Brenda Jackson


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      “That's nonsense.”

      Rainey smiled. “No. That's a man who's patient yet determined.”

      Netherland looked at Rainey. As the owner of Sisters, her duties were administrative. She seldom had the time to serve the customers unless there was some special event. “Take his order, huh? You don't think I can handle it, do you?”

      “Oh, you'll handle it on wobbly knees, with bated breath and a luscious pool of heat between your legs like the rest of us. If his smile doesn't get to you, then his voice certainly will. It's so sexy.”

      Netherland had to agree. He did have a sexy voice. But she had to believe she could be strong and resist everything about Ashton Sinclair. Hadn't she done a good job of resisting his charm at Trevor Grant's wedding last year? Ashton and Trevor were good friends from Trevor's military days. At the reception Ashton had cornered her and had again asked her to go out with him. She had almost been overcome with weakness since he had looked so darn good in a tux. But luckily, she had gotten a firm grip on her senses before agreeing to date him.

      “Taking his order isn't a big deal,” Netherland said, pulling a menu out of the rack.

      “So you say.”

      “I can do it.”

      “So you claim.”

      “And nothing will happen.”

      “So you think. Good luck.”

      Netherland glared at Rainey. She then took a deep breath before moving across the room. She didn't need good luck. What she needed was a good prayer.

      Ashton Sinclair watched Netherland as she walked toward him, all formal and businesslike, with a menu securely in her hand. From her intense expression, he could tell she felt she was at her wits' end with him. Well, as far as he was concerned, she hadn't seen anything yet. He was getting ready to turn up the heat. He had only six weeks of leave time before he had to report to Washington. He intended to spend every chance he got pursuing his future wife. Soon she would discover that denying what was between them would be pointless, a definite waste of time.

      He leaned back in his chair. What a woman. She was beautiful, sexy and intensely stubborn. His smile widened. He could handle her stubbornness. He rubbed his jaw thinking he could handle just about anything Ms. Brooms dished his way. The result would be well worth it.

      Tension gripped Netherland's entire body as she continued walking toward Ashton on wobbly knees with each bated breath she took. The pool of luscious heat between her legs that Rainey had warned her about got almost unbearable when she saw his gaze roam over her from head to toe. His gaze was blazing with intensity as if burning to ashes every barrier she had erected between them. She knew a lot of other gazes were on her, wanting to see if she could or would resist his sexual charm. She sighed, hoping she would not make a fool of herself. Talk was cheap and when she had taken Rainey up on this dare, she had felt confident she could handle things. But now, the closer she got to where Ashton was sitting, the more she wanted to turn around and hightail it the other way.

      She fought to control the intense desire that was running rampant in her midsection and the increased tingling of her breasts against her blouse. No man should have this much of an effect on a woman. No man.

      Angry with herself as well as with him for placing her in such a predicament, she took a deep, calming breath when she reached his table. She met his gaze with exasperated eyes. “Ashton.”


      She took another deep breath upon hearing her name spoken in a satin-smooth tone from his lips. “Welcome to Sisters tonight.”

      “Thank you.”

      She placed an opened menu in front of him. Before she could recite that night's dinner special, he said, “I don't need that. I know exactly what I want.” He closed the menu.

      She nodded, thinking he probably did since he had patronized her restaurant every single night this week. “All right. What is it that you want?”

      Ashton's eyes darkened even more, exuding strong sensuality, virility and masculinity. When he spoke, his words were husky, sexy and unerringly clear.

      “I want you, Netherland.”

      Chapter 2

      The look in Ashton's eyes told Netherland he was as serious as a heart attack and just as lethal. The four words he had spoken suddenly changed the rhythm of her heartbeat when their impact sent a jolt of desire through her. It wasn't what he had said. It was how he had said it and how he'd looked at her while saying it. Then to top things off, without warning, the most devastating smile caught the corners of his mouth and extended deep into his dark eyes.

      Netherland cleared her throat. She noticed that a hush had spread across the restaurant and wondered if Ashton's words had been loud enough to be heard by others. Taking a quick glance at the table next to his, it was quite obvious that the three women sitting there had gotten an earful. One of the women's jaw was dropped open in shock. Another was fanning herself with the menu as if the room had suddenly become overheated, and the third was gulping down the contents from her wineglass as if it were destined to be her last drink.

      Netherland frowned. Ashton Sinclair's foolishness had gone on long enough, and it was time she told him so. And what she had to say would best be said in private.

      She returned her attention to him and said as calmly as she could, “May I speak with you privately?”

      He nodded smoothly as he stood. “Sure. Just lead the way.”

      Netherland's first inclination was to take Ashton into her office but then she immediately dished the idea. There was no need to have her customers speculate as to what they would be doing behind those closed doors. So instead she led him to a section of the bar that was vacant and not quite visible to prying eyes. She took a seat on one of the bar stools and Ashton slid next to her on another.

      “Nothing for me, Kit,” Netherland said to the bartender who walked up to take their order. She gave Ashton a quick look. “What about you? Do you want anything?”

      Ashton's devastating smile returned. “I told you what I wanted, Netherland.”

      Netherland sighed deeply before returning her gaze to Kit. “There won't be anything for either of us.” When Kit walked away Netherland turned her attention to Ashton once more. “Ashton,” she began slowly. “You take pleasure in stirring me up, don't you?”

      He turned up the wattage on his smile even more. “Yeah, but not the way I'd like,” he responded in a husky voice, full of hidden promises.

      Netherland shook her head, wondering what on earth she was going to do with this man. “It's time we had a long talk to straighten out a few misconceptions, don't you think?”

      “What sort of misconceptions?”

      “Evidently you think that if you keep showing up here each night, you'll finally wear down my resistance, and I'll consent to go out with you. It won't work.”

      Ashton lifted a brow. “It won't?”

      “No. So stop wasting your time. Any of the women here would jump at the chance to go out with you.”

      “But not you?”

      “No, not me. I thought I had made myself clear about the reasons I won't get involved with you. It's nothing against you personally, but I have this hang-up about military men. I thought I had explained that.”

      He nodded. She had but what she didn't know was that her hang-up didn't matter. Their destinies were entwined. He shifted around on the bar stool to face her. “How you feel about us getting involved doesn't matter anymore,” he said softly.

      Netherland lifted her dark brow in surprise. “It doesn't?”

      “No. Because it will happen.”
