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command someone to do something, you order them to do it.

      commercial commercials NOUN

      A commercial is an advertisement on television or radio.

      common ADJECTIVE

      If something is common, you often see it or it often happens.

      common noun common nouns NOUN

      Common nouns name things in general. For example, “boy”, “dog” and “computer” are all common nouns.

      See Noun on page 268

      common sense NOUN

      If you have common sense, you usually act sensibly and do the right thing.

      commotion NOUN

      A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion and excitement.

      communicate communicates, communicating, communicated VERB

      If you communicate with someone, you give them information by talking or writing to them.

      compact disc compact discs NOUN

      A compact disc is a round flat silver-coloured object which can store information. It is called a CD for short.

      company companies

      NOUN 1 Company is being with others so you are not lonely.

      NOUN 2 A company is a group of people who work together to make or sell things.

      comparative comparatives NOUN

      In grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective which has “more” of that adjective. For example, “happier” is the comparative of “happy”.

      See Adjective on page 269

      compare compares, comparing, compared VERB

      When you compare two or more things, you look at them to see in what ways they are the same or different.

      compass compasses

      NOUN 1 A compass is an instrument with a needle that always points to north.

      NOUN 2 A pair of compasses is an instrument used for drawing circles.

      compass point compass points NOUN

      The main compass points are north, south, east and west.

      competition competitions NOUN

      A competition is an event to find out who is best at doing something.

      complain complains, complaining, complained VERB

      If you complain, you say that you are not happy about something.


      ADJECTIVE 1 If something is complete, it has been finished.

      ADJECTIVE 2 If you talk about a complete thing, you mean all of it. I need a complete change of clothes.

      complicated ADJECTIVE

      Something complicated is made up of so many parts that it is difficult to understand or deal with.

      compose composes, composing, composed VERB

      If you compose something, like a poem or a piece of music, you write it.

      compound compounds NOUN

      In language, a compound is a word that is made up of two or more words. “Playground”, “armchair” and “toothache” are all compounds.

      computer computers NOUN

      A computer is a machine that stores information and works things out according to instructions in a program.

      conceal conceals, concealing, concealed VERB

      If you conceal something, you hide it carefully.

      concentrate concentrates, concentrating, concentrated VERB

      If you concentrate on something, you give it all your attention.

      concerned ADJECTIVE

      If you are concerned about something, it worries you.

      concert concerts NOUN

      A concert is a performance by musicians, usually in a big hall.

      conclusion conclusions

      NOUN 1 A conclusion is something you decide is true after you have thought carefully.

      NOUN 2 The conclusion of something is its ending.

      concrete NOUN

      Concrete is a building material made of cement, sand and water, which goes hard when it is set.

      condition conditions

      NOUN 1 The condition of something is the state it is in.

      NOUN 2 A condition is a rule you must agree to before you are allowed to do something. You can go out on one condition – you must be home by five.

      conductor conductors NOUN

      A conductor is someone who controls the way musicians play together.

      cone cones NOUN

      A cone is a solid curved shape with a flat circular base and a pointed top.

      See Solid shapes on page 266

      confess confesses, confessing, confessed VERB

      If you confess, you say that you have done something wrong.


      ADJECTIVE 1 If you are confident about something, you are sure about it.

      ADJECTIVE 2 People who are confident know that they can do something well.

      confuse confuses, confusing, confused

      VERB 1 To confuse someone means to make them unsure what to do. The new road layout confused everyone.

      VERB 2 If you confuse two things, you mix them up by mistake. I always confuse the twins because they are so alike.

      congratulate congratulates, congratulating, congratulated VERB

      If you congratulate someone, you say you are pleased that something special has happened to them.

      conjunction conjunctions NOUN

      In grammar, a conjunction is a word that joins two other words or parts of a sentence. “And”, “but”, “while” and “although” are all conjunctions.

      connect connects, connecting, connected VERB

      If you connect two things, you join them together.

      connective connectives NOUN

      In grammar, a connective is a word or phrase that joins parts of a text. For example, “and”, “at last” and “because” are connectives.

      conquer conquers, conquering, conquered VERB

      To conquer people is to take control of their country by force.

      conscious ADJECTIVE

      If you are conscious, you are awake and know what is happening.

      consecutive ADJECTIVE

      If things are consecutive, they happen one after the other. October, November and December are consecutive months.

      conservation NOUN

      Conservation is the protection of the environment.

      consider considers, considering, considered VERB

      If you