S.S. Van Dine

The Greatest Works of S. S. Van Dine (Illustrated Edition)

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takes more than a motive to arouse unpleasant suspicion.”

      “Maybe so. Only I didn’t want to be drawn into it.—You can’t blame me for trying to keep clear of it.”

      Markham leaned over with a threatening smile.

      “The fact that Miss Odell had blackmailed you wasn’t your only reason for lying about the summons. It wasn’t even your main reason.”

      Cleaver’s eyes narrowed, but otherwise he was like a graven image.

      “You evidently know more about it than I do.” He managed to make his words sound casual.

      “Not more, Mr. Cleaver,” Markham corrected him, “but nearly as much.—Where were you between eleven o’clock and midnight Monday?”

      “Perhaps that’s one of the things you know.”

      “You’re right.—You were in Miss Odell’s apartment.”

      Cleaver sneered, but he did not succeed in disguising the shock that Markham’s accusation caused him.

      “If that’s what you think, then it happens you don’t know, after all. I haven’t put foot in her apartment for two weeks.”

      “I have the testimony of reliable witnesses to the contrary.”

      “Witnesses!” The word seemed to force itself from Cleaver’s compressed lips.

      Markham nodded. “You were seen coming out of Miss Odell’s apartment and leaving the house by the side door at five minutes to twelve on Monday night.”

      Cleaver’s jaw sagged slightly, and his labored breathing was quite audible.

      “And between half past eleven and twelve o’clock,” pursued Markham’s relentless voice, “Miss Odell was strangled and robbed.—What do you say to that?”

      For a long time there was tense silence. Then Cleaver spoke.

      “I’ve got to think this thing out.”

      Markham waited patiently. After several minutes Cleaver drew himself together and squared his shoulders.

      “I’m going to tell you what I did that night, and you can take it or leave it.” Again he was the cold, self-contained gambler. “I don’t care how many witnesses you’ve got; it’s the only story you’ll ever get out of me. I should have told you in the first place, but I didn’t see any sense of stepping into hot water if I wasn’t pushed in. You might have believed me last Tuesday, but now you’ve got something in your head, and you want to make an arrest to shut up the newspapers——”

      “Tell your story,” ordered Markham. “If it’s straight, you needn’t worry about the newspapers.”

      Cleaver knew in his heart that this was true. No one—not even his bitterest political enemies—had ever accused Markham of buying kudos with any act of injustice, however small.

      “There’s not much to tell, as a matter of fact,” the man began. “I went to Miss Odell’s house a little before midnight, but I didn’t enter her apartment; I didn’t even ring her bell.”

      “Is that your customary way of paying visits?”

      “Sounds fishy, doesn’t it? But it’s the truth, nevertheless. I intended to see her—that is, I wanted to—but when I reached her door, something made me change my mind——”

      “Just a moment.—How did you enter the house?”

      “By the side door—the one off the alleyway. I always used it when it was open. Miss Odell requested me to, so that the telephone operator wouldn’t see me coming in so often.”

      “And the door was unlocked at that time Monday night?”

      “How else could I have got in by it? A key wouldn’t have done me any good, even if I’d had one, for the door locks by a bolt on the inside. I’ll say this, though: that’s the first time I ever remember finding the door unlocked at night.”

      “All right. You went in the side entrance. Then what?”

      “I walked down the rear hall and listened at the door of Miss Odell’s apartment for a minute. I thought there might be some one else with her, and I didn’t want to ring unless she was alone. . . .”

      “Pardon my interrupting, Mr. Cleaver,” interposed Vance. “But what made you think some one else was there?”

      The man hesitated.

      “Was it,” prompted Vance, “because you had telephoned to Miss Odell a little while before, and had been answered by a man’s voice?”

      Cleaver nodded slowly. “I can’t see any particular point in denying it. . . . Yes, that’s the reason.”

      “What did this man say to you?”

      “Damn little. He said ‘Hello,’ and when I asked to speak to Miss Odell, he informed me she wasn’t in, and hung up.”

      Vance addressed himself to Markham.

      “That, I think, explains Jessup’s report of the brief phone call to the Odell apartment at twenty minutes to twelve.”

      “Probably.” Markham spoke without interest. He was intent on Cleaver’s account of what happened later, and he took up the interrogation at the point where Vance had interrupted.

      “You say you listened at the apartment door. What caused you to refrain from ringing?”

      “I heard a man’s voice inside.”

      Markham straightened up.

      “A man’s voice? You’re sure?”

      “That’s what I said.” Cleaver was matter of fact about it. “A man’s voice. Otherwise I’d have rung the bell.”

      “Could you identify the voice?”

      “Hardly. It was very indistinct; and it sounded a little hoarse. It wasn’t any one’s voice I was familiar with; but I’d be inclined to say it was the same one that answered me over the phone.”

      “Could you make out anything that was said?”

      Cleaver frowned and looked past Markham through the open window.

      “I know what the words sounded like,” he said slowly. “I didn’t think anything of them at the time. But after reading the papers the next day, those words came back to me——”

      “What were the words?” Markham cut in impatiently.

      “Well, as near as I could make out, they were: ‘Oh, my God! Oh, my God!’—repeated two or three times.”

      This statement seemed to bring a sense of horror into the dreary old office—a horror all the more potent because of the casual, phlegmatic way in which Cleaver repeated that cry of anguish. After a brief pause Markham asked:

      “When you heard this man’s voice, what did you do?”

      “I walked softly back down the rear hall and went out again through the side door. Then I went home.”

      A short silence ensued. Cleaver’s testimony had been in the nature of a surprise; but it fitted perfectly with Mannix’s statement.

      Presently Vance lifted himself out of the depths of his chair.

      “I say, Mr. Cleaver, what were you doing between twenty minutes to twelve—when you phoned Miss Odell—and five minutes to twelve—when you entered the side door of her apartment-house?”

      “I was riding up-town in the Subway from 23d Street,” came the answer after a short pause.

      “Strange—very strange.” Vance inspected the tip of his cigarette. “You couldn’t possibly have phoned any one during that fifteen minutes?”
