Perry Ritthaler

Spy Land Women Play Me

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my career is spent trying to trap this guy and yet keep him going in the environment until he makes enough mistakes and then he is Cuba bound or a dead man like Bin Laden.

      Charlie; he sounds complicated and just the perfect case for you. Me; are you kidding, I am just one of many people watching this guy waiting for him to make a mistake.

      Why does he do the work he does?

      Hang on Phil that is my cell phone.

      Ok great I will be there this evening. Phil; were on at seven tonight in Tampa. My black BMW is waiting for me and it’s just seventeen thousand. It has about the same mileage my old one had. I will make it by the bank and pick up a check on my way home.

      Ok Charlie; I am late for a Skype counter intelligence briefing meeting so I will pick you up at your home at five and we can drive up to Tampa.

      As soon as Phil left the office Charlie’s cell phone rings again.

      Hello beautiful, you sound pissed at me. Look I have been at the office all day and undercover for the last two days or I would have called you. No I cannot see you tonight either; I have to drive to Tampa for a central intelligence meeting with my boss. I am sorry baby, I love you more than anything in the world and I know tomorrow we can spend the night together. In fact how does dancing and dinner at the “Quay” sound? Great; that’s my girl, I can’t wait to see you and touch you in places I fantasize about every day. Yes I love you and nothing is wrong, yes I will call you later, bye.

      Charlie checks his emails and more intelligence data has arrived on the covert spy he is tracking in Canada. The email mentioned another article has been posted on the targets web site and emailed to British Intelligence MI5 and the C.I.A. addressed to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and posted online in a blog in Palestine. Charlie is curious to see what communications have been sent into the internet. When he opens the classified document it reads this way;

      Reference Blog Online Address Intelligence Server Data Locations

      Reference Online Newspaper Article

      From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:[email protected]]

      Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 2:05 PM

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: FW: Military intelligence crack

      From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:[email protected]]

      Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 2:05 PM

      To: [email protected]

      Cc: Prime Minister/Premier ministre ([email protected])

      Subject: FW: Military intelligence crack

      Dear Leon Panetta

      I posted this on a blog on the Aljazeera blog in Palestine.

      Controlling the violence created in the protests in Egypt is very important if the region is to safely percolate.

      Too much turmoil too soon may rub off in other regions of the region.

      The Theory Of War…Corporate War Invasion Tactics Posted On Aljazeera Blog Jan. 26 2013

      Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this article written on the theory of war.

      Invasion of a country like Egypt has a life span of two years; and if that region has not surpassed the expectations to increase the freedoms and lifestyle of the civilian population a second invasion created by the people on the street will emerge.

      The people outside of the country interested in ruling that country covertly shake the country by sending internet messengers into society that speak of the lack of tourism or manufacturing creation ability of the current regime to satisfy the needs of the civilian population. As this psychology spreads like a wild fire into the population civil disobedience evolves and protests naturally emerge. If this goes on for long a new regime is created to replace the Muslim Brotherhood behind the existing political leader of Egypt.

      So the Muslim Brotherhood will be shaped in their desire to survive in the political arena opening the doors of Egypt to Western Intervention corporate growth programs or they will also fall from power.

      Shaken and yet not stirred or removed from power. Perhaps the political players will be covertly groomed by the outcome created inherent within the environment to meet the higher expectations of global corporations using democracy as a weapon to shape higher corporate profits in the region.

      As the money is sucked out of the economy a lower lifestyle is achieved and more turmoil in the political environment naturally occurs. As this corporate created turmoil moves from one cycle to next with different leaders; the region or regions under attack becomes even more weak and susceptible to corporate invasion takeover tactics and operations. Until one day the people are awaken to a lifestyle they become accustomed too with most of the natural resources of that country and affiliated country region strip mined and controlled by the corporations designing the economic invasion. This is corporate slavery with democracy used a carrot to mislead the people into turning on an existing regime. This is the case in Iraq and Libya and Syria in the first go round of corporate warfare operations and the case of Egypt in the second wave of corporate invasion battlefield operations.

      This is a series of patterns created offshore that play the existing civilian population and freedom fighters and military and politicians like puppets in a corporate invented movie theatre production.

      Thank you for taking your valuable time to read my opinion on the theory of corporate invasion war.

      From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:[email protected]]

      Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 11:11 AM

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: FW: Military intelligence crack

      From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:[email protected]]

      Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 11:11 AM

      To: [email protected]

      Cc: Prime Minister/Premier ministre ([email protected])

      Subject: Military intelligence crack

      Dear Leon Panetta

      I created this article to support future operation in Africa.

      The Theory Of War…The Beauty Behind Fighting An Infidel Part 2

      Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this article written on the theory of war.


      Self-preservation on the battlefield for some fighters depends on the right intelligence passing into the environment. When the President tells his team he wants results and they fail to achieve the target there needs to be an intelligent answer that identifies the challenges behind the outcome his team achieved

      The challenge for the existing team grows larger naturally when the issues they fight are invisible and internal complicated by old school theory used to face freedom fighters with honor and integrity on one side of the battlefield equation; and infidels on the other side of the equation in search of the right answers for corporations; can be like finding a needle