Sharon Kendrick

Modern Romance July 2018 Books 1-4 Collection

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why. Because you’re making me want things I have no right to want. Because I’m a virgin and you’re a man of the world and I’ve spent my whole life being cautious.

      ‘I’m tired,’ she said.

      He must have known it was an excuse, but he didn’t query it. Maybe he realised that it was the right thing to do. Or the only thing to do. There was a brief silence before he nodded. ‘Okay. I could use an early night myself. Let’s go.’

      And wasn’t human nature unpredictable? Because as soon as Kulal agreed to her request, Hannah began to regret her decision. Couldn’t she have danced with him a bit longer? Enjoyed what was happening without making such a big deal of it and bringing the evening to such an abrupt end?

      The waiting helicopter whisked them back through the starry skies and her heart was racing as they crept through the hotel corridors. But they managed to slip into Kulal’s private elevator and make it back to the penthouse suite without being seen. The usual inscrutable bodyguards lined the corridor but Hannah had become so used to seeing them that she barely gave them a second glance. She came to a halt outside the door to her room and stared up into Kulal’s carved features, wondering if she ought to offer to turn down his bed for him before she retired for the night. Until she drew herself up short. Was she crazy? Was she planning to tiptoe into his vast bedroom and leave a chocolate on the pillowcase?

      ‘Thank you very much for the evening, Your Royal Highness,’ she said formally as she pushed the door open. ‘I’ll put the dress, shoes and necklace into a bag and drop it off first thing and now I’ll say goodnight.’

      The Sheikh didn’t appear to be listening; he was too busy looking over her shoulder into her room, his black eyes thoughtful. ‘It’s very small,’ he observed, his gaze skating over the narrow bed and functional furniture.

      ‘Of course it’s small,’ she said defensively. ‘I’m staff, remember?’

      But Kulal wasn’t really thinking about her status right then. He wasn’t really thinking about anything other than the frustration which was heating his blood and refusing to be cooled by reason. He had been very turned on during that tantalisingly brief dance and, despite all his best intentions, had been contemplating brushing his fingertips over her luscious breasts when she’d pulled away and told him she wanted to go home. He remembered feeling startled because that had never happened before—not unless it was with the expectation that they would quickly adjourn to the nearest bedroom. But not with this little chambermaid. She was primly saying goodnight to him as though that was exactly what she wanted, even though the darkening of her aquamarine eyes left him in no doubt that their desire was mutual.

      If he was being sensible, he would turn away. Go to his room and kill off his ardour with an icy shower. And maybe, instead of flying straight to Zahristan tomorrow, he could take a detour via Sweden—call in on that delicious blonde actress he’d never got around to bedding a few years back. Hadn’t she sent him a text the other day, disingenuously saying she was sorry to hear about his recent relationship break-up? He thought what else she had written as a postscript, making it graphically clear she wanted him as her lover.

      But he didn’t want that woman with her bony hips which would grind into a man’s flesh like weapons. He wanted softness and voluptuousness. Lush breasts he could bury his head in and a trembling mouth he could plunder to his heart’s content. For the first time in his life, he wanted someone who was outside his realm of experience—was it novelty value which made him hunger for the little chambermaid so much?

      He pulled Hannah into his arms and saw her eyes widen as he began to run his fingertip down her spine.

      ‘Kulal?’ she whispered.

      ‘Yes?’ he whispered back, lowering his head so that their mouths were centimetres apart. He was close enough to kiss her, but he paused long enough to allow her to shake her head. To give her a second opportunity to pull away from him. Because that was the right thing to do, even if every atom in his hungry body rebelled against such an idea.

      But she didn’t pull away. Her lips parted and as lust fired in his belly, he knew he wasn’t going to take her back to his own bedroom. That he had no desire to walk past the line of bodyguards stationed there, even though they had witnessed countless transgressions such as this in the past. And maybe it was better this way. Less intimidating for her—and certainly more novel for him. He pulled her a little closer and felt his erection grow even harder.

      ‘Wh-what are you doing, Kulal?’ she questioned breathlessly.

      It occurred to him that women were rarely original at moments like this. What did she think he was doing—writing a research paper on solar energy? He allowed his lips to drift over the silky texture of her neck, his words muffled by the lazy indulgence of that first, slow kiss. ‘I think we both know the answer to that question. I’m going to make love to you, that’s if you want me to—which I think you do.’

      Hannah swallowed, trying to fight the feelings which were fluttering inside her. She should tell him to stop before this went any further. Before he started to touch her trembling breasts, which were aching to be touched. But she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. How could she turn her back on something which felt so wonderful? The most wonderful thing she’d ever experienced. She hadn’t realised that being in a man’s arms could make you feel like this—as if you could leap up into the air and just fly. She made a helpless little sound as his mouth brushed along her jaw and her eyelids flickered to a close. Was that his tongue she could feel, trailing an erotic and moist little path over her skin? She shivered as he did it again. Yes, it was.

      She wasn’t sure if he was waiting for some kind of response, but she guessed she gave one when she suddenly folded her arms tightly around his shoulders.

      ‘I’m taking it that’s a yes?’ he said on a low growl.

      ‘It’s certainly not a no,’ she said, with a boldness she hadn’t known she possessed.

      He laughed as he stepped inside and kicked the door shut behind them and then he was kissing her properly. Or maybe that should have been improperly. His hands were sliding over her silky dress as he murmured something in a language she didn’t understand. But maybe she didn’t need to. Maybe this was something which was meant to be enjoyed without commitment or expectation. And didn’t they say that the language of love was universal?

      She should have felt shy as he slid her zip down and peeled the delicate dress from her body, but she didn’t. Not when it seemed that her voluptuous curves pleased him. The stylist who had transformed her had insisted on matching underwear and Hannah was glad now that she had agreed. Glad she was wearing a deceptively delicate bra which disguised the fact that it had needed to do a lot of elemental support work. Deftly, he unclipped it and as her breasts came spilling out, he gave another appreciative murmur before locking his hot lips around one thrusting nipple. Hannah gasped—she couldn’t help it. She felt as if she’d taken a one-way trip to heaven. As if she’d found something she hadn’t believed existed. And suddenly she wanted to touch him. To feel the Sheikh’s skin beneath her fingers.

      With the nimbleness which had made her the finest chambermaid in the Granchester group, she slid free the mother-of-pearl buttons to liberate his powerful chest, her hands running greedily over the hard muscle which sheathed the silken skin. Was that what made him groan like that? What made him pick her up as if she were composed of nothing heavier than feathers, before carrying her towards the tiny single bed and depositing her on the mattress?

      And still she didn’t feel shy—not even as he removed the clothes from his body, his eyes not leaving her face. Nor when he was completely naked and leaning over to slither her panties all the way down her thighs and she felt cool air wash over her naked skin. There was no time to feel anything—other than a joyful recognition of the greedy hunger which was spiralling up inside her, so that when Kulal lay down on top of her—because the bed wasn’t really big enough for any other kind of combination—all Hannah could do was to give a shuddering little moan of relief.

      ‘You like that?’ he said, a smile