Perry Ritthaler

Spy Land Women Play Me

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      Spy Land

      Women Play Me

      By Perry Ritthaler

      Copyright 2013 Perry Ritthaler,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1309-9

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      I would like to thank people mentioned in this e-book for some of the information and ideas and wisdom and pictures that have influenced my thinking.

      The information that is shared with the reader from gathering facts that are used in this e-book documented a paper trail on cyber war strategy empowerment operations recorded by Perry Ritthaler.


      I would like to thank the many leaders and organizations seamlessly affiliated to Digital Mind Coach. Without the support of these organizations the peace empowerment operation success story created would not have been possible.

      About The Author


      Perry Ritthaler grew up in western Canada and now resides in Creston, British Columbia. After his formal education he developed an interest in marketing products, motivational psychology and researched Neuro Linguistics and Psycho Cybernetics for many years which led to the writing of this book.


      This e book is dedicated to people on the front lines of homeland security representing the many freedom fighters, politicians, spy agency or military professionals working around the world.

      Introduction…Season One

      The spy agency is Charlie’s life. He is the playboy stereo type James Bond living in Sarasota Florida; soon to be promoted to lead the Spy Land Agency office in Miami.

      Charlie has had Phil as the same undercover partner for almost ten years. They know each other’s moves like the back of their hands. They were placed together in a team ten years ago under a special program designed their Captain at the time. His objective was to create a super cop combination covertly working with the assets of the Pentagon; placing two people with opposite backgrounds and thought and behavior patterns on the same team. The objective of the operation was to develop two people designed to think as one person; outside the box and develop an undercover team combination that had Ivy League and street cop credibility complimented with right and left brain strong traits.

      Both men have done their time on the street fighting drug trafficking and prostitution and now they are climbing the ladder of the Spy Land Agency ladder heading up a homeland defense anti-terrorism squad. One of their main tasks is to study a covert spy in Canada and gleam everything they can from his operations without contacting him or paying him for his expertise in creating anti-terrorism operations.

      Charlie is a white skinned man and Phil is a dark skinned man, and together they spend their time solving cases and experiencing the may pleasures and nightmares crafted by charming ladies as they unite together fighting terrorism and Russian spies; ending up in many complicated situations surrounded by a variety of different circumstances that end up getting the men into more funny and dangerous situations filled with more trouble than they have ever dreamt possible.

      This is a must read for people in search of a funny, happy, feel good story and serious side of an interactive spy adventure.

      Chapter One…The Big Promotion


      I am like the jungle cat; stealthy and cunning with a higher IQ than average.

      The rain is gently falling out of the sky kissing my face as I walk across the parking lot. A huge smile is painted across my face because this day has been the best day of my life; and all I can think about is celebrating my next promotion. Today I am one step away from running the Miami Spy Land security head offices controlling all of the security operations in Florida.

      I look over my shoulder at the black BMW sports car parked under a palm tree in the parking lot. This fine automobile is my most prized possession; it is my special toy; my chariot I use to pick up the finest ladies in the land.

      I love living in Florida; going to this watering hole at happy hour is always full of fun. The club I visit most often is called the “Quay” and is located right on the water front of the Gulf of Mexico. The outdoor patio is packed with beautiful people ranging in age from twenty one to thirty five.


      The house band is renowned for playing soft rock music and Caribbean theme music. My reserved table awaits me close to the band; however from the corner of my eye I spy a beautiful lean blonde haired woman at the bar.

      Tommy is my favorite bartender; she is an exotic woman half Arabic and East Indian mix. Tommy is a model by day and a bartender by night. I smile at Tommy when I walk up to the bar and she opens her arms and she pulls me into her firm sweet smelling figure and whispers happy birthday Charlie. She is my adopted sister and my best friend.

      The woman at the bar noticed the happiness on both our faces when we embraced. I am a regular at the club and the woman sitting beside me smells like my favorite white Jasmin flower. The breeze is blowing her perfume in my direction; I watch her from the corner of my eye as slowly her long blonde hair blows back off her face. She has a tight white short skirt the fits like a tight leather glove on a hand and a bright yellow dress-shirt covered by a white blazer. My sexual desires create thoughts in my mind that feel like they are doing flips in my brain. I am thinking she is definitely a corporate barracuda looking for someone special.

      Tommy knows this beauty fits my stereotype of woman I desire most. Not to say I change my woman like my designer underwear; however I seem to find a different beautiful woman every other week that intrigues me more than the last one. I like to think I have a deeper than average understanding and connection with a woman’s emotions and desires. That is nice part of being trained by the best in the spy business while living in a sunshine state of twenty one million people.

      The ladies drink is almost empty when I tell Tommy to give the lady another drink on my tab. My bartender shakes her head sideways and smiles; then she mixes and pours the beautiful young lady another tequila sunrise. I know what you’re thinking she is twenty one and I am thirty seven. When I look at her my mouth starts to water. I want to think I am nervous however my bar conversation is polished and I break the ice like a true champion.


      I choose my words carefully when I address my target. A compliment every fourth phase with questions that make her appear smart and beautiful. Within no time she is carrying the conversation in the direction I desire. After a couple drinks the band plays a slow rock ballot song and I make my move and ask her to dance.
