Perry Ritthaler

Spy Land Women Play Me

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it safe in our garage in Miami.

      Have you changed the SIN card in his cell phone?

      Yes boss.

      What information is in his cell phone?

      I am uploading all the information to our central server in Russia.

      How are Tabitha and Nicole doing?

      We are all fine and just waiting for the next order from you. No one in the neighborhood suspects what we are doing. The people we contacted think we are all innocent polite girls studying university courses online from our home.

      I have seen the picture of the spy agent you tied spread eagle on the patio table. I must say you are extremely good at your job…he is next in line to run the central spy agency in Miami. However with this picture and his cell phone information, badge and gun he will be working for us in the future if he wants this story kept quiet.

      The American spies seldom tell the truth so I do not think this agent will be any different. When he receives his next promotion we will contact him with Tabitha and see how his career is going.

      Take some time off and continue to blend into the city of Miami; go to South Beach tonight for dinner and a little fun.

      Thanks boss we will turn off all our electronic equipment until we read your next coded message on the fax line.

      Great job Natasha;

      Thanks boss.

      Sarasota Spy Agency Office

      I love the view from this office overlooking the Sarasota Bay. It feels so peaceful ten floors in the sky and the water looks calm and beautiful aqua blue.

      Look Charlie you’re in a mess of trouble.

      Phil I owe you a big one for picking me up yesterday and keeping this sick incident quiet until I can locate my BMW, cell phone and gun and badge and catch this bitch that nailed me.

      Worst case scenario Charlie you can report everything stolen, however the paperwork will follow your career if you do it and the pictures from the episode if uncovered will be a huge black mark on your record.

      I understand Phil; I cannot believe I was played by this woman. I talked to Tommy and we do not even have a picture of her on any of the security cameras at the bar. She is definitely a professional and that is what makes this even more dangerous to deal with safely.

      Do you have a spare gun?

      Yes that I have and I already replaced the cell phone. I cannot believe how much information was on the cell phone. I have the data backed up on my home computer; however the cell phone has every contact I have in my Florida network.

      What I miss most is my BMW. I bought that car new and finally finished paying for it last year.

      You can always get another car from headquarters however they will wonder what happened to your famous BMW.

      Phil if I am going to bury this incident and not have these mistakes effect my next promotion I need to find another BMW identical to my old one.

      Did you tell Tommy what happened?

      No you are the only one that knows what happened.

      In fact I have located another BMW in Miami and another in Tampa. Both look just like my old car so I plan to get a loan at the bank later today and drive to Tampa to see the BMW tomorrow.

      What about the badge?

      That one is even more difficult to solve so I may need to say it was lost over the weekend when I went camping. I can tell the boss my kayak went over and by the time I made it to shore the wallet was lost in the river.

      What I need is a ride tomorrow to Tampa.

      Consider it done I have a day off so we can go anytime you want. Beside we can go to Ebor City and visit some clubs and check out the Tampa ladies.

      Thanks Phil…with you help in no time this will all be behind me once and for all.

      Charlie we are the best undercover team in Sarasota and that is why the Captain calls us salt and pepper. We are the perfect pair; you think one way I think the opposite way. You like your woman lean and thin and I like my woman full figured on the heavy side. I am black and you’re white. You like a tight pussy and I like a tight ass. You went to the Ivy League schools and I was raised in the hood on the streets of Saint Petersburg. We both worked our way to the top of this food chain busting crack dealers and weed houses and now we work on the highest profile cases focused on homeland defense fighting terrorism.

      Your right Phil we are the best the agency has to offer. What do you know about this guy in Canada that is half Al-Qaida and part Hamas and part Taliban and part Hezbollah? My boss thinks he is a covert spy implant and created by the spy agency in Canada. Apparently he started years ago and is the one that thinks he replaced Bin laden after he was killed in Pakistan. He works like us covertly and deadly. He developed some new science psychology approach to fighting terrorism and is the best of both worlds. He works online creating reason for the C.I.A. and the terrorism networks not to attack and kill each other. I kid you not he is connected internationally in this quantum energy star wars program he created. He spent ten years developing soft international relationships and now he sends an email that appears soft on the surface until you look at the undercurrent in the operations he covertly runs. This guy has killed more people than anyone I have ever seen and yet he plays the role of a savior. He never pulls the trigger or sets up the bombing however when the operations he crafts do not work properly on the battlefield he shuts off his intelligence terrorism prevention program and people naturally end up being killed until the environment is shaped into his planning. This guy is seamlessly connected at the top and the bottom of the intelligence world and has never been photographed meeting any terrorist network or politician or spy agency member. He is like a ghost in the network the military uses when their soldiers die too fast on the battlefield or if they want to slow down or speed up the killing in a region after they invade and leave the region.

      This guy is our best asset in the war on terrorism, Special Forces genes and privately trained. He actually created his version of cyber-war and training to be one of the most deadly people I have ever studied. He is the opposite of everything we are trained to be in the field. This guy is all over Google. When I Google his name his address shows up with about thirty pages of information on his e-books he writes. He is the perfect love hate relationship. I am not sure how many security people are in the web watching him. I think West Point created a terrorism course based on his e-book anti-terrorism operations. This guy has taken up my days and nights reading the story behind his operation. This sounds crazy but this guy creates a transparent paper trail on the people covertly killed and yet we cannot pin any of the killings on him.

      This is the first person I have read about that split the atom on science psychology combined with a new version of cyber-war invasion techniques that focus on fighting terrorism before it happens. This guy is so far out of the box; in fact he is schizophrenic and deemed crazy like a fox. We’re not sure if he intentionally went over the edge this way in order to create a government income to back his operations or if he is really crazy. One e-book he has written is on schizophrenia and if you watch the video he created online you think he is crazy and wonder how he can legally walk the street; and then you read another e-book and he appears as a genius in psychology or another e-book on cyber-war and you think he is some kind of civil rights hero strategist that protects soldiers and civilians and freedom fighters and politicians. He is like a mix between a covert spy and “Batman” and “Silence of the Lambs” twisted into a psycho version of “Dexter” mixed into one personality.

      He is like mist under a door or a mouse in the wall; he will never attack straight on. He seamlessly interacts with fresh circumstance intelligence data and then shapes his battlefield operations in real time based on fresh intelligence found in the internet.

      Either way we have a full hard drive dedicated to the last ten years of his operations. Same game played every time he writes e-books on his adventures. Years ago he called himself “President Fantasy Spy”. Now he is some kind of “Lone Wolf Operations”