Jean de la Fontaine

Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Complete

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universe pervade,

      Whose constant aim is mortals to degrade,

      And cheat us to our noses if they can,

      (Hell's imps in human shape, disgrace to man!)

      Perhaps these wretches have bewitch'd our wives,

      And made us fancy errors in their lives.

      Then let us like good citizens, our days

      In future pass amidst domestick ways;

      Our absence may indeed restore their hearts,

      For jealousy oft virtuous truths imparts.

      IN this Astolphus certainly believ'd;

      The friends return'd, and kindly were receiv'd;

      A little scolding first assail'd the ear;

      But blissful kisses banish'd ev'ry fear.

      To balls and banquets ALL themselves resigned;

      Of dwarf or valet nothing more we find;

      Each with his wife contentedly remained:—

      'Tis thus alone true happiness is gained.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents



      SOME time ago from Rome, in smart array,

      A younger brother homeward bent his way,

      Not much improved, as frequently the case

      With those who travel to that famous place.

      Upon the road oft finding, where he stayed,

      Delightful wines, and handsome belle or maid,

      With careless ease he loitered up and down.—

      One day there passed him in a country town,

      Attended by a page, a lady fair,

      Whose charming form and all-engaging air,

      At once his bosom fired with fond desire;

      And nearer still, her beauties to admire.

      He most gallantly saw her safely home;

      Attentions charm the sex where'er we roam.

      OUR thoughtless rambler pleasures always sought:

      From Rome this spark had num'rous pardons brought;

      But—as to virtues (this too oft we find),

      He'd left them—with his HOLINESS behind!

      THE lady was, by ev'ry one, confessed,

      Of beauty, youth, and elegance possessed;

      She wanted naught to form her bliss below,

      But one whose love would ever fondly flow.

      INDEED so fickle proved this giddy youth,

      That nothing long would please his heart or tooth;

      Howe'er he earnestly inquired her name,

      And ev'ry other circumstance the same.

      She's lady, they replied, to great 'squire Good,

      Who's almost bald from age 'tis understood;

      But as he's rich, and high in rank appears,

      Why that's a recompense you know for years.

      THESE facts our young gallant no sooner gained,

      But ardent hopes at once he entertained;

      To wily plots his mind he quickly bent,

      And to a neighb'ring town his servants sent;

      Then, at the house where dwelled our noble 'squire,

      His humble services proposed for hire.

      PRETENDING ev'ry sort of work he knew,

      He soon a fav'rite with old Square-toes grew,

      Who (first advising with his charming mate),

      Chief falc'ner made him o'er his fine estate.

      THE new domestick much the lady pleased;

      He watched and eagerly the moment seized,

      His ardent passion boldly to declare,

      In which he showed a novice had no share.

      'TWAS managed well, for nothing but the chase,

      Could Square-toes tempt to quit her fond embrace,

      And then our falc'ner must his steps attend:—

      The very time he wished at home to spend.

      The lady similar emotions showed;

      For opportunity their bosoms glowed;

      And who will feel in argument so bold,

      When this I say, the contrary to hold?

      At length with pity Cupid saw the case,

      And kindly lent his aid to their embrace.

      ONE night the lady said, with eager eyes,

      My dear, among our servants, which d'ye prize,

      For moral conduct most and upright heart?

      To this her spouse replied, the faithful part

      Is with the falc'ner found, I must decide:

      To him my life I'd readily confide.

      THEN you are wrong, said she—most truly so,

      For he's a good-for-nothing wretch I know;

      You'll scarcely credit it, but t'other day,

      He had the barefaced impudence to say,

      He loved me much, and then his passion pressed:

      I'd nearly fallen, I was so distressed.

      To tear his eyes out, I designed at first,

      And e'en to choke this wretch, of knaves the worst;

      By prudence solely was I then restrained,

      For fear the world should think his point was gained.

      THE better then to prove his dark intent,

      I feigned an inclination to consent,

      And in the garden, promised as to-night,

      I'd near the pear-tree meet this roguish wight.

      Said I, my husband never moves from hence;
