Jean de la Fontaine

Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Complete

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to speak had been absurd,

      And to the stable flew, since he believed

      The circumstances, which his bosom grieved,

      Whate'er mysterious doubts might then appear,

      Proceeded from some am'rous muleteer.

      WHEN round the dorture he began to creep,

      The troop appeared as if dissolved in sleep,

      And so they truly were, save our gallant,

      Whose terrors made him tremble, sigh, and pant:

      No light the king had got; it still was dark;

      Agiluf groped about to find the spark,

      Persuaded that the culprit might be known,

      By rapid beating of the pulse alone.

      The thought was good; to feel the prince began,

      And at the second venture, found his man,

      Who, whether from the pleasures he'd enjoyed,

      Or fear, or dread discov'ry to avoid,

      Experienced (spite of ev'ry wily art,)

      At once quick beating of the pulse and heart.

      In doubt how this adventure yet might end,

      He thought to seem asleep would him befriend.

      MEANWHILE the king, though not without much pains,

      Obtained the scissors used for horses' manes.

      With these, he said, I'll mark the fond gallant,

      That I may know again the one I want.

      THE monarch from the muleteer with care,

      In front, snipt off a bulky lock of hair.

      This having done, he suddenly withdrew;

      But carelessly away the trophy threw;

      Of which the sly gallant advantage took,

      And thus the prince's subtle project shook;

      For instantly began our artful spark,

      His fellow servants like himself to mark.

      WHEN day arrived the monarch was surprised,

      To see each muleteer alike disguised;

      No hair in front of either now was seen;

      Why, how is this? said he: What can it mean?

      Fifteen or more, if I believe my sight,

      My wife has satisfied this very night.

      Well! well! he'll now escape if mum he prove;

      But there again I trust he ne'er shall move.

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       Table of Contents

      BOCCACE alone is not my only source;

      T'another shop I now shall have recourse;

      Though, certainly, this famed Italian wit

      Has many stories for my purpose fit.

      But since of diff'rent dishes we should taste;

      Upon an ancient work my hands I've placed;

      Where full a hundred narratives are told,

      And various characters we may behold;

      From life, Navarre's fair queen the fact relates;

      My story int'rest in her page creates;

      Beyond dispute from her we always find,

      Simplicity with striking art combin'd.

      Yet, whether 'tis the queen who writes, or not;

      I shall, as usual, here and there allot

      Whate'er additions requisite appear;

      Without such license I'd not persevere,

      But quit, at once, narrations of the sort;

      Some may be long, though others are too short.

      LET us proceed, howe'er (our plan explained:)

      A pretty servant-girl a man retain'd.

      She pleas'd his eye, and presently he thought,

      With ease she might to am'rous sports be brought;

      He prov'd not wrong; the wench was blithe and gay,

      A buxom lass, most able ev'ry way.

      AT dawn, one summer's morn, the spark was led

      To rise, and leave his wife asleep in bed;

      He sought at once the garden, where he found

      The servant-girl collecting flow'rs around,

      To make a nosegay for his better half,

      Whose birth-day 'twas:—he soon began to laugh,

      And while the ranging of the flow'rs he prais'd,

      The servant's neckerchief he slyly rais'd.

      Who, suddenly, on feeling of the hand,

      Resistance feign'd, and seem'd to make a stand;

      But since these liberties were nothing new,

      They other fun and frolicks would pursue;

      The nosegay at the fond gallant was thrown;

      The flow'rs he kiss'd, and now more ardent grown

      They romp'd and rattl'd, play'd and skipt around;

      At length the fair one fell upon the ground;

      Our am'rous spark advantage took of this,

      And nothing with the couple seem'd amiss.

      UNLUCKILY, a neighbour's prying eyes

      Beheld their playful pranks with great surprise,

      She, from her window, could the scene o'erlook;

      When this the fond gallant observ'd, he shook;

      Said he, by heav'ns! our frolicking is seen,

      By that old haggard, envious, prying quean;

      But do not heed it; instantly he chose

      To run and wake his wife, who quickly rose;—

      So much the dame he fondl'd and caress'd,

      The garden walk she took at his request,

      To have a nosegay, where he play'd anew

      Pranks just the same as those of recent view,

      Which highly gratified our lady fair,

      Who felt dispos'd, and would at eve repair,

      To her good neighbour, whom she bursting found,

      With what she'd seen that morn upon the ground.