Sharon Kendrick

Modern Romance July 2018 Books 1-4 Collection

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belly? Or was it one of those questions which didn’t really require an answer—not when he was now discovering the molten heat between her legs with a finger which was making her writhe with pleasure?

      ‘This is crazy!’ Hannah gasped. ‘I can’t—’

      ‘Oh, yes, you can,’ he said, his tongue snaking over her breasts until her nipples felt as if they were going to explode.

      And who was she to contradict him, when their bodies seemed to fit together as if they had been made for each other? When she was so hungry for him that she even managed to giggle as he clumsily tore open what was obviously protection and heard him give a muffled curse. She didn’t stop to think, or to question why he just happened to be carrying a condom around with him because for the first time in her life, Hannah hadn’t just stepped outside her comfort zone—she’d taken a great flying leap into unknown territory.

      And she loved it.

      She loved everything about it. Kissing him and touching him. Running her fingers through the tousled splendour of his thick black hair. Skating her palms over the honed planes of his spectacular body until he bit out that he couldn’t take much more. Suddenly, she wasn’t humble Hannah Wilson any more—but a woman who seemed to be able to drive this hawk-faced man wild with desire. Her initial shyness had been melted away by their rapidly growing intimacy, and suddenly Hannah realised he was pushing her thighs open to enter her.

      The next few seconds were a bit of a blur. There was a little bit of pain—though not very much. And there was undeniable surprise on the face of the Sheikh as he stilled, mid-thrust. But then their bodies seemed to take over and everything else got forgotten when he started moving again until she was gasping out words she hadn’t realised she knew. She heard herself making broken little pleas as she hovered on the edge of something which seemed tantalisingly out of reach.

      But at last she found it. And it wasn’t just what she had thought it might be—it was more. So much more. She gave a disbelieving cry, and as she began to convulse around the Sheikh’s thrusting hardness, he gave a low and exultant shout of his own. And as Hannah felt his big body quivering with pleasure, she found herself thinking that she never wanted this night to end.


      ‘SO WHEN WERE you planning to tell me?’

      Swallowing down the nausea which was rising in her throat, Hannah looked at her little sister, trying not to react to the accusing stare which had accompanied her accusing words. Trying to convince herself that Tamsyn couldn’t possibly know—not when she’d only just found out herself.

      ‘Tell you what?’ she questioned weakly.

      ‘About your pregnancy, of course,’ hissed Tamsyn. ‘Or were you planning to keep it a great big secret until you were just about to pop?’

      Hannah swallowed again, only this time the saltiness in her throat felt suspiciously like the taste of tears—and she’d convinced herself she wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t, she thought fiercely. Because tears wouldn’t solve anything. She’d learnt that the hard way.

      ‘How did you know?’ she whispered.

      ‘Hello? Are you serious?’ Tamsyn filled up the kettle, not appearing to notice that she was splashing water all over Hannah’s carefully polished tiles. ‘It must be obvious to everyone.’

      ‘Nobody at the Granchester knows,’ said Hannah quickly.

      ‘Really? Well, maybe the other staff don’t have eyes in their heads or maybe I just know you better than anyone, but it’s as obvious to me as the nose on your face. Look at you, Hannah—your breasts are enormous and your complexion looks green...’

      ‘Thanks,’ said Hannah tonelessly.

      ‘I can’t believe it. You, of all people.’

      ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

      Tamsyn shrugged. ‘You’re the one who was always so good. Who never put a foot wrong.’

      Hannah didn’t answer, just stared up into her sister’s bewildered face. It was true. She’d been the model child. The peacemaker. The quiet one who had learnt that saying as little as possible and pretending the bad stuff wasn’t happening was the best way for things to get back to normal. Whatever normal was. But this was one situation where pretending it wasn’t happening wasn’t going to work.

      ‘So who’s the daddy, Hannah?’ continued Tamsyn. ‘I didn’t even realise you were in a relationship.’

      Because she wasn’t in a relationship, that was why. Hannah leaned back in the armchair and closed her eyes, not wanting to betray her fear, knowing that sooner or later she was going to have to come clean. To say the words out loud. Because words would make it real. They would confirm what up until now had just been a nagging fear.

      She was pregnant.

      She was carrying the desert King’s child beneath her thundering heart.

      Her mind took her back to that crazy night when Kulal had laid her down on that narrow single bed, his black eyes full of intent as he had run a careless thumb over her thrusting nipple. What had happened next had seemed inevitable—but that wasn’t really true. She could have stopped him. He’d given her every opportunity to do so, but she had just carried on regardless. She had broken every rule in the book—and she wasn’t just thinking about the Granchester’s strict policy of not fraternising with guests. Hadn’t she clung onto her virginity as if it was something very precious? Hadn’t it been a big deal for her, having seen what the fallout from casual sex could be? While most women her age seemed content to be free with their bodies, Hannah had been the opposite—as prim as a woman from a different age.

      And she had surrendered all that innocence to a man who had simply taken it as his due! Who afterwards had looked at the ceiling with a reflective look on his hawk-like features.

      ‘I’ve never done it in such a narrow bed before,’ he had observed thoughtfully, his fingers sliding between her thighs and easing them apart. ‘I think it adds a certain something.’

      But even that arrogant boast hadn’t been enough to kill her hunger for him. Instead, she had just turned to him with silent invitation in her eyes and he’d done it to her all over again. And again. She remembered the intensity of feelings which had seemed to explode inside her, like a bomb which been waiting a long time to be detonated. Was that why she had responded like someone she didn’t really know—showing a side of herself she hadn’t realised existed? Like a wildcat, she thought guiltily. Like...

      She remembered what he’d said, just before the first time.

      ‘You want this, Hannah?’


      ‘And so do I. But it’s one night only—do you understand? Not just because I am a king and you a chambermaid, and our positions in life are so incompatible. The truth is that I’ve just come out of a relationship and I’m not looking for another one. If you want more than that, I cannot give it to you and I’ll walk out of this room right now and leave you alone, no matter how hard I might find it.’

      But Hannah had been powerless to resist him. How could she have resisted him when just looking into those gleaming black eyes had made her want to melt?

      ‘One night is fine with me,’ she had whispered back.

      ‘So who’s the daddy?’ repeated Tamsyn, cutting impatiently into Hannah’s uncomfortable thoughts.

      And that was when Hannah realised that the tables were turned for the first time in their lives. That Tamsyn, for all her wildness, had never presented with a problem as big as this. A problem which seemed insurmountable. Which had made her thoughts spin with increasing desperation, ever since she’d first seen that blue line on the pregnancy test.
