Amy Blankenship

Dark Flames

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Zachary moved to let Storm into the room.

      Chapter 5

      “Storm,” Tiara acknowledged, then smiled warmly at him when he walked over and sat down on the bed beside her.

      Storm looked over at Guy with an unreadable expression on his face. He’d seen Guy carrying Tiara up the stairs with the same care he had shown his sister. “Did I miss something?”

      Guy refused to fidget as Storm looked directly at him. He’d seen the time walker grab a man once in a fit of anger and the man had simply disappeared never to be seen again. Considering what Storm was, Guy sure as hell did not want to end up in the Stone Age.

      “I will protect Tiara as a permanent member of her group,” Guy informed the time walker stoically.

      “So I did miss something,” Storm mused. This was new to him and he was getting a kick out of finding out things the old fashioned way. Looking over at Zachary, Storm noticed the not-so-happy expression on the other man’s face and sighed inwardly. “Zachary, care to fill me in?”

      Tiara’s lips had parted to defend Guy but she stilled when Storm moved his gaze to Zachary inquiringly. She lifted her gaze to Zachary’s, feeling safe to do so now that his attention wasn’t trained on her.

      Zachary flicked his gaze to Tiara’s, frowning when she immediately looked down at her hands. Why was it that she was more comfortable with the man that had just knocked her out than she was with the one that hadn’t hurt her?

      Was she drawn to bad boys like her mother had been? Would she be attracted to a demon? Maybe Storm had been right in putting him in charge of her safety. There was a very good chance they would need to protect Tiara more from herself than the demons running around.

      “Guy wanted his sister back so he and Tiara struck a deal and combined their powers. They didn’t raise Carley from the dead… but Guy can now summon his sister’s ghost and everything is hunky-dory,” Zachary told Storm sarcastically with a light shrug of his shoulders.

      “Really now,” Storm tried to hide his smirk at the obvious feelings Zachary had and was doing a bad job of hiding. “And they did this with no side effects?”

      Zachary pinned Guy with a dark look as he added, “None… if you don’t count the fact that the spell knocked Tiara back about ten feet and left her out cold for a few minutes.”

      “I figured as much by the bruise that’s already forming on her chest and right wrist.” Storm said and raised an eyebrow at Guy.

      Zachary growled under his breath and stalked across the room to the bed where Tiara was sitting with every intention of looking for the bruises in question.

      Tiara grabbed a throw pillow from the bed and hugged it tight to hide the edge of the bruise that was visible above the cloth covering her breasts. She blinked up at Zachary feeling the temperature in the room rise by several degrees.

      Storm looked at Guy curiously, “It is intriguing that you can combine your power with Tiara’s. That was a bit unexpected and might be handy in the future. But from now on, keep in mind that even though she is powerful, she’s human and heals like one.”

      “That’s what I told him,” Zachary pointed out glaring at Guy. It didn’t miss his attention the way Storm brought up the possibility of Guy’s power being compatible with Tiara’s necromancy. He fought back the urge to growl once more and crossed his arms over his chest to avoid hitting something… namely Guy.

      “And Guy will heed that warning,” Storm nodded his approval even though he could tell Zachary didn’t agree with his judgment to let Guy join Tiara’s group. Zachary’s jealousy was very obvious to him. He just hoped once Zach emerged, he’d be able to keep it under control

      “I will protect her,” Guy repeated and returned Zachary’s glare with the stubbornness of his own. “I owe it to her for what she’s done for me and Carley.”

      With the lecture over Storm smiled, “Now, let’s see that sister of yours.”

      “Carley,” Guy had to keep from crossing his fingers and praying the spell would work as planned. He sighed thankfully when his sister suddenly appeared between him and Storm. She had a mischievous smile on her face and Guy could tell she was up to something.

      “Can you see her?” Tiara asked Storm curiously.

      “Not even a shadow,” Storm admitted and rubbed his finger across his chin thoughtfully. “This could be really good for PIT.”

      “What’s he talking about?” Carley asked out loud even though Guy and Tiara where the only ones who could hear her. “Oh wait… great minds think alike.” She smiled in excitement keeping her attention on Storm. “Come on… say it.”

      “Zachary, can you see her?” Storm asked.

      “No,” Zachary confirmed.

      “Tiara, tell Storm I would be the perfect spy,” Carley shot her brother another huge grin then pouted at him when he frowned at her. “It’s not like it would be dangerous… I’m already dead, dummy.”

      Tiara echoed Carley’s words for Storm and Zachary … even the ‘dummy’ comeback she’d given her brother, making the other men in the room chuckle. She felt more confident now that she had proof Guy was a great choice for a prominent team member.

      “Carley seems excited,” she commented, smiling at the ghost only a couple feet in front of them.

      “I would love to still be a part of PIT!” Carley nodded vigorously.

      When Guy repeated her words to Storm, Storm glanced over at Zachary, seeing him just shrug as if it didn’t make a difference to him. If he knew Zachary at all, it probably didn’t.

      “It’s not like she’ll bother me… I won't even know she’s there.” Zachary relaxed back against the wall leaving it up to Storm. Secretly, he thought it was a great idea because it would give Guy something to do besides worship Tiara. “As long as she doesn’t peep in on places she’s not been invited, then everything will be fine.”

      “How would he know?” Carley muttered making Tiara grin and Guy stare at her like she’d just morphed into an alien.

      This gave Storm another idea, “Guy, you and Carley put your heads together and see if you can come up with a spell that can be used for the members of this team.”

      “What kind of spell do you need?” Guy asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

      “We need one that will allow the other people on this team to see Carley and communicate with her,” Storm instructed.

      Tiara felt the muscles in her stomach tighten. She remembered learning such a spell… except the way she’d been taught to do it had nothing to do with magic… it was done with necromancy.

      It was hard for her mother to teach her how to do things that she couldn’t even try to perform yet. Most of her training had been pretend and anything sexual had only been talked about… not acted out for obvious reasons. Her and her mother had always been left alone for training and even though she was born with some of her father’s powers, Myra had forbid her to try to use them in fear of someone finding out.

      “There is a way to make someone aware of ghosts but I’ve not had the chance to try it yet.” Tiara hugged the pillow a little tighter as she added, “It’s called the breath of sight but it will make the person I give it to aware of more than just Carley.”

      “Do you mean it will allow them to see everything you see?” Storm questioned knowing that was a tall order. When Tiara nodded, Storm rubbed his hands together, “Now that’s more like it. It would be good for your team members to be aware of everything going on around you. Wouldn’t you agree?”

      Tiara tried not to cringe but couldn’t help it, “Everyone?”

      Seeing the slight blush creep up into her cheeks, Storm caught a hint of