Patricia Adam

Managing Internationalisation

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19600:2014Figure 6-17Risk Management Process Based on ISO 31000:2009Figure 6-18Sample Risk MapFigure 6-19Organisational Cultures and Risk OrientationFigure 6-20Knowledge DimensionsFigure 6-21Organisational Learning CulturesFigure 6-22Organisational Knowledge Management Process and ActivitiesFigure 6-23Pyramid of Organisational Information SystemsFigure 7-1Concept Map “Managing Processes and Products Globally”Figure 7-2EFQM Criterion 5 “Processes, Products and Services” and Its Criterion PartsFigure 7-3From Function Orientation to Process OrientationFigure 7-4Aligning Process Management and Business StrategiesFigure 7-5Overview of Business Process ManagementFigure 7-6Sample Process DiagramsFigure 7-7Example of ARIS Items and Event-Driven Process ChainFigure 7-8BPM Process Levels in a Sample Process MapFigure 7-9The ISO 9000 Family of Quality Management StandardsFigure 7-10Mapping ISO/DIS 9001:2014 on the EFQM ModelFigure 7-11Structure of Quality Requirements for Value Creating ProcessesFigure 7-12How (Not) To Conduct an Optimal Product Design ProcessFigure 7-13Simple Supply Chain of Great JeansFigure 7-14A Global View on Great Jeans’ Supply ChainFigure 7-15Customer Relationship Management Based on the IDIC ApproachFigure 8-1Concept Map “Monitoring and Achieving Balanced Results”Figure 8-2EFQM Result Criteria and Their Criterion PartsFigure 8-3The Allocation of ResultsFigure 8-4Kaplan & Norton’s Balanced ScorecardFigure 8-5Balanced Scorecards Aligned Across All Organisational LevelsFigure 8-6Mapping the BSC Concept on the EFQM Excellence ModelFigure 8-7Poorly Designed DashboardFigure 8-8Adequate Dashboard for Great JeansFigure 9-1Concept Map “Assessing the Organisation’s Management Model”Figure 9-2Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions Asked about an OrganisationFigure 9-3Basic Self-Assessment ProcessFigure 9-4Classification of Different Self-Assessment ToolsFigure 9-5Self-Assessment Matrix of ISO 9004:2009 – Sample ElementFigure 9-6Exemplary Award Simulation ProcessFigure 9-7RADAR Elements for the Analysis of EnablersFigure 9-8Composition of the Enabler MatrixFigure 9-9RADAR Elements for the Analysis of ResultsFigure 9-10Criteria Weightings of the EFQM Excellence Model 2013Figure 9-11EFQM Recognition SchemeFigure 9-12Global Distribution of Awards Using the EFQM or Baldrige ModelFigure 9-13Overview of EEA and MBNQA Award Categories

1Introduction and Overview Strategic International Management

      Welcome to the fascinating world of international organisations. This book will introduce the internationalisation process in its rich diversity and sometimes astonishing complexity. Each section is preceded by learning objectives that explain the knowledge gained in reading through the subsequent pages. The objectives for section one are presented here:

      Readers are able to navigate effortlessly through the book and its supplementary information. They understand the concept of globalisation and related consequences from an organisational perspective. Readers also know how to correctly name and address motives for internationalisation processes and how to recognise their interdependencies. Forces for global integration and local responsiveness are familiar and different forms of internationally operating organisations can be distinguished. The contribution of holistic management models to supporting leadership decisions and activities is recognised. The most important international models can be classified. Readers are familiar with the general approach of the EFQM Excellence Model including its fundamental concepts and RADAR logic.

      Learning objectives are always followed by a visual overview of the main issues covered in the respective section. Such a graphic is called a concept map. The map created for chapter 1 is supplied in Figure 1-1.

      Figure 1-1: Concept Map “Introduction and Overview”

How to Use This Book

      This book is meant for everybody who seeks well-founded and practical advice on how to manage the internationalisation process of an organisation. It covers the internationalisation issue from a top management perspective and builds upon established and state-of-the-art methods, using a globally recognised holistic management model – the EFQM Excellence Model - as guidance. Therefore, it caters to the needs of different groups of readers:

       Practitioners working for and with organisations that are on their way to becoming truly international,

       students of business, economics and related sciences that want to prepare themselves for doing exactly that in their future career and

       all people planning or conducting the implementation of a holistic management model (EFQM Excellence Model or Baldrige) in their organisations.

      In order to facilitate the use of this book, supplementary information is provided for further illustrating the theoretical concepts discussed. This additional information is marked by distinct symbols, as listed in Figure 1-2.

      Figure 1-2: Symbols Used for Special Information Employed Throughout this Book

      The principles presented in this book are equally relevant for all kinds of organisations - companies, individual enterprises and non-profit organisations alike. Therefore, the term organisation instead of company is used consequently. However, in some parts for easier understanding the terms “business” or “business sectors” are utilised as many readers might find it easier to link the purpose of an organisation to the term “business” than to a more general description. In the sense used, non-profit organisations also have a business (or mission or duty) they pursue – which could be the business to save the environment or the business to protect people from injustice. The employment of classical management terminology should not distract from the fact that the principles and tools explained here are relevant for all imaginable international management situations.

From Gradual Globalisation to Transnational Organisations

      Globalisation, understood as the worldwide integration