Brenda Jackson


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Madaris. Netherland couldn't help but admire the gorgeous car the woman drove. It was real class—just like the woman herself. Although Syneda and her husband Clayton were prominent attorneys in Houston, Netherland had heard the car had been a gift to Syneda on her thirtieth birthday from her father, oil magnate Syntel Remington.

      Netherland pushed the curls out of her face once more as she walked up the sidewalk to her restaurant. There was once a time when Clayton Madaris had been Houston's most eligible bachelor and a frequent customer of Sisters. Now Clayton was a happily married man and a father-in-waiting. Netherland smiled. Miracles never ceased to amaze her.

      Rainey looked up from what she was doing the moment Netherland entered the building. “Syneda Madaris is here.”

      Netherland nodded. “Has she been waiting long?”

      “No, she just arrived. I told her it was okay to wait in your office.”

      “Thanks, Rainey. Our meeting shouldn't last for more than an hour or so.”

      Rainey nodded. “I'm dying to know if any answers came your way last night,” she said before Netherland could walk off.

      Netherland shook her head, frowning. “No, not a one.” She quickly moved toward her office before Rainey could question her further. She hadn't missed her friend's smirky grin. Okay, so she hadn't come up with any answers yet. That didn't mean anything. It certainly didn't mean she was headed for the altar as Ashton Sinclair had claimed.

      She found Syneda sitting in her office busy scribbling notes on a legal pad. Evidently Syneda had a court date sometime that day and was getting prepared. As usual, Netherland noted, the woman was dressed to the bone. Her melon-colored shoes were the exact shade of her two-piece business suit. Amazing, Netherland thought, coming into the room. Not everyone could wear a color that vibrant and get away with it. Syneda, with her light complexion and hair the color of golden bronze, was the epitome of style and sophistication in the outfit. “Sorry I'm late, Syneda.”

      The other woman waved off her words. “Don't apologize. I was early. I let Clayton talk me into having breakfast with him at Barneys. He knows I have a weakness for their bagels.” She laughed. “He also knows I'm not a morning person—unless I'm tempted with a bagel from Barneys, or,” she said, curving her lips in a sheepish grin, “I'm tempted with one other thing…”

      Netherland smiled as she sat behind her desk. It was evident that even after almost a year of marriage, Syneda and Clayton were very much in love. Anytime she saw them together, they were all into each other, probably even more so now that Syneda was expecting the couple's first child. “And how is Clayton doing these days?” she asked.

      Syneda leaned back in her chair smiling. “Clayton is Clayton, what can I say? He's being difficult as usual.”

      Netherland shook her head. “And what are you two disagreeing about now?” It was a long-standing joke with everyone that Syneda and Clayton rarely agreed on anything.

      Syneda's smile widened. “The baby.”

      “The baby's name?”

      “No, we're in full agreement there, believe it or not. Boy or girl, our child will be named Remington.”

      Netherland nodded. Since that was Syneda's father's last name, she could only assume the child was being named after him. Remington was a name Syneda never got to claim as her own while growing up, thanks to her grandfather's deceitful plan to keep her from her father. “What is it about the baby the two of you can't agree on?”

      “Where he or she will be born. I want a home birth with a midwife. Clayton is adamant about me going to the hospital. This is an argument I intend to win even if I have to lock myself in the bathroom when the labor pain starts coming.”

      Netherland chuckled. She'd really like to see that one. Clayton would be a basket case by the time that was over. She shook her head as she opened the file on her desk.

      “You said in your phone call Tuesday that you had someone else for me.”

      Syneda smiled excitedly. “Yes. Are you sure you can use the help?”

      “Yes. Business is good and so far everyone you've recommended has worked out well for us.” Netherland thought about the increase in business lately. Although in part Rainey had been right, it was due to Ashton Sinclair's presence, she believed those people who were patronizing Sisters for the first time would enjoy themselves and return.

      “That's good,” Syneda replied. Her expression indicated she was glad to hear that. She occasionally handled cases where the woman was an abused victim trying to get out of a hellish marriage. She worked closely with the local women's shelter by working behind the scenes whenever she could to find the women some sort of steady employment until they could get on their feet and become stable. The last thing an abused woman needed was to be made to feel that she was dependent on anyone for anything. The quicker they became productive and self-sufficient, and built up self-esteem about themselves, the better. Syneda had already recommended two others who were working out wonderfully. Both women had divorced their abusive husbands and were now in control of their lives. One of them had begun taking night classes at Texas Southern University.

      “This one is a little touchier than the other two, Nettie. Not only am I representing her in a divorce case but charges were filed against her soon-to-be ex-husband for kidnapping. After she left him, he kidnapped her and took her to Louisiana. Luckily the authorities found out where he'd taken her. He had held her against her will, threatening to kill her for at least three days.”

      “Oh, how awful that must have been for her.”

      “Yes, it was.”

      “How is she handling things now?”

      “She's gotten some good counseling and is doing fine. She'll be better once the trial is over.”

      “What's her name?”

      “Jada Roberts.”

      Netherland smiled. “How soon can she start working here?”

      Syneda returned Netherland's smile as she placed one folder back in her briefcase and pulled out another. “Now that we've gotten that matter with Jada Roberts taken care of, we can move on to the issue of the Brothers Auction. I need to give you an update.”

      Netherland nodded. Last year Syneda had come up with the idea of holding a Brothers Auction. The proceeds benefited the Children Home Society, which was badly in need of additional funds for a number of worthy causes to aid the children who lived there. The auction would be held at Sisters and was only two weeks away. Some predicted the event would again be one of the biggest highlights of the year. Single women would get the chance to bid on single, eligible men and all for a good cause. “Don't tell me you're still having men back out.”

      “A number of them did when word got out that Angela Meadows plans to bid again this year.”

      Netherland chuckled. Angela was a thirty-year-old man-hater of the third degree, after having been dumped by two fiancés just days before the weddings. She'd been the highest bidder last year. No man wanted to get bidden on by Angela for fear of what she might have in store for them. Going out on a date with her could very well be their last supper. The guy she'd bidden for last year had called it the date from hell. “Do you really think she plans to bid high again this year?”

      Syneda giggled. “Word's out on the street that she's been saving half of her paychecks each week just for this event. She also plans to take out a loan with her bank.”

      Netherland shook her head. “All for the sake of making some man's life miserable for an evening?”

      “Yes. To her it would be well worth it, and that's what has Clayton's cousins and Alex Maxwell worried.” Syneda smiled. The cousins she was referring to were the grandsons of Clayton's uncles Milton and Luke. The twins, Blade and Slade Madaris, were twenty-seven, and Luke Madaris was only a few months behind at twenty-six. “I told them to relax since they were probably too young for Angela's taste anyway.” Syneda then frowned