Don Pendleton

Double Blindside

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been made a reality.

      The short ride to Phoenix Force’s hotel had suddenly become a protracted event.

      Turkish police arrived in force and a crowd gathered. Before they showed up, Phoenix Force put away their weapons and offered no resistance when the cops did arrive. Kartal took charge, advising McCarter and company to stand down while she used her NIO status to manage the situation. Watching her, McCarter was especially impressed by her management skills. She dealt with the local cops, using her NIO credentials and her not inconsiderable talent for defusing matters.

      “Medical help has been summoned,” Kartal said. “Recovery vehicles, as well.”

      Phoenix Force stayed close to the NIO SUV. They remained passive, but every one of them scanned the crowd and watched for any follow-up to the attack. The volatile crowd surged back and forth, held back by armed Istanbul cops who had no problem using force to restrain anyone overstepping the line that had been invisibly drawn. It became noisy and at times there was a feeling of danger in the air.

      The Turkish cops displayed an aggressive attitude toward anyone who made any show of resistance. A few arrests were made when passion took over from common sense. A police van was summoned and restrained onlookers were taken away.

      “This place is hot,” James said, referring as much to the agitated crowd as the weather.

      “You got that right,” Encizo said. He had spotted more than one raised fist aimed in their direction. Angry faces. Loud voices. As was usual in events such as this, emotion took control and pushed buttons. Calm took a backseat.

      Kartal took a moment to rejoin them.

      “Not the best introduction to my country,” she said. “I apologize.”

      “No need. Has it occurred to you, the way this attack came so quickly, that our presence is not so secret?” McCarter said.

      Kartal nodded. “That is what concerns me most. How you have been identified so easily. This attack was no random incident.”

      The wail of another siren reached them as a large black SUV nudged its way into view, police having to force the crowd back. It had the NIO symbol on the doors. When it stopped, Senior Agent Cem Asker climbed out and made his way to where Phoenix Force and Kartal stood. His face was grim.

      “What happened here? This is not good,” he said as he faced them. “How could this have happened?”

      “Easily answered,” Encizo said. “Someone was in the know about us being here. To the point where they even knew the vehicle we were in.”

      “Doesn’t that suggest something to you, Agent Asker?” McCarter said tautly. “This was supposed to be a covert mission. How the hell did information get out so damn quickly?”

      Anger flashed across the man’s face. “Are you saying there is a leak within the NIO?”

      “I’m saying that it’s likely someone else knows we’re here. And I can tell you for sure it didn’t come from our organization.”

      Asker bristled. For a moment McCarter thought the man was going lash out. His expression betrayed his thoughts. Then Asker stepped back physically and mentally. His face relaxed.

      “Yes, you have a point, Mr. Coyle,” he acknowledged, using McCarter’s cover name. “A valid point. I apologize for my attitude. The situation is difficult. When I return to NIO I will initiate an investigation into how your being here has been compromised. I am glad none of you was injured in any way. May I say I am impressed at how you handled the situation? And you, Agent Kartal. You displayed your usual competence.” He inspected the damage to the NIO vehicle.

      “The damage has affected the rear wheel, sir,” Kartal said. “It cannot be driven. This vehicle will need to be removed for repair.”

      “You are certain of this?”

      “Pushed the bodywork into the tire,” McCarter said, stepping in to back up Kartal. “Cut into the rubber.”

      Asker peered at the damaged section of the NIO vehicle. His manner indicated he knew very little about the mechanics of them.

      “Not going to get us very far,” James noted.

      “New wheels?” Encizo suggested.

      “I can arrange…” Asker said.

      “No need,” McCarter said quickly. “We can deal with this ourselves.”

      “You must allow me to help.”

      “Agent Asker, you have your department to look after, as you told us earlier. We have this covered,” McCarter said. “We can organize a rental vehicle to get around in. Less noticeable than one of your official NIO cars. No offence, Agent Asker, but we try to work without too much fanfare. A vehicle with the NIO brand on it doesn’t help.”

      Asker seemed ready to resist and for a moment McCarter felt the man was going to argue. He seemed to be having a problem controlling his emotions.

      “Very well,” he said finally, his voice tight as he held himself under stress. “If you insist. My orders were to accommodate you, so I will. Agent Kartal will be able to help you to find a suitable vehicle.”

      “Of course, sir. I am sure Mr. Coyle has made the right decision.”

      A frown darkened Asker’s face before he regained his composure. He seemed to be having a troubled moment.

      “Yes, well, of course. I will leave you to your new team. Please keep me informed of your progress,” Asker said to McCarter.

      “Oh, you’ll be hearing from us,” McCarter said forcibly.

      Asker went to speak to the attending Turkish police officers before returning to his own SUV and driving away.

      “That was tense there for a moment,” Encizo said. “Asker got a little uptight.”

      “That he did,” McCarter said.

      He glanced across to where Kartal was checking the panel damage to their SUV. He noticed the way she had been watching Asker, and the tight set of her face suggested there was a lot going on inside her head.

      “I hope I did right,” she said, crossing to join him.

      “Just fine,” McCarter said. He couldn’t hold back a grin. “You catch on quick.”

      “I believe I understand. You do not want any more vehicles from the NIO.”

      “We leave the NIO, pick up a shortcut and that truck still found us,” James said.

      “Too bloody easily for my liking,” McCarter said. “Found us like they knew exactly where we were.”

      “Tracked us?” Encizo offered.

      Kartal’s face paled as she became aware of the implications. “But we never stopped once after we left the department. Are you saying a device was planted at NIO?”

      “Tell us different, Berna, and we’ll listen,” James said.

      They waited until the tow trucks showed up to remove the two vehicles. The ambulance had arrived and was dealing with the casualties. By this time the crowd had had its fill of rubbernecking and most of them had moved on. One police cruiser remained.

      An empty passing taxi had been flagged and Phoenix Force transferred its bags to the trunk. Kartal told the driver to wait. He didn’t mind as they were already on the clock.

      McCarter strolled casually across to take a look at the damaged NIO vehicle as it was being hoisted onto the tow truck. He made a show of inspecting the damage, peering beneath the SUV.

      Kartal had a final few words with the local cops before they climbed into their cruiser and drove off.

      “I will have so much paperwork to complete,” Kartal said.

      “Cops are the same wherever you go,”