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something is the case, you say that it is so.


      The witness alleged that Jones had threatened several people.


      The boss argued that it was fair to sack someone who worked slowly.


      The smuggler declared that he had nothing illegal in his case.


      The arrested woman insisted that the officer had made a mistake.


      Hal maintained that only Leroy was better than him at basketball.

      class (1) NOUN

      A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together.


      Mum’s quilting group meets on Tuesday.


      My clever sister is in the top maths set.


      At the grammar school, children were put in streams according to their ability.

      tutor group

      Jennifer is in Mrs Burton’s tutor group.

      class (2) NOUN

      A class of people or things is a group of them that are alike in some way.


      Nitesh entered the junior category of the poetry competition.


      Beavenutti is the best restaurant of its kind in the area.


      “What is your favourite sort of music?” Carly asked Hannah.


      The market stall sold lots of different types of vegetables and fruits.

      clean (1) ADJECTIVE

      If something is clean, it is free from dirt or unwanted marks.


      The car was immaculate when Dad bought it, but filthy two days later.


      “I want this cabin spotless,” rasped the captain, “or you’re for the high jump!”

      ANTONYM: dirty

      clean (2) VERB

      If you clean something, you remove dirt from it.

      Different ways to clean:



















      clear (1) ADJECTIVE

      If something is clear, it is easy to understand, see or hear.


      It was apparent we were going to lose, right from the start of the match.


      There were definite indications that the swallows were nesting in the eaves.


      We could hear the distinct sound of church bells in the distance.


      It was evident from the wet roads that it had been raining.


      The man showed obvious signs of having been in a fight.


      “It’s plain to see that you have learnt very little,” the head teacher said.

      ANTONYM: unclear

      clear (2) ADJECTIVE

      A clear sky has no clouds in it.


      A very bright morning can mean rain later.


      Skylarks sang high in the cloudless sky.


      The UFO slid silently across the moonlit sky.


      On that starlit night, I could have stayed for hours by the shore.

      ANTONYM: cloudy

      clear (3) ADJECTIVE

      If something is clear, it is easy to see through.


      My mum has a see-through plastic coat.


      The dragonfly’s translucent wings beat against the sky.


      Scott covered his book with transparent sticky-backed plastic.

      ANTONYMS: murky or opaque

      clever ADJECTIVE

      Someone who is clever is intelligent and quick to understand things.


      My brainy brother came top of his class.


      Jim was only three, but he was bright enough to understand what was going on.


      “It’s no good just being intelligent. You have to work hard too,” said my English teacher.


      He’s far too smart to get mixed up in anything illegal.

      ANTONYM: unintelligent

      climb VERB

      When you climb, you move upwards.


      Alice ascended the stairs, carrying a candle.

      clamber up

      Having locked himself out, Dad had to clamber up the drainpipe to an open window.


      The daring climber had to scale the overhanging rockface.

      clock NOUN

      A clock is an instrument that measures and shows the time.

      Other instruments that measure the time:

      alarm clock

      digital clock

      egg timer

      grandfather clock







      close (1) Said “klohz” VERB

      If you close something, you move it so that it is no longer open.


      The crewman sealed the hatch and the submarine was ready to dive.

