Don Pendleton

Double Blindside

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      “A tracker,” James said.

      “Sends out a signal to a locator unit,” Encizo said. “Tells them where you are.”

      McCarter took it and turned it over. A red indicator light was blinking. He flicked a small plastic switch and the light shut off.

      “Magnetic base,” he said. “Sticks to any metal surface. There will probably be a locator unit in that panel truck they towed away.”

      “This was on the side of our fuel tank,” McCarter said.

      Kartal’s expression revealed her thoughts. “You are saying this was placed at NIO?”

      “Couldn’t have been anywhere else. The minute we drove out of the gate we never stopped moving,” James said. “Had to have been already in place.”

      “Not your fault, love.” McCarter smiled. “But it tells me we have enemies closer than we thought.”

      “You were with us, too,” James said. “In the same danger we were.”

      “Part of the package,” Encizo said. “You are now officially on the hit list.”

      “We should go,” Kartal said moments later. “It will be a little more peaceful at your hotel.”

      “You think?” James said. “Let’s hope there isn’t a welcoming committee waiting there, as well.”

      McCarter said, “Hold that thought.”

      He took out his sat phone and called up Stony Man. When Price answered, he quickly brought her up to date with the current events.

      Price listened in patient silence.

      “And how long have you been in Turkey?” she said when he had finished.

      “I know. Fast turnaround on this one.”

      “You sure you’re all okay?”

      “Fine, love, but I have a little job for you. Cancel our current hotel. Find us another and book us in.”

      “You think the opposition might know where you were going to stay?”

      “They found our car. So I’d rather not find out if they had our hotel under surveillance, as well.”

      * * *

      THE STONY MAN call came less than twenty minutes later, Price updating McCarter on their accommodation status.

      “You’re booked in,” she said, offering McCarter the hotel details. “Unless your Turkish sparring partners have access to Stony Man, you should be clear.”

      “Good,” McCarter said. “Efficient as ever. We’ll keep in touch.”

      “Make sure you do.”

      McCarter beckoned and they all piled into the taxi. He told Kartal the new address. She relayed this to the driver and they drove away from the scene.

      “Can you find out where the wounded guy was taken?” McCarter asked. “In case we need to talk to him later.”

      “Yes, I can do that. Do you believe he will give you anything useful?”

      “It’s always worth a try,” McCarter said. “If you don’t ask questions, you won’t get answers.”

      “A logical line of thought, boss,” James said in a tone reminiscent of Mr. Spock.

      “Star Trek,” Kartal said lightly.

      “Ah,” Encizo said, “the global reach of American culture.”

      “How does it sound in Turkish?” James said.

      “If you check your hotel TV, it could be showing.”


      The hotel was large and close to the water. Part of a global chain, it was the sort of place that had lots of rooms and guests. The taxi pulled up to the entrance and the three Phoenix Force men hauled out their luggage and followed Kartal inside. She confirmed the rate and McCarter handed her the cash to pay.

      “Perhaps I should call back later,” Kartal said once they’d checked in. “Allow you to settle. It will give me the chance to change into something a little less dramatic.”

      She left them, picking up one of the taxis waiting outside.

      “I don’t have any objections to the way she dresses,” Encizo said as they made their way to their rooms.

      “This thing you have about women in uniform, carrying guns…” McCarter said. “I think we need to talk about it.”

      They took the stairs to their floor, parting company as they located their individual rooms. Even in the comparative safety of the hotel, the Phoenix Force commandos made sure security was on their minds, each keeping a handgun close. They had agreed to meet up in the cafeteria after freshening up.

      After a quick shower and a change into fresh clothing, McCarter used his sat phone to contact Stony Man again and spoke to Brognola.

      “Hell of an introduction to Turkey,” the big Fed said.

      “Not the first time we’ve had a warm welcome,” McCarter reminded him.

      “So, what happened?” Brognola asked. “You got any suspects?”

      McCarter laughed. “How about the NIO? They’re the only ones who knew we were here. As far as we’re aware.”

      “They were supposed to be the only ones aware of your presence in Turkey. Big agency. But it’s not unknown to have leaks in large organizations. We should know about that. This Özgürlük deal is a Turkish phenomenon. Nationalistic fervor can turn up in surprising places. And so can prying eyes and ears.”

      “That supposed to make me feel better?”

      “Not really. Just aware.”

      “Hal, I’m already aware we are in a tricky position here.”

      “Just saying stay alert, David.”

      “Concern noted.”

      “Any doubts about your Turkish lady cop?”

      “I think she was as surprised as we were when it happened. I’m just glad she’s on our side. She handles herself pretty well.”

      “My suspicious nature warns me to remind you to keep watch until you’re one hundred and one percent sure.”

      “Don’t worry, Mother, we will. You have any results from Gary and T.J. yet?”

      “Still waiting.”

      “Okay, talk to you if and when something happens,” McCarter said, knowing that sooner or later something would.


       Sea of Marmara

      “There is no easy way to tell you this,” Hakan Kaplan said. “Amal is dead. He was killed by the Americans when his team attempted to neutralize them. Salan was wounded and taken prisoner.”

      Kaplan waited for Kadir Polat’s reaction and was surprised when the man failed to do or say anything.

      Sitting at his desk on his cruiser, Polat shifted his gaze to look beyond the open window to the glittering sea. Sunlight danced across the waves. He saw nothing but emptiness. The death of his younger brother had affected him more than any outward sign might show.

      Like a movie played in reverse, he saw