Amy Blankenship

Dark Flames

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feminine voice said.

      Storm looked down at the car. “It talks?”

      “Of course I can,” Evey said and the car door slowly opened. “Want to ride me?”

      Storm shook his head only trusting his own mode of transportation, “I’m sorry, as beautiful as you are… I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

      Evey sighed, “Very well, but you will one day ride in my back seat.”

      Storm stared at Ren, “She’s very… flirtatious.”

      Ren shoved his hands in his pockets, “Talking cars are sexy.”

      “Thank you Ren,” Evey purred.

      “What makes it perfect,” Ren continued, “is that Evey’s voice is an exact replica of Envy’s.”

      Storm pressed his lips together to quell the laughter and nodded vigorously. Ren didn’t show this side of his personality very often but when he did, he always made it worth the wait.

      “Evey,” Ren stated.

      “Yes Ren,” Evey answered.

      “You belong to Trevor, he is your owner.”

      Evey hummed, “Trevor has always taken good care of me… now I will take good care of him.”

      Storm opened his mouth to say something… anything, but his eyes started to water and his cheeks hurt like hell. He briskly walked to ward the closest door, which happened to be the walk in coat closet, before he started laughing again.

      “Are you all right, Storm?” he heard Evey ask through the closed door.

      “I’m okay,” Storm managed. “I’ll be out in a moment.”

      Ren’s lip twitched while he and Evey waited on the boss to regain his sanity.

      Chapter 4

      Guy followed Tiara down the steps that had been cut into the side of the cliff through a combination of human hands and natural forces. He silently followed his target down to the private beach.

      Tiara’s form came into view on the sand and he paused near the bottom long enough to look down on her lithe form. When his feet finally touched the sand, Guy had to stand in awe of the picture she was creating. With her long silky white hair and golden tan… she looked like a beautiful water nymph that had come ashore to lead men astray.

      Tiara was standing at the shoreline letting the water wash up over her sandals. Even though the cold darkness called to her, she loved the feel of the warm sun on her skin. Staring out over the ocean, she could feel the lives the water had taken over the millennia and never given back.

      Most humans who died went on to the next dimension… but there were always those who refused the call. She cocked her head to the side wondering if those ghosts swam with the fish and were happy.

      A soft smile appeared on her face as she recalled the many stories she’d heard over the years of men lost at sea and seeing someone in the water with them. That person would stay with them until rescue came. In each instance, the second person was never found and Tiara knew that other person was the ghost of one long dead that refused to leave their ocean home.

      Ghosts were usually gentle whispering creatures that have no outward power. She should know… she’d even played with them as a child. Their true power resided within their spirit… that inner power is what drew demons to them. Once under the control of demons, ghosts became little more than puppets doing their master’s bidding… innocent victims in the games demons played.

      Guy’s steps were silent as he closed the distance between himself and Tiara until the salty water surrounded the soles of his boots. The breeze was still warm, even though Halloween was just a couple weeks away… the night humans dressed up as monsters. He didn’t even want to think about what that night would bring.

      “Tiara,” his voice was cold knowing she’d lied to Storm about the number of people she needed on her team just to keep him at arm’s length. “We need to talk.”

      Tiara had been so lost in thought that hearing her name so close to her had caused her to flinch. She inwardly sighed knowing she was about to hurt Guy and turned around to face him. She swallowed when she noticed the pain shimmering in his eyes.

      “Guy, I am so sorry.” She meant every word.

      Guy tightened his fists at his sides. She was telling him no and they both knew it. He tried to push away the thought of forcing her to do his bidding, but it was just on the edge of his mind… tempting him.

      “Carley was a part of PIT and died to save another’s life… Mine. She deserves a second chance,” he insisted as if they’d already participated in a silent argument over it… and in a way, they had.

      Tiara slowly shook her head but her expression was full of sympathy. Her voice remained calm and serene as she tried to explain why she couldn’t revive his sister, “To jerk someone back from death is to bring back a zombie without a soul. They can talk and move, but they are hollow… little more than shells their soul used to live in. My job is to free zombies from their creators… not create them myself.”

      “Don’t give me that crap,” Guy lost the fragile hold he’d had on his anger. “Your mother could control souls and now that power is yours, so just tell Carley to get back in her body. Once she’s there, you can seal her in it. Come on, it’s only been a couple of hours. She’s barely cold.”

      “You would bind her to a body in worse condition than it was when she left it? You would want that for your sister?” Tiara asked in sad disappointment. “You haven’t thought this through Guy. What kind of life would that be for her?”

      Guy was suddenly in front of her, grabbing her wrist and roughly jerking her forward until they were only a couple inches apart. Glaring down into Tiara’s startled face he growled, “I’ll do whatever it takes to bring her back. I took care of her before and I can take care of her again.”

      “If you don’t want more than just sunburn, then I suggest you let go of her,” Zachary’s voice was close and full of warning.

      Zachary had held back, listening in on the conversation between Tiara and Guy. He knew Guy was hurting... hell, everyone knew what Carley meant to the big man. However, when Guy grabbed hold of Tiara in a near violent manner, Zachary refused to stand back and let him manhandle her. She was so small and fragile compared to him. She looked like she would break.

      Guy’s eyes narrowed on Tiara, not paying attention to Zachary’s threat. Instead, he continued to stare down into Tiara’s bright eyes, too bright for a normal human. Once more, the thought of forcing her to do what he wanted slipped into his subconscious. What did he really have to lose… he’d already lost everything he lived for.

      “He isn’t hurting me,” Tiara’s voice was calm but she refused to break eye contact with Guy. He was hurting her, but what hurt most was the edge of madness forming in Guy’s angry gaze. He wasn’t really angry at her… he was feeling the normal sensation of survivor’s guilt. In his mind, he should have been the one to die instead of Carley.

      “Guy, if you let go of me, I’ll use my necromancy to call to Carley. Then you can ask your sister what it is she wants now.” Tiara didn’t struggle against him. She wanted him to trust her.

      Zachary shook his head and took a step toward them. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” he stated darkly. He was a master at reading people and although Tiara was doing a damn good job of hiding it, he could tell she was frightened. “I said let her go Guy!”

      “I’m not hurting her,” Guy nearly shouted back at him.

      Zachary ground his teeth and tried to keep a strangle hold on his own fiery temper that had abruptly surfaced. He knew Guy was grieving and it was obvious the other man wasn’t handling it very well. Be that as it may, that didn’t mean he was going to let Guy take it out on Tiara.