.

      “Well, have you decided to accept?” He asked.

      “Yes” I said “I accept!”

      “Great, when do you want to plan the vacation? We need to book your flight, hotel and rental car. How long did you want to visit Guam, one week or two?” He asked.

      “No, I meant, I accept the job.” I said, correcting him.

      Mr. Saru had a look of shock on his face. “Ok, do you need a few weeks or a month to tie things up before you move? When do you think you can start?” He asked.

      I looked straight into his eyes and asked “When are you going back?”

      “Monday evening” he said, “that will put me back on Guam Tuesday night.”

      “Ok” I said, “I will go with you. I will be ready to move to Guam on Monday.”

      “Don’t fuck with me. This is not a joke to me.” He said with a serious tone.

      “I’m not joking.” I said. “I appreciate the offer of a two week vacation but I am either going to take the job or not. So I have decided to accept and I will go with you when you return home on Monday. Let’s sign the contract and get things started!”

      “You’re serious? Well Ok, ok, thank you!” Mr. Saru checked the time and told me “its nine fifteen Thursday Morning on Guam. Let me call my office and get you a plane ticket. I am going to have to put you up in a hotel and get you a rental car. This is short notice but we can have your apartment and car within two weeks.”

      That was a night of mixed emotions. I was excited about my future as a gym manager on Guam but my excitement turned to sadness when I explained to Emiko that I would be moving to Guam. She became angry and started crying. After a half hour of crying she gathered her things and left. I was stunned and I tried to call her but she hung up on me. I ran down to the parking lot but it was too late, she was already speeding down Wilder Avenue. I remember that I didn’t have time to chase her or even get upset; Mr. Saru was sending a car to pick me up in the next twenty minutes. I tried calling her cell phone again but it went straight to voicemail. I called again and left a message and fought off the urge to cry. I was going to a celebration dinner at Sam Choy’s Diamond Head restaurant. Throughout that entire dinner Mr. Saru kept telling me about how I would love Guam. After dinner we went over to Kapono’s at Aloha Tower to listen to live island music. Mr. Saru told me that he is a fan of live music. “Not that cha-lang-a-lang Hawaiian music that is popular these days. I like real Hawaiian music or Chamorro music. That is the best island music!” I didn’t ask him if he was a fan of Hawaiian artists like Israel ‘Braddah IZ” Kamakawiwo’ole or C&K. The bar that we were sitting at is owned by Henry Kapono of Cecilio and Kapono or C&K as they are commonly known in Hawaii. I had no idea if Mr. Saru had made that connection and I didn’t care to ask him about what he meant by “cha-lang-a-lang music.” I kept trying to call Emiko but the calls went straight to voicemail. After an hour of listening to a local band play cover songs by bands like Kalapana and Three Plus, Mr. Saru was finally ready to leave. When the hotel limo dropped me off back at my apartment I saw Emiko’s car in the parking lot. She was sitting in her car waiting for me. The next morning started off as a typical Friday. Emiko woke up late and rushed out to make it to work on time. I got out of bed about two hours later and walked down to the Sure Shot Café for some coffee and to read the Honolulu Advertiser. But that day was different. That was the first day that I felt really happy, optimistically confident for the first time in months. It was also the first time in months that I didn’t read the jobs section of the classified ads. Back at my apartment I took inventory of what I could pack and what I can leave behind. I drove over to Foodland to get some empty boxes and