Heidi Rice

One-Amazing-Night Baby!

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Nothing worse than those long awkward pauses with someone you’d only just met. Except when they stole a glance over your shoulder to see who might rescue them.

      However, that wouldn’t be a problem tonight. ‘These are my friends.’

      ‘Hopefully not all as transparent as dear Penny.’

      Sophie cringed. Would Cooper like her friends? Nowadays she more often went out with her teacher friends than anyone here tonight, but irrespective of that … would Cooper be the kind of husband who backed a girls’ night out? Or would he turn into a leave-’em-pregnant-and-barefoot type?

      And what about that? Maybe he wanted a dozen children? She hadn’t thought past one. Not that they were getting married. They were not getting married. It was impossible.

      Wasn’t it?

      Pocahontas—aka Penny—opened the door. On seeing Phantom, her face, between the long black braids, lit up. Her full lips slanted.

      ‘My John Smith couldn’t make it.’ She acknowledged Sophie briefly. ‘Mind if I borrow yours?’

      ‘The name’s Cooper Smith,’ he reminded her politely.

      ‘Cooper. Of course.’ Penny’s white moccasins and endless tanned legs made way as she gestured them through into her party-in-full-swing abode. Somewhere nearby a champagne cork popped and cheers went up. ‘Care for a cup of my special punch, Cooper? It packs quite a—’ She blushed. ‘Well … punch.’

      Cooper’s smile managed to be both dazzling and thin. ‘I’m sure Sophie would enjoy one too.’

      Sophie didn’t have to think this time. Purely for Penny’s sake, she gave Cooper a private smile. ‘We did work up quite a thirst this afternoon—didn’t we, hon?’

      Cooper’s brows lifted. First in surprise, then in approval. He didn’t need more encouragement.

      Fooling with her peignoir’s lacy neckline, he stage-whispered, ‘Darling, you promised not to mention that once we got here.’ Appropriately embarrassed, he turned to their hostess. ‘Thank you, Penny. Punch would be great.’ He touched his throat and rasped, ‘I am rather dry.’

      As they moved off, Penny prattled on about her house renovations. Cooper stopped and held a hand out to Sophie. ‘Coming?’

      The time seemed right for payback for crossing the loincloth line earlier tonight. ‘You’ve so looked forward to catching up with Penny.’ She blew a kiss. ‘I’ll see you both later.’

      Above a knowing half-grin, his unmasked eye shot playful daggers as Penny dragged him and his billowing cape away.

      Left alone, Sophie inhaled the aroma of the hot finger-food doing the rounds, then appraised the milling crowd—Terminator, Dorothy from Oz, Edward Scissorhands and, if she wasn’t mistaken, Pamela Anderson, in a red one-piece that didn’t come close to covering her famous bust.

      Sophie rearranged her peignoir and smiled. Cooper was the kind of man most women dreamed about. Completely and irrevocably masculine. Confident to the point of arrogance. But Sophie didn’t feel the least concerned that she would lose his attention tonight. Not because she considered herself more attractive or entertaining than any woman here, or because they were close to being in love. But rather because she was the mother of Cooper’s unborn child, and right now that was all he could see. She would be a fool to think otherwise.

      From behind, a set of hands swept over her eyes and Sophie jumped. She pulled them off and spun around to see Kate’s razor-cut red hair hidden beneath a thirties-style blonde wig.

      Kate circled her. ‘Oh my God, Sophie—look at you!’

      In a shredded dress and rope bracelets, Sophie was guessing Kate was King Kong’s date, Fay Wray.

      Kate’s brow wrinkled. ‘Have you lost weight?’

      For once in her life Sophie felt wonderful saying, ‘I’ve put a little on.’

      Kate’s gaze sharpened. ‘What happened after Wendy’s wedding? You didn’t return any of my calls.’ She craned a look around the busy, dimly lit room. ‘Are you with that guy tonight?’

      ‘As a matter of fact …’ She buffed her nails.

      Kate pressed a palm to her chest. ‘I lost my breath when he carried you away like that.’

      ‘Knocked me out too,’ Sophie admitted.

      That night had been one of a kind—overflowing with colour-filled magic. Every woman should be lucky enough to experience a night with a lover as expert as Cooper. Sophie’s body flashed hot whenever she thought of the heights to which he’d taken her. Release had become more intense, more necessary, each time.

      But would she enjoy those same kinds of thrills again? Though she would never admit it to him, she couldn’t imagine being with anyone but Cooper.

      Kate absently rearranged her ropes. ‘I can’t think why Evangeline cut him loose. I tried to dig a little, but she wouldn’t give even a hint.’

      Sophie’s antennae picked up. ‘You know Cooper’s ex?’ The woman who had tried but failed to conceive while they were an item …?

      ‘Evangeline’s a friend on Wendy’s husband’s side. Didn’t come to the wedding for obvious reasons.’ She mouthed, ‘Too awkward,’ then nudged Sophie’s ribs. ‘Good thing for you, though.’ She tilted her wavy blonde wig towards the kitchen. ‘I saw her earlier. Guess she didn’t realise her ex would be here.’

      Someone nuzzled her neck from behind, and Sophie jumped, higher this time, then spun around.

      Cooper, minus the mask, waved a cracker and spread under her nose. ‘Chilli-cheese dip. I can get another.’

      Spicy food upset her stomach—particularly now she was pregnant. She tried not to screw up her nose. ‘You enjoy.’

      He popped the cracker in his mouth, but stopped mid-chew as he stared off over her shoulder. His bright blue eyes doubled in size at the same time as his olive complexion came over all pasty. His voice was little more than a rasp.


      Nausea rolled up and down inside Sophie’s tummy. Swallowing hard, she followed Cooper’s eyeline while Fay Wray, obviously sensing hazards ahead, quietly slipped away.

      A petite woman waved once, looked around, and, finding no escape, moved to join them.

      When she came close, Sophie saw the woman’s eyes were almond-shaped and deep hazel in colour. She smelled like roses—soft and subtle—and looked like an oriental princess—or was it geisha? She probably would even out of costume.

      Her gentle tone was no surprise. ‘Hello, Cooper. It’s been a while.’

      Cooper finished swallowing his cracker. ‘Nice to see you.’

      Madam Butterfly forced a smile. ‘I didn’t expect to see you here.’

      A pulse leapt twice in his jaw. ‘Small world.’ He placed an arm around Sophie’s corseted waist. ‘I’d like you to meet Sophie.’

      She could have kissed him for leaving off her last name.

      Evangeline had the kind of face that reminded Sophie of angels—beautiful, serene. First impressions were everything, and although Sophie knew their background, she had a hard time believing this woman had taken matters into her own hands about starting a family with Cooper.

      Sophie accepted her hand. ‘Good to meet you.’

      Cooper’s gaze had dropped to Evangeline’s waist. Seeing his frozen expression, Sophie stole a look too. She was no expert, but she’d place the gestational age of Evangeline’s baby somewhere around six months.

      A hot tingling flashed from the base of her skull all the way over to her beading forehead.
